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Footmen X4 (1.81)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Footmen X4C, is loosly based on footmen 7.0 series by hatoDown, and hatoUp. This version features, over 80 heroes, 20+ mercenaries, 100+ items, and mostly re-balanced, and modified units/buildings. Unlike most footmen out there, this one is quite alot more unit oriented, and in most cases teching is a vital strategy, not just to prevent base targeting.
Other key features include: tomes, stacking consumables, tier 6, naga race, and 6v6 mode

This version IS Optimized (protected), mostly to reduce file space, and decrease load times. However if anyone wants, the unprotected version, i am more than happy to share it.

Footmen frenzy, war

Footmen X4 (1.81) (Map)

23:18, 13th Jul 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
well.. i am Mr.Sexy XD..., this is my old accnt, back when i first started playing wc3, and i havnt bothered to, nor will bother to update it..

@ description
what do you wana know? its a footies..., just about all footies have the same general mechanics, aka kills for cash, spawning from a main building that once dies, you loose...

i guess some of the better unmentioned features would be: tomes, stacking consumables, tier 6, naga race, 6v6 mode, but other than that i dont know what else to add to the descrip, its not like everyone doesnt know what footmen frenzy is?, i mean its got its own catagory on hive..
If by that you means shares a particular set of rules, has a similar tech tree, and heros, then yes...
as far as gameplay wise, this is far from most versions, mostly because heros cannot 1 hit, large piles of 50+ footmen late game, and deal atleast half what heros do in other games early, making the game tech reliant, for more than protection from being targeted. there are also quite a few more base advantages, that discourage players from camping in someones base, right after the innitial mass, just getting fed up:

compared to 7.0 (the version the object data is origionally based off)
there are: 70% more heros (all of which reballanced in one way or another), ~80% more creeps (and 90% of the old creeps revamped), with the rest mostly altered, atleast 40% more items (with about 40% of the old items adjusted for balance or to set them apart, 35%~ more race units (90% of which have been, modified, with new abilitys, and/or balance)

the only thing missing is a mass movement system, which i have attempted to design, that doesnt bunch the units up on movement AND can handle the amount of units that a footman map usually possesses.
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