Garrosh Hellscream

Here it is! Long awaited... Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grommash Hellscream!!
Unfortunately... I wasn't using "Bamboo One" to make this texture... :( But, it turned out pretty much okay, I guess...
I like the axe, very much! ^^

There are no CnP-s on this skin, but there are some parts that are recolored.
I would like to hear some comments and critics, how to improve my skin! ^^

You may edit this skin, but only with my permission! Do not distribute or upload this skin to any other site! Give credits if you're using it in your map/campaign! ^^

1 Update: Sized to 256 x 256, so you can have TC now... and fixed some other things

Orc, Axe, Blademaster, Grom, Grommash, Brown, Green, Red, Maghar, Mag'har, Outland, Nagrand, Garadar

Garrosh Hellscream (Texture)

21:09, 24th Jan 2009 Hawkwing: I'm setting it to pending, another moderator will have to approve it. I don't feel like testing. :P Dan van Ohllus: I like this one. Clean and sharp. so this get's my approval. =)




21:09, 24th Jan 2009
Hawkwing: I'm setting it to pending, another moderator will have to approve it. I don't feel like testing. :p

Dan van Ohllus: I like this one. Clean and sharp. so this get's my approval. =)
Level 8
Sep 28, 2008
This time I'm a bit dissapointed.
Still good job but not as good as u usually do:
Check his knees, armor there doesn;t fit.
The whole armor is not as good as previous ones. This is mag'har - man od the deserted lands of outland. His armor shouldn't be pretty new iron but old with areas damaged after many fights
something with flag isn't well too
change his face, don;t mind if it becomes darker, in my oppinion it's not mag'har face.
I'll rate after/if u change this bugs. Check maybe u find sth more.
Level 6
Dec 22, 2008
It looks pretty good (except for the knee), but I'm sure this will look even better after the bugs are fixed.
Level 34
May 1, 2008
All the Mag'har are starting to blend now, they all look relatively the same. Try to make them noticabley different, althought the orcs are the same race blizzard made them all indivuadly different, right now the color scheme is: Brown, black, tan, metalic..

More variety!
Thanks for the critic! Even though I fell kinda -mood right now... :/
I'll attempt to put more variety in my next skins!
Level 8
Sep 28, 2008
Now much better. Bug from leg fixed. Armor also seems to be better, but in my oppinion too fresh still. U could add some ,,scars" just as it was hit by an axe or sword in few places. Or just make it look older. The same about the axe. But it's only my personal oppinion.

About the face:
still seems to me that it's too bright. U should make parts around his eyes and above the tusks darker.

Now I can give u 4.4/5
Level 3
Dec 2, 2008

This is sooooooo cool!:grin:
The only thing that seems weird to me is that he's wearing red, uh, pants.:confused::confused::confused:
Anyway, aside from that its awesome! 4.9/5.
Keep up the good work!:thumbs_up:

EDIT:Sorry, i just realized that the pants might be teamcolor. Are they?
Level 9
Dec 4, 2007
There is 2 things I noticed that might get it better if you change.
First: on hes hands he have realy small wrists, so might look better if u removed some of the shadow there.
Second: hes upper body looks a little like its shaded same as the pants, so the upper body looks a little like he has to much skin :p and it just hang out.

Else, realy good. Very realistic. 4/5.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2007
These Mok'Nathal skins are nice but they would be NICER if:

A) Less-black, 'coz black looks demonic. The Beastmaster model has black, yes, but it does'nt look demonic-black; the shaman skin, in contrast, looks demonic, really.

B) Less 'steely-shiny'. Mok'nathal are supposed to be rather crude - though they do bear steel items - so maybe make the steel on them less refined and less dominant - maybe swap some for cloth and stone.

But I really like the skin you made for the grunt.


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Level 34
May 1, 2008
These Mok'Nathal skins are nice but they would be NICER if:

A) Less-black, 'coz black looks demonic. The Beastmaster model has black, yes, but it does'nt look demonic-black; the shaman skin, in contrast, looks demonic, really.

B) Less 'steely-shiny'. Mok'nathal are supposed to be rather crude - though they do bear steel items - so maybe make the steel on them less refined and less dominant - maybe swap some for cloth and stone.

But I really like the skin you made for the grunt.
Thanks dude, but I'm makin' my own skins... WoW isn't my reference, I make my skins by myself. Only thing from WoW are Garrosh Hellscream name, and Mag'har name... maybe their sign, too...
I noticed that I use too much metal look, which isn't very good... from now on, I'll try different: cloth, leather and stuff...

Level 8
Sep 28, 2008
These Mok'Nathal skins are nice but they would be NICER if:

A) Less-black, 'coz black looks demonic. The Beastmaster model has black, yes, but it does'nt look demonic-black; the shaman skin, in contrast, looks demonic, really.

B) Less 'steely-shiny'. Mok'nathal are supposed to be rather crude - though they do bear steel items - so maybe make the steel on them less refined and less dominant - maybe swap some for cloth and stone.

But I really like the skin you made for the grunt.
but those are MAG'HAR not Mok'nathal skins. Those are two completly different races ;) Mag'har is a race of Garrosh Hellscream, Saurfang the Younger, Greatmother Geyah. Mok'nathal is a race of Rexxar and his father ;)
Level 2
Feb 19, 2009
Kael Theron wrong
garrosh will be the new leader of the horde, so I think that his armor should be more epic
gj btw 4,5/5
Level 4
Aug 4, 2010
Uhm when i download this one the "map" it should be in is empty? just me or someone else having this "bugg" ? or something Im doing wrong at this point? :p