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For more RP in ORPGs

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Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Greetings, dear Roleplayers!

I'm currently working on my Online RPG
Dungeon Gods. I want to make it different to others and i love roleplay, so i decided to put Roleplay-Components in it.
At the moment I've got a Speech-System, like in SotDRP (still needs a bit work) a bar, RPG Elements, Housing and professions are planned.

So i want to ask you, the roleplayers, what you would wish in a RPORPG (Roleplay Online Roleplaying Game, silly name though^-^)

Please post your ideas and wishes here, very good ideas will give +REP

Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
I took a look at the link and skimmed through it. What really bothered me was your use of noise/height on most of the terrain. It's a real sloppy way of adding that hird dimension to the terrain so everything just isn't flat. I realized you were going for a rocky/uneven landscape that'd be realistic, but the way you went about it seemed very random, and just by a point and click basis, with no thought behind how a unit/hero will move so unnaturrally over such a jagged and uneven terrain. You should really soften some of those pointy tips, and raise up some of those deep holes that you have going, also try using some different tiles under trees, such as a grassy tile, or one of the rough dirt tiles that has grass growing in it. That'd make things look a bit more natural when it's all boiled down. Anyways, it looks and sounds fantastic, but those two things need to get worked on. If you have a bad terrain, it takes away from the greatness of all the other nifty and cool things you've implemented.
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Thanks for the answer, but it's not what i supposed to hear ;)
I will sometimes work at the terrain, and i may use your ideas, thanks.
Level 12
Feb 11, 2008
CHA_Owner(NAMM)'s Ideas:

- I want to see an atual "working" pet system which isnt just setting the pet to follow its controller since almost any orpg/rpg/mmorpg sucks at implementing a good pet system.

- A mount system which can be easily implemented but no one ever uses it, if you need to know how to make it just message me.

- A "actual" storyline which is another thing most rpg's are lacking these days like at the beginning of the game use a printscreened/blp picture as a "fade in" to tell the story then have it somewhere else in the map incase someone didnt get the chance to finish reading it, if you need to know how to better do this just message me also.

Have Fun and Good Luck :thumbs_up:
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Thanks for your reply!

-Pet-System: The Heroes got a bag to begin, but this is just a inventory.
Maybe i will add some pets (Rabbit, Dog etc) which are doing something and/or give bonus.

-Mount-System: It would be cool to mount the heroes on the mounts, i already tried it, but the Hero sat at the neck of the horse not on his back :D

-The Storyline: It's big but...i already take care about this. The story will be implented in an InGame Library! You can read it there, and alot of other books.


+REP :)
Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
The library set-up sounds nice for references to your story. Really cool.

For the pets, you could also use a rat, sized down wolf for another dog, or make multiple and tint some for a variety in what kind of dog or really any pet that you get.
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Yeah, right. Maybe i will also put some epic pets in it, like a phönix or a baby bear (lol).

Any more ideas? :)
Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
Flying mounts possibly? You mentioned a phoenix as a pet, but what about a gryphon, albatross, couatl, or drake or something as a flying mount? May be a bit hectic using it and placing up pathing blockers so people don't just abuse the flying mount ability. Could still be useful.
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Yeah, i already thought about flying mounts, and path blockers, but flying mounts will be hard to get, something special.
Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
Sweet. Also, for more of a roleplaying addition, you could have merchants who sell small travel items to take out and then use them to roleplay with, like a campfire kit, basically you place an item that's a campfire model, simple as that. You could also have it so people can buy property in certain towns, cities, even a village. Not to make it seem like a gay LoaP or anything, but it'd be nice to get a rest bonus of some sort when trying to regen health and mana. Could also have some items to place into the house for decoration as well. It'd also be a good place to store items that you want to keep, but can't carry at the moment.
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Cool idea, thank you :)
Items can be stored in the lootroom, it's like a big endless bag^^
Rest Bonus shounds good, i will get it in.
Merchants with RP-Items and Decoration are also really interesting.
Thank you :D

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