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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is a melee map for tweleve (12) players at most. There is a working computer AI and the map is 468 x 468 (playable). Creeps are in the middle which drop legendary items, gold mines are scattered and same with resources.

Four small islands consist in the ocean in which the computer AI cannot reach. The undead race is not allowed to build correctly without recieving an error and I cannot fix that without having to make it a custom map and disabling the melee map AI (I think).

This map has been rejected by not only the Hive staff but me, this map will be remade soon and do not ask what I was thinking uploading it...

melee evergreen knights frozen frost creeps demons spawn undead

Frozen (Map)

19:36, 26th Oct 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 2
May 17, 2009
Haha, okay. I would most definately improve author name but like I said, unable to save - the author was supposed to be made by an unknown man considering the fact that this was an inside map, but from the recent excitement of our clan I decided to release it publicly. I'll gladly update the description tomorrow.

Also, excuse me for the description, it was hastily drawn up as I was for some reason doing this while on Wc3. xD
Level 2
May 17, 2009
The map is very basic and it seems much people disagree with it.
Also, the website says playable size: 212x212 but the warcraft 3 editor version says much different.

Also, this is a melee map for "When melee maps aren't big enough."

I am having troubles saving this map considering I need a wc3editor addon to save the exceeded limit of destructibles and hostile creeps along with the exceeded limit of cell length, otherwise I would be fixing most of your complaints.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
The map is very basic and it seems much people disagree with it.
Nope, everybody agrees with that statement.
The map is very basic, too basic.

Grim said:
Also, the website says playable size: 212x212 but the warcraft 3 editor version says much different.
Probably because it exceeds the maximum size of the regular editor.

Grim said:
Haha, thanks xD! I'm not much of a terrainer but this was a special occasion for my beloved clan.
You do know Craka_J was being sarcastic, right? (From your sentence, I can't derive whether you reply was meant in an ironic way or not).

- The terrain is way too simple
- Improper starting locations (yellow amost can't move because its starting loc is too close to trees).
- You say that this map is for when a regular map is too small, but you didn't use half of the size, so that statement is complete rubbish.
- Distances are too long, warcraft IS a strategy game - if it takes your army over 5 minutes to get somewhere, it really isn't worth it.
- The second-strongest creeps (corners) are way too strong and don't even have drops... at all.
- Creep camps over level 120? How about you remove ¾th of that?
- Some starting locations have creeps, others don't (not symmetrical).
- Drops are complete rubbish (10% for every level item from 5-10? Serathil? Seriously?)
- HEROES as creeps...

1/5, Rejected.
Level 2
May 17, 2009
Yes, I have posted such a failure of a map, I myself already know this is rejected and give myself a 2/5.

I will make an entirley different melee map which will use most of the terriain, useable races, different creeps, and so forth...
Level 2
May 17, 2009
Ya, this really showed me flaws in my map making. Thanks!


I know this is really off topic, but would anyone like to test my Role Playing Game? It's much better than this in my opinion and just needs a test to look at bugs in the beginning, which is the only part that is completed at this moment.
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