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FF models

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Level 4
Sep 27, 2007
would anyone be up to the job to create final fantasy models cause this type of post has been sent millions of times and have not been answered.... please make some ESPECIALLY CLOUD
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Level 4
Sep 27, 2007
see man if the modeling programs worked on my computer but i cant download blender because it cant get to the download links i would be trying to make FF models :sad:
Level 4
Sep 27, 2007
its cool.. i was wandering that you didn't read it properly cause you were asking for a model and that was what i was doing but... yea i forgive you! :grin:
I just hate this. Noobs coming in all the time requesting the same models over and over again...

GOD! Why doesn't someone just MAKE Naruto models and post them in the resource section so we don't have to keep listening to stuff like this.

I highly doubt this request will be fulfilled. Look at the Anime Model stickies, you might be able to dig something up there.
Level 7
Dec 29, 2006
GOD! Why doesn't someone just MAKE Naruto models and post them in the resource section so we don't have to keep listening to stuff like this.

they are asking for final fantasy models, not naruto. final fantasy models are requested far more. and i really think someone should make some to make everyone happy and cut down half the posts. theres cloud, sephiroth, barret currently released. the other ones could probably be created by geomerging a few models together. i would do it, and maybe some day will once i get better at 3ds max, right now i can barely make a decenet looking box lol.
Level 22
Oct 27, 2004
ok, even IF a model of every sngle FF character is made and posted, people will still request them because they are too f*cking stupid to search the rescource section.

QFT, man. But you can't put all the apples in the same basket. I've answered requests for some pretty cool newbies, and some downright @$$holes. There are some people who are innocently ignorant, and some would make good community members.
Just getting that out there, Don't bash the newbs on their first offense.
ok, even IF a model of every sngle FF character is made and posted, people will still request them because they are too f*cking stupid to search the rescource section.

Sad but true...

ok, even IF a model of every sngle FF character is made and posted, people will still request them because they are too f*cking stupid to search the rescource section.

Sad but true...
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