Ghoul takes the claw texture from forehead. So that place is kinda tricky to make the claws look actually good. So i think the ghoul is excellent, because there's no reason to ask to make the claws different as that would ruin the face.
The Abomination really needs some color as mentioned before he looks kind of dull. And those teeth things really look strange, but oh well. And uhm... What's with that ass? I really think that's a bit too much. As for the Cleavers, i think abominations shouldnt be wielding anything that special, i think more normal cleavers would be better, but this is your way of doing it, so i am not telling you what to do.
The deathknight's mount's head looks a bit odd as it has no muscles on it, but i guess it's allowed to look strange. I liked the deathknight overral but the eyes on his sword seem rather out of place.
And as for the dreadlord. I think that what disturbed me the most, is the unarmored hand, it looks rather.. Boring.. I think it misses something, unless the wrap destroys everything you add on the hand ofcourse.
And that lich of yours, i find it pretty neat, except for that the face is really strange, the face looks rather messy from any distance and his lack of teeth makes him look, well.. Really strange. Otherwisen you've done great job with these in my opinion