FIREstrike 0.04

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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The hero cast a Flamestrike. Seconds later creates (random) fire from the sky and this goes to cast the ability in 500 or 1200 towards. Gives a 10% to create aditional fire near the first Flamestrike.
Credits: none

Version 0.02
Posted Triggers
Version 0.03
Translating Triggers (Now, read the Please!)
Version 0.04
Leaks fixed.
The loop is closed.

Please!: Don't tell me the triggers. My Warcraft is in Spanish and I haven't got time to translate.

flamestrike, firestrike, fire, red, damage, kill, mage, new, blood mage, blood.

Untitled (Map)

12th Dec 2015 IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected. 11:57, 1st Aug 2011 Maker: You're nulling the point variables, which you do not need to do. You're not removing the actual leaks.




12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.

11:57, 1st Aug 2011
FIREstrike 0.04
You're nulling the point variables, which you do not need to do. You're not removing the actual leaks.
call RemoveLocation(udg_Variable) is preferred over this.

Actually it's a requirement to use RemoveLocation because nulling is just wrong :p

ast time I checked, anything multiplied by 1 is itself

[troll] Problem? [/troll]

The caster does not inflict the damage, the dummy units do. This can conflict with various systems.

Luckily, my Advanced Streak System will be unaffected :p


That's mean :(
Flame strike can really lag a game. Looks like you have 5-6 flame strikes o.o
I'll test the spell now and look over the triggers.
Edit: Ok I looked over the spell, not much to say that no one else said. The spell does cause lag, but only if it is casted twice within 10 seconds. I have no idea what Nulling locations does, but it doesn't seem good xD This spells surprisingly doesn't have too much room for improvement. But I do have a suggestion on a way you can remove the lag. You can use the model Objects\Spawnmodels\Human\HCancelDeath\HCancelDeath.mdl 3 times to create a near similar effect of the flame strike, but without lag (Gets cleaned up really quickly after you destroy it).