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Need a model

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Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
Hello my final fantasy awsome coolest map is in the making and i cloud use a model. one of the most scary bosses ever in the FF series is OMEGA WEAPON and it would be very cool if i could have a model of him in my map.
currently i am using a Nerubian as him but doesnt give that "OMEGA" feeling more of a bug sorta thing.
here is a pic of roughly what i want and the other to are pics of my current project.


  • omegaweapon8-b.jpg
    24.5 KB · Views: 167
  • Omega My Map.jpg
    Omega My Map.jpg
    64.4 KB · Views: 152
  • Omega My Map II.jpg
    Omega My Map II.jpg
    69.1 KB · Views: 170
Level 7
Dec 29, 2006
use the pit lord or something, he looks similar. don't say your map is the coolest ever, it just doesn't help your case. we need alot more screen shots than the boss fight. show us your entire map, or what ever and provide a description of your map. even if you do all of these its still not 100% that someone will help you. try the pitlord, maybe make a new skin for him or something. good luck.
Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
i know man i know... i dont relly need it i just would like it sheesh and im sure u can see the map in the mini map pic???
im not begging for it or absolutly need it... just said it would be nice to have it. and btw "coolest map ever" i was joking far out
gosh some people
and this is my pit lord


  • ultimaweapon8-b.jpg
    23.3 KB · Views: 141
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Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
i loll'ed pretty hard at your response "and this is my pitlord". IMO you have done a pretty good job lining up the pitlord with the second guy and the nerubian with the first. I don't wanna crush ur chances, but to make a custom model takes up alot of time, and most people who can do it have their own projects to work on... so generally they wont jump at the chance to make you a (really cool, damn!) model unless you have previously made popular maps or you advertise the crap out of ur current one and get interests flowing. peace out
Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
yes i know, i made this thred because its worth a try i didnt expect any1 to do it but it is worth a try u never know wouldnt u agree murdermode???
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
well if pitlord is similar, why don't ya make a Omega Weapon based on pit lord?? :)

well about pit lord, wouldn't be much to change, just add a face and another face to the actual one(at the head) MAYBE change the wings, repair them, they look like burned xD

i can't model that good, but ill try.
Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
o will u ty very much man :) :) :) :) :) + rep to you!!!!
the main reason i dun wana pit lord is because the color is wrong and u cant change its color to whire or silver.
Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
mmm yea dont wana sound piky but hes kinda fat and furry but ill stick with that green pit lord (forget his name) till i find better.
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