private constant string EffectLocation = "origin"
private constant string EffectPath_Water = "MDX\\KnockbackWater.mdx"
private constant string EffectPath_Ground = "MDX\\KnockbackDust.mdx"
private constant real Dest_Radius = 180.
private constant real AdjacentRadius = 100.
private constant real AdjacentFactor = 0.75
im currently using rising_dusks knockback system from wc3c. you can choose which special effects the unit will have if he is knockbacked over land/water. the abilities/something/bolt/lightning effect has a life span about 1.2 seconds, so it disappears even when the unit is skidding, but then reappears when the unit enters water. i need the effect so it can last the entire time its skidding.
hope this clears it up abit