We do have a life, and im just in a ticky mood cuz i got slept in..(sorry)
What do u mean u told me what wont work?
i said image extracter just extracts images like blp.
Wc3viewer,mpq tools, i think magos model editor can extract mdx to mdx or mdl, u might need um..yogbuls converter..
and to have that model..well yeah..simply get the fire panderan, get a kinghts head put it on top, footman or someother humanfeet and then reskin, it should then look fine..sorry i cant do it..im very busy makin a mesh for daelin.
i would if i wasnt busy...truelly, i am sorry for my actions before, plz do not take anyof my ***** like mood action ..im just tired and cranky and a total wanker.