• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Green Chaos Rider

I simply recolored the texture of the original chaos wolf rider to green. Give you an orc with the same degree of corruption than Guld'an.

Hope you like it

Green Chaos Rider (Texture)

icon (Icon)

Level 3
Mar 8, 2011
For some reason this skin dont work for me, i changed the path but no change is made, any clue why this is?

Nvm i found it skin path is units\demon\Chaoswolfrider\orc_felorcraider_main_diffuse.dds so you should update it to that
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Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
Do you have to have model editor for this to add the skin to the model then import into WE or is it simply DL then put the path in and done? I haven't messed with WE in a long time so I'm trying to freshen up my knowledge on skins and models.
Do you have to have model editor for this to add the skin to the model then import into WE or is it simply DL then put the path in and done? I haven't messed with WE in a long time so I'm trying to freshen up my knowledge on skins and models.

In this case you have to download the file, import it in WE and replace the path by "units\demon\wolfrider\orc_felorcraider_main_diffuse.dds" and it will replace the classic fel orc rider skin
Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
Yup. Something so simple. Yeah it changed to green once I got in-game. Thanks for the refresher.

Edit: I did this on Chaos grunt and it worked. Red in WE but in game the grunt is green. The wolfrider however is not in either in game or WE and I did the exact same simple process as the grunt.
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Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
In this case you have to download the file, import it in WE and replace the path by "units\demon\wolfrider\orc_felorcraider_main_diffuse.dds" and it will replace the classic fel orc rider skin

Yeah, ZeroZaraki got the path. I put that in and it works now. units\demon\Chaoswolfrider\orc_felorcraider_main_diffuse.dds