Thanks for the great models to :
-God Model : Tranquil
-Devil Model : Mc !
-Astromancer Model : Elenai
-Guardian Model : Mc !
-Bonelich Model : Mc !
-Infernal Lord Model : b17rider
-Fel Guard : General Frank
-Fire Brust & Frost Edge : General Frank
-Archmage Antonidas Model : Dan van Ohllus
-City Guard Model : HappyTauren
-Shop Model : Storm_PCF
-Table of Potions Model : Ribenamania
-Healing Aura Model : Skizzik
-Keys model : Mc !
Thanks for the great icons to:
-Gates to Heaven (Spell) : ? (anonim i think)
-Devil (Unit) : 67chrome
-Burning Light (Spell) : CRAZYRUSSIAN
-Mass Holy Light (Spell) : iceblader
-Gates to Hell (Spell) : bananaHUNT
-Mass Death Coil (Spell) : Mr.Goblin
-Greater Staff of the Kirin Tor (Item) : LiOneSS
-Aquatic Ring of Shalla (Item) : Akolyt0r
-Shield of Infused Light (Item) : X.e.r.e.x
-Book of Dark Secrets (Item) : CRAZYRUSSIAN
-Bonelich Soul (Item) : Anachron
-Shield of Mannoroth (Item) : Mc !
SPECIAL THANKS : YeeShadow (for reporting me bugs, suggestions, and other things like that
The epic battle is beggining ! The endless light of the Gods versus the fearing darkness of the Devils emerge in a epic battle !
This is a altered melee map with some changes like I added world bosses where heroes (only heroes) can raid them (i suggest 1 tank, 1-2 healers with mana potions, and some DPS). The idea with the world bosses camed to me from WoW (i just love that game :*:*)
Another big change is the city or sanctuary or what you want to call it that i placed in the map. There heroes (only heroes again) can buy potions, items, auras, and so on.
And yet another big change is that i added the Light/Darkness Altar in map from where you can recruit the God/Devil to fight on your side. Warning ! Only the Light Forces (team 1) can recruit the God, and the Darkness Forces (team 2) can recruit the Devil. If your part of the Light Forces and want to recruit the Devil forget it. The God/Devil cost more resources and there is a 15 minutes delay from the begging of the map (you can't recruit the God/Devil as your first hero, only if you wait rofl.). They are also much overpowered heroes (that's why they are God and Devil right?
In rest this is a melee map. The things i added in the map is for players who like to have fun (killing the bosses).
Enjoy my map.
Changes from BETA Versions :
-terrain changed from Barrens to Lordareon Summer
-new and beautiful (my opinion
) city
-if i changed the terrain ofc i changed the old Chaos Razormane Guards with Chaos Guards.
-2 new bosses
-now you can't get that easy to Chaos Keeper (hehe, see surprise in game)
-added Fountain of Health and Fountain of Mana
-the bosses are now split (not 2 as they were before, 1-1), and by this they are more powerfull (increased damage, armor, spell damage and attack speed)
-in the middle of the map (where the old city was) is now what i like to call a "battleground". There you can see the border that splits gods side and devils side.
-1 new shop in city with auras
-some other changes that i can't remember right now
Changes in 1.01 :
-fixed bug where you can recruit infinite Gods/Devils (hopefully)
-fixed bug where team 2 can recruit God and team 1 can recruit Devil
-some other small changes.
Changes in 1.01b:
-changed Devil model cuz the older one was kinda ugly and couldn't fix a damn bug. Anyway the new Devil model looks cooler and has team glow.
-the scroll/potions that allways apear 0 in merchenant are fixed now.
Changes in 1.02:
-fixed the bug where at the Chaos Keeper Infernals and Doom Guards spam with no limits (hopefully ^.^)
-replaced the Chaos Guard's Bash ability with Bloodlust cuz you can't bash with a sword.
-some other small improvements.
Changes in 1.03:
-items that drop from bosses now have a history
-items significally changed, EXAMPLE : Ring of the Astromancer replaced with Aquatic Ring of Shalla (wanna know who's Shalla, and why is it the ring aquatic? check the history
-text messages has been added whenever the God or the Devil dies, or when bosses or killed etc.
-gaved a name to the city : City of the Restless
-delay time for recruting the God or the Devil has been increased to 15 minutes.
Changes in 1.04:
-for the first ever time in war3 history (hopefully ^.^ lol) GEMS that can be socketed had been added. They have a 25% chance to drop from most of the creeps on map. Be carefully cause this gems drops when the hero who was carring it dies. There are currently 2 times of gems, 1 for shields and 1 for weapons. The items that can be socketed are from the Armory/Weapon shops in city. The sockets will add another bonus to the item (like damage bonus or armor bonus), making it more strong. To socket a item simply buy the item you want to socket from the city, buy the recipe (ATENTION ! There are 2 tipes of recipes, 1 for weapons and 1 for shields) from the Armory/Weapon shop and find a gem. Be carefull what gem you enchant.
TFT, boss, city, 2v2, 1v1, god, devil, melee, altered, altered melee, raid, heroes, gem, socket