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General Spell-Question

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Level 1
Jan 12, 2005
Hello there!

Should i avoid to use Trigger to improve skills? I've heard this could cause more lags but i've never seen that. Maybe ppl who use a worse pc lag :?: Plz help me...

Thx 4 any helping answers! 8)
Level 6
Dec 13, 2004
I think this is an opinion thing. If you prefer working with objects/triggers/JASS it doesn't matter. My fairly old machine runs fine with either. Maybe you should start a poll to see what people prefer :?: Personly though, I like to use objects as much as possible. :D
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Ok... I think I am the right person to tell you that triggers/JASS DON"T make your computer lag... Of course, if they don't call many many units which well... can cause quite a problem. I used many GUI/JASS spells and tested them and so on... and only those with very many effects lagged. And at that time I had a Celeron at 533 Mhz lagging like hell when many units were over the map, even with no damage. So in my opinion your concern is pretty strange... And probably the problem is inexistant if trigger/JASS spells are made appropriately. Of course, you can have memory lacks, but those can be solved throuhg a correct JASS/Trigger enchance.
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