ARENA island
- Time - Every 480.00 seconds of game time
- PodmĂ*nky
- Hra - Display to (All players) the text: |ccf1fbf00DUEL!|r
- Set ARENA_HERO[1] = (Random unit from ARENA_teams[1])
- Set ARENA_unit_origin_point[1] = (Position of ARENA_HERO[1])
- Set ARENA_HERO[2] = (Random unit from ARENA_teams[2])
- Set ARENA_unit_origin_point[2] = (Position of ARENA_HERO[2])
- Wait 3.00 seconds
- Jednotka - Move ARENA_HERO[1] instantly to (Center of ARENA Island 1 <gen>), facing (Center of ARENA Island 2 <gen>)
- Jednotka - Move ARENA_HERO[2] instantly to (Center of ARENA Island 2 <gen>), facing (Center of ARENA Island 1 <gen>)
- Trigger - Turn on ARENA island die trigger <gen>
- Viditelnost - Create an initially Zapnout visibility modifier for (Owner of ARENA_HERO[1]) emitting Viditelnost across ARENA Island groung <gen>
- Viditelnost - Create an initially Zapnout visibility modifier for (Owner of ARENA_HERO[2]) emitting Viditelnost across AREN
ARENA island die trigger
- Jednotka - A unit Zemřel
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Dying unit) Rovná se ARENA_HERO[1]
- (Dying unit) Rovná se ARENA_HERO[2]
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - podmĂ*nky
- (Dying unit) Rovná se ARENA_HERO[1]
Then - akce
- Hrdina - Instantly revive ARENA_HERO[1] at ARENA_unit_origin_point[1], Ukázat revival graphics
Else - akce
- Jednotka - Move ARENA_HERO[1] instantly to ARENA_unit_origin_point[1]
If - podmĂ*nky
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - podmĂ*nky
- (Dying unit) Rovná se ARENA_HERO[2]
Then - akce
- Hrdina - Instantly revive ARENA_HERO[2] at ARENA_unit_origin_point[2], Ukázat revival graphics
Else - akce
- Jednotka - Move ARENA_HERO[2] instantly to ARENA_unit_origin_point[2]
If - podmĂ*nky
- Hra - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + (|ccf1fbf00 has WON the duel stealing 100 income from |r + (Name of (Owner of (Dying unit)))))
- Set INCOME_counter[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] = (INCOME_counter[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] - 100)
- Set INCOME_counter[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] = (INCOME_counter[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] + 100)
- Viditelnost - Create an initially Vypnout visibility modifier for (Owner of ARENA_HERO[1]) emitting Viditelnost across ARENA Island groung <gen>
- Viditelnost - Create an initially Vypnout visibility modifier for (Owner of ARENA_HERO[2]) emitting Viditelnost across ARENA Island groung <gen>
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ARENA_unit_origin_point[1])
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ARENA_unit_origin_point[2])
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
----- are those two even legit?
- Custom script: call RemoveUnit(udg_ARENA_HERO[1])
- Custom script: call RemoveUnit(udg_ARENA_HERO[2])
- Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)