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Greetings Gisgalion.

Welcome to the Hive Workshop!

Be sure to check out the site rules to familiarize with them and our map development sub-forum if you decide to develop maps/campaigns in the meantime.
The General Mapping Tutorials section is the place to be checked out if you want to improve at it.

Also the Off-topic is open for any threads that are not related to the general Index.
The Gamer's Hub is open for debates if you play those games or generally other ones.

Have a great day :)
Level 3
Jan 2, 2015
Maybe you saw me on ?
I played a lot, but not anymore ^^'.

Eh, maybe you saw me in a MMORPG ? Or in a website ? But it's the first english website to wich I subscribed at this date ^^'
Or it could have been on youtube, for somes spellpack, but it would really be very strange Oo

And thanks ;)
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