Flamethrower Turret

Was kinda bored programming my Wicked Rising project, and took one of my usual breaks. Suddenly decided that I haven't pushed that lovely shiny "Upload" button for some time, so here it is: A flamethrower turret. Is very surprised it haven't been made before, as I can't imagine anything I'd want more in any zombie/alien survival than an automatic AI flamer at my side.

added better "death" animation
added "attack slam" animation
added a separate "portrait" animation with a team coloured background
added "sprite first" and "sprite second" attachment points
added a few more particle emitters
added team colour to the frontal shields

Update 2:
added alternatice? "Attack" animation
removed UV Wrab bugs (I think)
fixed death animation
Added team colour and changed shield team color
added flame emitter to attacks

turret, flamethrower, flamer, survival, alien, zombie, tower, defence, modern, futuristic, warfare, fire, ember, torch

Flamethrower Turret (Model)

04:39, 18th Jul 2011 anarchianbedlam: The death animation looks.... so terrible. The mesh seems fine and it could be a useful model, the UV wrap could use a bit of work though. EDIT: tighten up the timing on the death animation, right now the...




04:39, 18th Jul 2011
anarchianbedlam: The death animation looks.... so terrible. The mesh seems fine and it could be a useful model, the UV wrap could use a bit of work though.

EDIT: tighten up the timing on the death animation, right now the turret disappears and then explodes a split second later. And you still haven't fixed the UV wrap on the places i pointed out, instead you changed the UV wrap on the blastshields to a blurry gradient texture. And increase the emission rate and shorten the lifespan on the pilot light particle emitter, right now its making this long orange line as the turret spins

EDIT: well i guess you will never UV wrap the fuel tanks properly, but the rest of it looks good and works ingame, so approved.
Level 2
Oct 24, 2011
Awesome Turret, Cool, and useful in most maps ( Modern Warfare, Starcraft maps, and mostly Defense Map...) Very GOOD!