hey hope you have a nice stay here.
Remember to be a good person,not flame other nor say bad things about them.also never ever spam on the forums because the admins will give you a red gem and believe me...this hurts your reputation around.Try to be as much active as you can but don't spam on the forums around.be nice so you can make other friend and attract people's attention on your maps,skins,models,icons,tools or whatever you are planning to do.Never use more than 5 smilies because it's kinda stupid and always watch your posts so you don't seem like a stupid 4 year old.If you want come and join us in the chatroom we are talking there for different random things,but still,chat room doesn't allow spam or flaming,just talk a bit irrelevant.Chat room helps relationships,you can make friends there and be a partner on someone's project.If you wanna earn some reputation and have a green gem try to be good around have a positive attitude and help others a lot.you can get rep by releasing different helpful resources that might help people a lot.Also check out our amazing model section and our terrain and off-topic sections.just try to post everywhere you want to and you like to.for example i never post on models or skin sections because i have never made some good models/skins nor icons.i have made some maps and terrains,but i never post them,i have posted 4 of them only.
I hope I entertained you,OH!i almost forgot:
if you want some help post on the admin contact forum or just send a PM(private message)to an admin their name is colored in gray.our admins are:Ralle,Wolverabid,Bob27,Samuraid,Dr Super Good and i think 1 other or something like that.oh,also check your grammar when posting you might know what you are posting but do others know?check it so you won't make any grammar errors,when you have made an error or types a word that doesn't exist on the dictionary(like a name)be sure to check it and make it correct.some mistakes are minor but some others may ruin your opinion.