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  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Skin information:

Cloudwolf made a skin for his Diablo III map, that was supposed to look like a creep from the original Diablo III game.

However I thought it did not really look the same, so i made my own version since I was bored at home with fever and stuff keeping me from doing something else! :D


The skin is freehand, and is actually my first very serious attempt at a custom skin. I still kept some things from the original skin by blizzard but recolored them.
(Like the teeth, ear and some other minor stuff)
I do know that the arms look a tad odd, but I am quite terrible at making muscles <:
No CnP at all though.

Other information:

The skin made by Cloudwolf can be found Here

The skin is for the Undead Ghoul model and has no teamcolor simply because the creeps in Diablo doesn't have that.

I made the skin basing on the view i got from one screenshot from the official Diablo III website, the screenshot is posted in the next section.


This screenshot is using the terrain from Cloudwolf's Diablo III game, all credits to him for that.




All credits to blizzard entertainment for this picture

Comments to improve this skin are greatly appreciated :D

16/5-2009: Updated the skin, more details, better shading and a lot more.
17/5-2009: Updated the screenshot for the skin to something a bit more "professional" ;D

Diablo 3, Diablo III, Diablo, Ghoul

Ghoul.blp (Texture)

13:12, 17th May 2009 Dan van Ohllus: The update looks great now. Nice shading and details and stuff... Approved.




13:12, 17th May 2009
Dan van Ohllus:
The update looks great now. Nice shading and details and stuff...
Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
Hey, what's with all the Ghouls lately? xD Anyway, it needs more shading on the chest, arm and legs, and the whole skin needs more highlights. Otherwise it's good.

EDIT: You must also work on those spikes on his back, you should either remove them (alpha out) or match them with his back.

Yeah I'll try to put some more shading and highlights.

The spikes can't be removed by alpha though, for some reason it leaves small, 1 pixel broad triangles where the spikes should be. But I'll definitely work on their blending..

Also going to work a bit on the hat, because atm it looks a bit flat on the top :D
Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
Even with all that praise... the skin ain't goin' anywhere without some serious detailing, highlights and shadows as well :smile:

I'm working on it darling :p

I only want to say one thing:
There are more D3 monster to do than the damn ghoul.

Yeah, I'm probably going to do some more once I've fixed the highlights.. :O
Oh shiznit.

Anyways, looking good. Matches to Diablo's skin better than cloudwolf's...
BUT I must say his is of a higher quality. Sorry man.

very funny.. *sarcastic* =P

The skin is still in working a7x, and he did good progress.

but, as i said in the PM he looks like an undead baby ^.^

texture must be brought up, on the whole skin, including mask.
Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
Oh i see you decided to not give him a "goaty" :D

nevertheless... a great skin.


Haha, i thought it would just look odd, and perhaps if I edited this skin more i would probably fuck it up :D

Teh detales, tehy are teh winz0rz.

Very nice, much better than the original, I'd say 4/5, +1/5 for the extra effort.
Well done, and nice screenshot.

Thank you sire! <: