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Frost ability request

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Level 4
Jan 22, 2009
hey guys,
is someone able to make me a spell which looks like this:
blue waves which are collecting at the sky at one point and then shooting a frozen laser beam to the ground.
Should be a frost skill, and the waves are collecting for 2 secs.
hope someone could help me with this ... cause i think its pretty awesome ^^ and usefull
maybe a bit like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxYAYsIb9Kg&feature=related
Level 4
Jan 22, 2009
okey ....
The caster is collecting energie for is ultimate attack, after two seconds, an icy beam shoots at the target area and then freezes all the enemies located in this area.

In the center it causes the most Demage (500) and getting weaker to the brim (target Area: 500) of the Area.

normally i wanted a new model of a spell ^^ but if some one is able to make it with the spells which are included it would be nice.
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
Sounds like all you need is the animation for collecting your lightnings (should be able to add lightning effects to a channel spell). When your caster is finished channeling, detect that event and order that triggering unit to deal damage to target unit.
target unit would be picked unit from an *pick every unit in range event* after some comparisons (integer comparisons: if unit is iwthin range200 = true, unit within range 150=false, then let triggering unut deal certain amount of damage to picked unit).
Just use this to determine units in different range categories (or use a formular to deal 500-distance of (picked unit to triggering unit)*whatever).

With this knowleadge you should be able to do the request yourself now - if something's not explained well enough, jusk ask (can't do the request, still sitting on another larger one I'm debugging .. -.-).
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