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getting the height of a doodad

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Level 4
Nov 26, 2013

Now I was looking through the interwebs to find a solution to this problem but I did not find anything...

Now, I am creating an rpg map and I got everything right with my camera (meaning no clipping problem in higher areas)
But I still have the problem, that the camera is due to the usage of
bound to the terrain... I only use invisible platforms, so if I get the height of the next nearby invisible platform destructible I could easily fix this issue, so

My question, is there a way to get the height of a destructible with Jass?

I tried to use
but my editor tells me it expects a name, now I have almost no knowledge on the topic of jass so I don't get what that means, but I guess it means that this function is not declared...

Can anyone help me?
pretty please?
Level 4
Nov 26, 2013
But the fly over height is constant, or is it?
That means I would have to create a special invisible platform for every height I place them... I don't think that this is a good solution,

BUT I thank you my dear friend!
Level 4
Nov 26, 2013
no, actually... for example I use them to make a high bridge passable, (1000 above ground) so the ground is far deeper then the platform... but I will try what you told me earlier, It could solve the problem, it just makes a lot more of work...

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Be aware that GetLocationZ does not necessarily return deterministic results. It is a common cause for out of sync errors during multiplayer sessions. You especially need to be careful with destructible that are walkable as it returns the walk height which if animated will be completely local.

If you use it very rarely, consider forcing a synchronization of the result just to be safe. This is not viable for things that run at a high frequency.
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