I like:
Warcraft III
Diablo II
Lord of the Rings - battle for Middle Earth II
World of Warcraft
Final Fantasy I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask
The Hobbit
Worms Armagedon
Soul Calibur III
Jet Ion GP
Armored Core II
Dragonball Z - Budokai III
F-Zero GX
Starwing (ya know, the SNES classic)
The old Sonic Games
I have no idea why I supersized that..
Oddworld - Abe's oddesy
Oddworld - Abe's Exodus
Medievil II
Crash Bandicoot III - Warped
Drakengard II
Star Ocean - Till the end of time
Eye Toy
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero II
Donkey Konga
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country II
Pretty much all the Mario games (my favourites gotta be Super Mario World though, or maybe the second one, Yoshi's Island)
Advanced Wars
Advanced Wars II
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem II
There's probably alot more...er...yeah...I play too many games
I have a life, I swear!