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Tumostide Presents

Created by TUMOSTIDE

Map Info

The battle of mount Hyjal ended with Night elfs victory and the world prosper again.
However, the dreadlords Varimathras, Detheroc and Tichondrius fled to Lordaeron in order to summon a new legion of undead.
But this act was nearly impossible because the humans already gather their forces leaded by Magroth the defender.
On his way to Lordaeron Tichondrius has desovered a powerful artifact benneath Nordrassil, which posses a great power.
Tichondrius used the artifact on a Death Knight, General Coil, making him the most powerful Death knights ever exist.
They were about to begin attack but a few settlements was destroyed by humans and Tichondrius and the others dreadlords went to solve the problem.
Tichondrius ordered Coil not to use his new powers yet, and to wait for their arrival, General Coil disobeyed his orders which drives Tichondrius mad...

Version 2.0:

Heroes's levels and items are now stored through the levels
A lot new items added
Grammar mistakes fixed!! Dialouges sound better!!
New spells


  • New music
  • 1 Cinematic, 1 Interlude, and 7 Chapters
  • New Skins/ Models
  • New spells

  • Eldin Livermoor
  • General Coil
  • Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Naze the Eternal
  • Tichondrius
  • Nilas
  • Magroth the defender



  • PeeKay
  • Kuhneghe
  • Sin'Dorei300
  • Telebis
  • 67chrome
  • Tranquil
  • CloudWolf
  • kangyun
  • Saikann
  • Elenai
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • horusrogue
  • Kapca2


  • SinisterX
  • Mr. bob
  • Blizzard Entertainment


  • PeeKay
  • General Fran
  • 67Chrome
  • Blizzard Entertainment

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

General Coil (Campaign)

Description is extremely lacking, there's no info aside from "death knight something something, Tichondrius something something". What are the origins of this guy? were is the campaign played? how many scenarios are there? The campaign preview is...
Wardota2 Gamer
-camera placement needs to be fixed -your dialogs are awfawl need to be fixed -the names of the chapter are not specific with the chapter need to be fixed -your discription is lacking -General Coil is not a very good name for you campgain I recommend...
(forgot about this) Rename the file to what the campaign is supposed to be named not to cool campaign.w3n. Play music through its proper channel not the one for sound. It's an alternate part RoC with no real custom material. Set to Approved...
Level 2
Apr 17, 2018
Hi I am playing you camping can anyone help me by sending me a finished copy of the camping because I haven't been able to pass the map "The last battele " please if you will help me send the copy on this Gmail address [email protected] thanks in advance
Level 5
Aug 31, 2018
If I would have to rate the cinematic only, I would give it a 4,5/5*. Decent voice actor for Coil would be badass.
I advice you to fix basic things first like real tooltips with text and hotkey visibility. Also some unnecessary grammar mistakes which can easily be avoided
if you let someone read it and correct for you. I'm sure here are enough people who would do that.
Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
If I would have to rate the cinematic only, I would give it a 4,5/5*. Decent voice actor for Coil would be badass.
I advice you to fix basic things first like real tooltips with text and hotkey visibility. Also some unnecessary grammar mistakes which can easily be avoided
if you let someone read it and correct for you. I'm sure here are enough people who would do that.
Hello, thank you for letting me know about this, and yeah I know, my English it's poor. I will try to improve it.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Decided to play this the other day, since I am banned from multiplayer :/

Main points-
Your first 2 maps were excellent examples of how non-base building maps should be--- Short. These kinds of maps in general tend to be the most at risk of becoming boring during campaigns. Because of the small map size for the village/dungeon (map1/2), they were still fun and stimulating, and I enjoyed them. An opposite example is your last map (looking for the body), where except some interesting dialogue about Anub'arak which made me want to know about what happened between the nerubians and the undead, the rest of the map was a long, long, grind.

As for base building maps, Silvermoon's defence was a lot of fun, as well as the one where you fight Magroth the defender (though would be nice if ally team attacked more often).
Problems I found with base building maps-(with the exception of the Silver-moon defence mission)- they all became extremely frustrating.

In general, the fact that the AI did not actually have peasants mining made it feel like I was fighting just waves of armies that were spawned by triggers. The bases were not "bases", they were just buildings that operated independent of each other. I know that most AI do not rely on peasants mining gold/lumber, since they get resources through triggers normally, but without them it just doesn't' feel like I am fighting a real person (which maps' AI should try to aspire to).

Map 03's brown team did not send anything, except a hero occasionally, the pathing entering the main Magroth Defender base for the south and east entrance only allowed me to fit basically 1 unit at a time, which makes it hard to siege, especially when their hero is so strong.
The Ticondrius mission was really frustrating, since there was no way to siege the enemy base due to Tichondrius' powerful spells, so was forced to mainly defend and then try to sneak attacks on the dreadlord heroes.
The dalaran mission had too much space in between the player base and the enemy bases in the west.

The story became quite interesting, though the first cinematic gave me the impression I would not enjoy the campaign at all due to the way the humans/coil interacted (just first impression, I didn't quit and found I enjoyed it a lot by the end of the campaign).

Hope to see Part 2.
Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
Decided to play this the other day, since I am banned from multiplayer :/

Main points-
Your first 2 maps were excellent examples of how non-base building maps should be--- Short. These kinds of maps in general tend to be the most at risk of becoming boring during campaigns. Because of the small map size for the village/dungeon (map1/2), they were still fun and stimulating, and I enjoyed them. An opposite example is your last map (looking for the body), where except some interesting dialogue about Anub'arak which made me want to know about what happened between the nerubians and the undead, the rest of the map was a long, long, grind.

As for base building maps, Silvermoon's defence was a lot of fun, as well as the one where you fight Magroth the defender (though would be nice if ally team attacked more often).
Problems I found with base building maps-(with the exception of the Silver-moon defence mission)- they all became extremely frustrating.

In general,
Decided to play this the other day, since I am banned from multiplayer :/

Main points-
Your first 2 maps were excellent examples of how non-base building maps should be--- Short. These kinds of maps in general tend to be the most at risk of becoming boring during campaigns. Because of the small map size for the village/dungeon (map1/2), they were still fun and stimulating, and I enjoyed them. An opposite example is your last map (looking for the body), where except some interesting dialogue about Anub'arak which made me want to know about what happened between the nerubians and the undead, the rest of the map was a long, long, grind.

As for base building maps, Silvermoon's defence was a lot of fun, as well as the one where you fight Magroth the defender (though would be nice if ally team attacked more often).
Problems I found with base building maps-(with the exception of the Silver-moon defence mission)- they all became extremely frustrating.

In general, the fact that the AI did not actually have peasants mining made it feel like I was fighting just waves of armies that were spawned by triggers. The bases were not "bases", they were just buildings that operated independent of each other. I know that most AI do not rely on peasants mining gold/lumber, since they get resources through triggers normally, but without them it just doesn't' feel like I am fighting a real person (which maps' AI should try to aspire to).

Map 03's brown team did not send anything, except a hero occasionally, the pathing entering the main Magroth Defender base for the south and east entrance only allowed me to fit basically 1 unit at a time, which makes it hard to siege, especially when their hero is so strong.
The Ticondrius mission was really frustrating, since there was no way to siege the enemy base due to Tichondrius' powerful spells, so was forced to mainly defend and then try to sneak attacks on the dreadlord heroes.
The dalaran mission had too much space in between the player base and the enemy bases in the west.

The story became quite interesting, though the first cinematic gave me the impression I would not enjoy the campaign at all due to the way the humans/coil interacted (just first impression, I didn't quit and found I enjoyed it a lot by the end of the campaign).

Hope to see Part 2.

the AI did not actually have peasants mining made it feel like I was fighting just waves of armies that were spawned by triggers. The bases were not "bases", they were just buildings that operated independent of each other. I know that most AI do not rely on peasants mining gold/lumber, since they get resources through triggers normally, but without them it just doesn't' feel like I am fighting a real person (which maps' AI should try to aspire to).

Map 03's brown team did not send anything, except a hero occasionally, the pathing entering the main Magroth Defender base for the south and east entrance only allowed me to fit basically 1 unit at a time, which makes it hard to siege, especially when their hero is so strong.
The Ticondrius mission was really frustrating, since there was no way to siege the enemy base due to Tichondrius' powerful spells, so was forced to mainly defend and then try to sneak attacks on the dreadlord heroes.
The dalaran mission had too much space in between the player base and the enemy bases in the west.

The story became quite interesting, though the first cinematic gave me the impression I would not enjoy the campaign at all due to the way the humans/coil interacted (just first impression, I didn't quit and found I enjoyed it a lot by the end of the campaign).

Hope to see Part 2.
I'm really happy that you enjoyed my campaign, I know that it has a lot of bugs, in time i will fix em. Well it has a lot of bugs because I'm not a skilled campaign maker, I'm a biginner but i'm very pleased to hear that you liked it, Thank you. OH and there is a link with part 2 its a demo by the way [Campaign] - Eldin's Disobidience
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
Somewhere it has to be ilegal to be this powerful. Coil is probably the most overpowered character I've ever seen, able to summon a host of demons and Infernals with a snap of his fingers. The story is simple with a very poor grammar, clumsy dialogues, lacks proper character depth and most people have the mind of a child.

In the story, Coil is the most powerful Death Knight and he's not hesitant to let anyone know that even after Tichondrius steals his ability to summon demons at will (I personally find it odd that he never talks about other Death Knights or has a partner to help him out given his awful abilities). After that you are given a set of odd abilities for a Death Knight to have that have no synergy with Coil and offer a weird play-style. Coil's poor mana pool, lack of items + hidden tomes + quest rewards throughout the Missions are a serious handicap; the only way I could make use of Coil was if I stocked up on potions and completely ignored items overall.

The relationship between Coil and Eldin is weird at the very least. I noted that Eldin was hesitant(?) when he planned on releasing Coil from his dungeon and expected a cold-shoulder treatment and reluctant collaboration in the dungeons but they bonded almost instantly after going on a killing spree; in the end they were best buddies. The part where I flipped was where Eldin allowed Coil to use the Sunwell to fill himself up even though he knew nothing that could have happened if Coil tampered with it (I was honestly expecting a betrayal and see Coil enslave elves as Undead) and the coup de grace was when Eldin built a statue to Coil in the end.

Overall I grade this Campaign with a 2.3/5. The missions are fairly challenging, the maps are entertaining, the cinematics are well made (the best one is with Coil vs Tichondrious). Unfortunately, it's pulled down by everything else such as: plot holes, unexplained information, rushed story, lack of character fleshing and rewards to build yourself up throughout the Campaign's action. A decently good start but it needed a LOT of polish before it was officially released.
Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
the campaign is incomplete so it would be difficult to qualify.

I liked it at least as you described Coil.
Somewhere it has to be ilegal to be this powerful. Coil is probably the most overpowered character I've ever seen, able to summon a host of demons and Infernals with a snap of his fingers. The story is simple with a very poor grammar, clumsy dialogues, lacks proper character depth and most people have the mind of a child.

In the story, Coil is the most powerful Death Knight and he's not hesitant to let anyone know that even after Tichondrius steals his ability to summon demons at will (I personally find it odd that he never talks about other Death Knights or has a partner to help him out given his awful abilities). After that you are given a set of odd abilities for a Death Knight to have that have no synergy with Coil and offer a weird play-style. Coil's poor mana pool, lack of items + hidden tomes + quest rewards throughout the Missions are a serious handicap; the only way I could make use of Coil was if I stocked up on potions and completely ignored items overall.

The relationship between Coil and Eldin is weird at the very least. I noted that Eldin was hesitant(?) when he planned on releasing Coil from his dungeon and expected a cold-shoulder treatment and reluctant collaboration in the dungeons but they bonded almost instantly after going on a killing spree; in the end they were best buddies. The part where I flipped was where Eldin allowed Coil to use the Sunwell to fill himself up even though he knew nothing that could have happened if Coil tampered with it (I was honestly expecting a betrayal and see Coil enslave elves as Undead) and the coup de grace was when Eldin built a statue to Coil in the end.

Overall I grade this Campaign with a 2.3/5. The missions are fairly challenging, the maps are entertaining, the cinematics are well made (the best one is with Coil vs Tichondrious). Unfortunately, it's pulled down by everything else such as: plot holes, unexplained information, rushed story, lack of character fleshing and rewards to build yourself up throughout the Campaign's action. A decently good start but it needed a LOT of polish before it was officially released.
Somewhere it has to be ilegal to be this powerful. Coil is probably the most overpowered character I've ever seen, able to summon a host of demons and Infernals with a snap of his fingers. The story is simple with a very poor grammar, clumsy dialogues, lacks proper character depth and most people have the mind of a child.

In the story, Coil is the most powerful Death Knight and he's not hesitant to let anyone know that even after Tichondrius steals his ability to summon demons at will (I personally find it odd that he never talks about other Death Knights or has a partner to help him out given his awful abilities). After that you are given a set of odd abilities for a Death Knight to have that have no synergy with Coil and offer a weird play-style. Coil's poor mana pool, lack of items + hidden tomes + quest rewards throughout the Missions are a serious handicap; the only way I could make use of Coil was if I stocked up on potions and completely ignored items overall.

The relationship between Coil and Eldin is weird at the very least. I noted that Eldin was hesitant(?) when he planned on releasing Coil from his dungeon and expected a cold-shoulder treatment and reluctant collaboration in the dungeons but they bonded almost instantly after going on a killing spree; in the end they were best buddies. The part where I flipped was where Eldin allowed Coil to use the Sunwell to fill himself up even though he knew nothing that could have happened if Coil tampered with it (I was honestly expecting a betrayal and see Coil enslave elves as Undead) and the coup de grace was when Eldin built a statue to Coil in the end.

Overall I grade this Campaign with a 2.3/5. The missions are fairly challenging, the maps are entertaining, the cinematics are well made (the best one is with Coil vs Tichondrious). Unfortunately, it's pulled down by everything else such as: plot holes, unexplained information, rushed story, lack of character fleshing and rewards to build yourself up throughout the Campaign's action. A decently good start but it needed a LOT of polish before it was officially released.
Thank you.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
I find the story iffy. Why use Warcraft names and places when the plot goes completely offtrack?

Death Bolt uses Carrion Swarm's tooltip in the description but not when learning. Also, why give a more expensive and less effective version of the Waves spell?

Magroth should not have a scepter of healing, he heals all the way back to full with Divine Shield.

Why does Sylvanas have three autocasts?

Frozen Heart:
Starting units (Crypt Fiend, Necromancer...) are considered different units than trained units.
Tichondrius' FoD can hit heroes.
Got a game crash, not sure why.
Two bugs: one where combat sounds are heard at full volume even if the fighting is happening on the other side of the map, and one where Infernal lose all burning parts of their body (so they look like floating rocks in the shape of a headless human).
When attacking a one of the dreadlords, projectiles no longer show up for some reason and some model parts disappear (a Spirit Tower looked like a Ziggurat).

End cutscene: camera work was good, but the duel itself should at least have Coil throwing spells. Also, why the different terrain between the previous level and this one?
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Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
I find the story iffy. Why use Warcraft names and places when the plot goes completely offtrack?

Death Bolt uses Carrion Swarm's tooltip in the description but not when learning. Also, why give a more expensive and less effective version of the Waves spell?

Magroth should not have a scepter of healing, he heals all the way back to full with Divine Shield.

Why does Sylvanas have three autocasts?

Frozen Heart:
Starting units (Crypt Fiend, Necromancer...) are considered different units than trained units.
Tichondrius' FoD can hit heroes.
Got a game crash, not sure why.
Two bugs: one where combat sounds are heard at full volume even if the fighting is happening on the other side of the map, and one where Infernal lose all burning parts of their body (so they look like floating rocks in the shape of a headless human).
When attacking a one of the dreadlords, projectiles no longer show up for some reason and some model parts disappear (a Spirit Tower looked like a Ziggurat).

End cutscene: camera work was good, but the duel itself should at least have Coil throwing spells. Also, why the different terrain between the previous level and this one?
Hello, I appreciate that you played my campaign and letting me know about this, but I must say that this is my first campaign and I don't have experience, and this is all what i can do at this moment plus my english is not so good. Again, thank you for playing my campaign.
Level 6
Sep 16, 2019
I am sorry to say that i found the campaing a bit boring (the little portion of which i played). There were a lot of things that i found discouraging. I guess a lot of things were pointed out already from other members so i wont bother repeating them. I tried to continue but game crushed on me on the second quest. I wont continue and i guess it wont be fair to rate this.
Level 4
Nov 21, 2018
i played this campaign before and i remember that it was hard to me. but now it was easy except for some chapter in the beginning.
i notice that it take you to long update it ... well i cant critize with that cause im trying to make something and already i know how hard its.
about the gameplay, it has a nice story i hope you finish it someday.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2021
Very interesting play, I really enjoyed it I hope you continue to update it. Tho I dont know why I cant play chapter 3
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Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Still a decent campaign

General Coils has no hotkeys on his spells besides his ultimate. Other hero had hotkeys
The spells Lightning and Deathbolt swapped places when going from chapter 1 to 2, then swapped places again when in chapter 3. Deathbolt was the first ability and it became the second

Chapter 3 idle worker is a elf worker not a undead

Gave coil a fire orb from the shop building after getting control of him on the sunwell mission. The next level he did not have it but he had all his other items. (not a huge deal since I prefer orb of corruption anyways from undead shop)
Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
Still a decent campaign

General Coils has no hotkeys on his spells besides his ultimate. Other hero had hotkeys
The spells Lightning and Deathbolt swapped places when going from chapter 1 to 2, then swapped places again when in chapter 3. Deathbolt was the first ability and it became the second

Chapter 3 idle worker is a elf worker not a undead

Gave coil a fire orb from the shop building after getting control of him on the sunwell mission. The next level he did not have it but he had all his other items. (not a huge deal since I prefer orb of corruption anyways from undead shop)
Thank You for your review!!! I focused a lot on fixing the dialogues and storing the heroes , there may still be some bugs here and there that i missed. Thank You for playing my campaign 😁 i'll try in the future to improve it more! 😁
Level 4
Jun 1, 2022
Nice and playable campaign, though there are bugs here and there and plot is confusing to me personally (mainly about elves working with undead more than one time for the reason "he saved me" and "enemy of my enemy is my friend"). It gets even more strange plot wise after chapter 5.
Game wise, i liked new models and spell cast models (Eldin's Rain of Fire was literally fire (and rocks🙃)).
During intro, it was funny seeing rifleman offering surrender, but failing to notice, that Coil "has the highground"🤣. Also, in "red infernals surrounding" scene infernals appear slightly before rocks hit the ground.
Didn't like a DK with 3 nuke spells, why not make him a lich altogether?
In chapter 3 elven farms have attack damage, chapter 4 - normal farm again.
Summoning lots of powerful demons was awesome, but there is a funny bug: if for example you choose "summon infernal" ability thrice and "reincarnation" once, you are automatically kicked out from ability window, with no chance to learn "dark gate" and "finger of death". You can learn them with new ability points from level up, but Coil is already maxed out. That means there is only 4 ability points for 10 levels of Coil in chapter 4, which IS strange.
After chapter 4 all heroes' orbs of fire disappear, though replacement can be found fairly easy later on.
Aura items are good, just doesn't sit right with me that only Sylvanas has aura ability.
How agricultural region of Andorhal turned into region with city of mages in it is still a mystery to me, but okay, alternate universe.
And yeah, i hated those armies of mages with constant stuns, debuffs and focus damage on heroes, took me a while to get this mission right.
Side note: why so many renegade mages in the city? Crime problems? And are elf prince and ranger-general good with slaughtering mages Arthas' style for a book and necromancer?
Final mission was alright i guess. If they can't burn the body, why not slice it up to pieces no one will be able to sew together? Tichondrius had no trouble with that during his battle with Coil.

All in all, gameplay was definitely above average, but plot levels it all down. Not saying that story is bad or something, just strange and confusing. 😗
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Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
Nice and playable campaign, though there are bugs here and there and plot is confusing to me personally (mainly about elves working with undead more than one time for the reason "he saved me" and "enemy of my enemy is my friend"). It gets even more strange plot wise after chapter 5.
Game wise, i liked new models and spell cast models (Eldin's Rain of Fire was literally fire (and rocks🙃)).
During intro, it was funny seeing rifleman offering surrender, but failing to notice, that Coil "has the highground"🤣. Also, in "red infernals surrounding" scene infernals appear slightly before rocks hit the ground.
Didn't like a DK with 3 nuke spells, why not make him a lich altogether?
In chapter 3 elven farms have attack damage, chapter 4 - normal farm again.
Summoning lots of powerful demons was awesome, but there is a funny bug: if for example you choose "summon infernal" ability thrice and "reincarnation" once, you are automatically kicked out from ability window, with no chance to learn "dark gate" and "finger of death". You can learn them with new ability points from level up, but Coil is already maxed out. That means there is only 4 ability points for 10 levels of Coil in chapter 4, which IS strange.
After chapter 4 all heroes' orbs of fire disappear, though replacement can be found fairly easy later on.
Aura items are good, just doesn't sit right with me that only Sylvanas has aura ability.
How agricultural region of Andorhal turned into region with city of mages in it is still a mystery to me, but okay, alternate universe.
And yeah, i hated those armies of mages with constant stuns, debuffs and focus damage on heroes, took me a while to get this mission right.
Side note: why so many renegade mages in the city? Crime problems? And are elf prince and ranger-general good with slaughtering mages Arthas' style for a book and necromancer?
Final mission was alright i guess. If they can't burn the body, why not slice it up to pieces no one will be able to sew together? Tichondrius had no trouble with that during his battle with Coil.

All in all, gameplay was definitely above average, but plot levels it all down. Not saying that story is bad or something, just strange and confusing. 😗
Thank you for playing my campaign!! I admit the spell choices for coil were a bit uninspired. I don't know why the orbs are not saved it is wierd. As for the plot it didn't seem confusing to me but i understand why it would feel confusing to you :))) , simply Eldin felt like he owed Coil his and his man lifes and Coil remained impressed of Eldin's behaivor and he than helped him defend his city, as for the last mission Ragepyre mentioned that Tichondrius tried "various methods to eliminate the body", yes all of this seems kind of far-fetched and improvised i agree, but simply that's what i could think of at the moment :))). I tried at chapter 4 to automaticaly learn those abilities but it didn't work and i didn't have much time to spend on that. All of this asside thank you again for playing and i'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
Level 5
Jul 1, 2022
I've downloaded the campaign and it looks good so far (actually on level 1 right now). But why does coil have 3 attack spells? It might be better to give him a aura like unholy or endurance. Also if you can, please put hotkeys on skills. Not just for coil but for other units and buildings too.
Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
I've downloaded the campaign and it looks good so far (actually on level 1 right now). But why does coil have 3 attack spells? It might be better to give him a aura like unholy or endurance. Also if you can, please put hotkeys on skills. Not just for coil but for other units and buildings too.
Thank you for your comment, i will try to work on the spells when i will have more time! Hope you'll enjoy the rest of my campaign!! :)
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Hi, I played this a bit and gave up midway because the story was lame and the gameplay was boring.

For starters, it says the version to use is 1.30, but when I opened war3 version 1.30 the custom campaign wasn't there... the only version where the campaign even shows up is 1.31 so I played using that.

- All heroes and units MUST have q w e r t hotkeys for spells, i mean this is a no-brainer for any War3 map, whenever I see a map that doesn't have that it's already a big red flag, NOTHING IS MORE ANNOYING than having to click a spell to use it instead of pressing a normal hotkey :mwahaha:

- The quality of the cinematics in the game is mediocre at best. Most of the time, they come across as silly and goofy. This wouldn't be a problem if the story was meant to be a comedy, but it's not. In fact, the story is quite serious. Given the name of the campaign, I had assumed that it would be a comedy campaign, but I was mistaken.

- I was about to say a few words about each chapter but, let's be honest, there isn't much to be said, except for chapter 4 (Silvermoon), all the other chapters were just awful, the terrain layout was extremely basic, it was hard to watch, the quests were also stupid, having to destroy buildings when you have just a few units is pretty much the opposite of fun, at least if I had some siege units, but nope, this thing kept popping up in most chapters with buildings, for some reason there are tons of them, and they were also buffed to be harder to kill, that was just dumb....

- The items were just normal items, nothing fancy, I mostly bought orbs when I had the chance since most of the items were just trash, I am not even sure why they even exist, items are supposed to have a strong impact in custom maps and campaigns and not just be useless trash like rings of protection and + 1 stats items...

- The heroes' spells were also kind of weird, no heroes had passives and because of only having active spells, u were forced to go 2 main spells and ignore the others.

- In Chapter 5, I noticed that there is an issue with the triggers in the Dreadlords area. My FPS dropped significantly from 200 to 28 FPS, and I believe it's because of the monsters that appear when the Dreadlords are attacked because after they show up and I kill them the FPS goes back to normal.
low fps and shit.png
As u can see from the picture, even the fire cloak from the infernals doesn't show up when I enter those areas, something is broken there.

- Chapter 7 is where I just gave up, this is the perfect example of a boring map layout that creates boring gameplay, why are there a million spirit towers all over the place and just random small stupid creatures, what is even the point of them, the heroes are level 10 as well, they don't drop items or tomes even..... with 1 exception, for some reason 1 necromancer I think dropped a mask of death in this chapter, yea. I was a bit shocked as well, and when I got to a boss that even had the heroes react to it with voice lines, he didn't even drop a decent item, he dropped a scroll.... lol... facepalm.
Level 5
Apr 25, 2017
Hi, I played this a bit and gave up midway because the story was lame and the gameplay was boring.

For starters, it says the version to use is 1.30, but when I opened war3 version 1.30 the custom campaign wasn't there... the only version where the campaign even shows up is 1.31 so I played using that.

- All heroes and units MUST have q w e r t hotkeys for spells, i mean this is a no-brainer for any War3 map, whenever I see a map that doesn't have that it's already a big red flag, NOTHING IS MORE ANNOYING than having to click a spell to use it instead of pressing a normal hotkey :mwahaha:

- The quality of the cinematics in the game is mediocre at best. Most of the time, they come across as silly and goofy. This wouldn't be a problem if the story was meant to be a comedy, but it's not. In fact, the story is quite serious. Given the name of the campaign, I had assumed that it would be a comedy campaign, but I was mistaken.

- I was about to say a few words about each chapter but, let's be honest, there isn't much to be said, except for chapter 4 (Silvermoon), all the other chapters were just awful, the terrain layout was extremely basic, it was hard to watch, the quests were also stupid, having to destroy buildings when you have just a few units is pretty much the opposite of fun, at least if I had some siege units, but nope, this thing kept popping up in most chapters with buildings, for some reason there are tons of them, and they were also buffed to be harder to kill, that was just dumb....

- The items were just normal items, nothing fancy, I mostly bought orbs when I had the chance since most of the items were just trash, I am not even sure why they even exist, items are supposed to have a strong impact in custom maps and campaigns and not just be useless trash like rings of protection and + 1 stats items...

- The heroes' spells were also kind of weird, no heroes had passives and because of only having active spells, u were forced to go 2 main spells and ignore the others.

- In Chapter 5, I noticed that there is an issue with the triggers in the Dreadlords area. My FPS dropped significantly from 200 to 28 FPS, and I believe it's because of the monsters that appear when the Dreadlords are attacked because after they show up and I kill them the FPS goes back to normal.
As u can see from the picture, even the fire cloak from the infernals doesn't show up when I enter those areas, something is broken there.

- Chapter 7 is where I just gave up, this is the perfect example of a boring map layout that creates boring gameplay, why are there a million spirit towers all over the place and just random small stupid creatures, what is even the point of them, the heroes are level 10 as well, they don't drop items or tomes even..... with 1 exception, for some reason 1 necromancer I think dropped a mask of death in this chapter, yea. I was a bit shocked as well, and when I got to a boss that even had the heroes react to it with voice lines, he didn't even drop a decent item, he dropped a scroll.... lol... facepalm.
Thank You for your review!!! I'll take all of this into consideration and i'll try improving in the future!! Thank You again for taking the time to play my campaign!!