- Joined
- Sep 22, 2012
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- 90
I just want to check if my arrow key pseudo code was correct.
I wanted to come up with an arrow key system without the unit's movespeed.
What would you guys tell about its effectiveness in terms of triggering?
I wanted to come up with an arrow key system without the unit's movespeed.
What would you guys tell about its effectiveness in terms of triggering?
[trigger=init trigger]Initialize
Map initialization
Set pre_move_delay = 0.12
Set checkpath_aoe = 40.00
Set checkpath_distance = 40.00
Set MAP_TILE_OFFSET = 100.00
-------- dbs --------
Set db_unit_upgrader[0] = Academy
Set db_unit_upgrader[1] = Forge
Set db_unit_upgrader[2] = Laboratory
Set db_unit_pool[0] = Adept
Set db_unit_pool[1] = Enforcer
Set db_unit_pool[2] = Chemist
Set db_unit_speeds[0] = 8.00
Set db_unit_speeds[1] = 10.00
Set db_unit_speeds[2] = 9.00
-------- bullets --------
Set db_bullet_type[0] = _req_arrow
Set db_bullet_type[1] = _enf_arrow
Set db_bullet_type[2] = _van_arrow
Set db_bullet_speed[0] = 12.00
Set db_bullet_speed[1] = 25.00
Set db_bullet_speed[2] = 15.00
Set db_bullet_range[0] = 400.00
Set db_bullet_range[1] = 1340.00
Set db_bullet_range[2] = 600.00
Set db_bullet_coll_radius[0] = 100.00
Set db_bullet_coll_radius[1] = 80.00
Set db_bullet_coll_radius[2] = 120.00
Set db_bullet_init_parser[0] = /req_arrow
Set db_bullet_init_parser[1] = /enf_arrow
Set db_bullet_init_parser[2] = /van_arrow
-------- level_cap --------
Set level_caps[0] = 0
Set level_caps[1] = 120
Set level_caps[2] = 250
Set level_caps[3] = 380
-------- game_config --------
Game - Set ally color filtering to 0
Game - Set game speed to Fastest
Game - Lock the game speed
Game - Disable ally color button and Disable creep camp button
Game - Disable drag-selection functionality (Disable drag-selection box)
Game - Disable pre-selection functionality (Enable pre-selection circles, life bars, and object info)
Player Group - Make (All players) treat (All players) as an Enemy
Camera - Change camera smoothing factor to 3.00
Set INIT_callplayers = 1
Set active_player_max = 0
Set init_center = (Center of sanctuary <gen>)
Item - Create _aa_checker at init_center
Set AA_path_checker = (Last created item)
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Picked player) controller) Equal to User
Then - Actions
-------- iterator --------
Set active_player_max = (active_player_max + 1)
Set active_players[active_player_max] = (Player number of (Picked player))
Set skill_proc_counter[active_player_max] = 0
Set unit_main_level[(Player number of (Picked player))] = 1
-------- camera --------
Set init_cycle = (init_center offset by 90.00 towards ((Real(active_player_max)) x 30.00) degrees)
Unit - Create 1 Pick for (Picked player) at init_cycle facing Default building facing degrees
Selection - Select (Last created unit) for (Picked player)
Unit - Create 1 _vector for (Picked player) at init_center facing Default building facing degrees
Set vector_cam_unit[(Player number of (Picked player))] = (Last created unit)
Camera - Lock camera target for (Picked player) to (Last created unit), offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Default rotation
-------- addpress --------
Trigger - Add to arrowpressleft <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Left Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowpressright <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Right Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowpressup <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Up Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowpressdown <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Down Arrow key)
-------- removepress --------
Trigger - Add to arrowreleasedown <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Down Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowreleaseleft <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Left Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowreleaseright <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Right Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowreleaseup <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Up Arrow key)
-------- endcycle --------
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_init_cycle)
Else - Actions
Set menu_tile_offset = 50.00
For each (Integer menu_cycle) from 1 to 8, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set menu_cycle_angle = (45.00 x (Real(menu_cycle)))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 90.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = 0.00
Set menu_y = menu_tile_offset
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 180.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Set menu_y = 0.00
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 270.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = 0.00
Set menu_y = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 360.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = menu_tile_offset
Set menu_y = 0.00
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 0.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 90.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = menu_tile_offset
Set menu_y = menu_tile_offset
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 90.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 180.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Set menu_y = menu_tile_offset
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 180.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 270.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Set menu_y = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 270.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 360.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = menu_tile_offset
Set menu_y = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Else - Actions
Set menu_cycle_points = (init_center offset by (menu_x, menu_y))
Unit - Create 1 _knight_tile for Neutral Passive at menu_cycle_points facing Default building facing degrees
Set menu_tinle_units[menu_cycle] = (Last created unit)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_menu_cycle_points)
Unit - Create 1 _knight_cycler for Neutral Passive at init_center facing Default building facing degrees
Set menu_critter = (Last created unit)
Unit - Create 1 trash_can for Neutral Passive at init_center facing Default building facing degrees
Set trash_can = (Last created unit)
Set menu_graphics_cycle = 1
Set active_player_min = 1
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_init_center)
Trigger - Remove (This trigger) from the trigger queue
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Map initialization
Set pre_move_delay = 0.12
Set checkpath_aoe = 40.00
Set checkpath_distance = 40.00
Set MAP_TILE_OFFSET = 100.00
-------- dbs --------
Set db_unit_upgrader[0] = Academy
Set db_unit_upgrader[1] = Forge
Set db_unit_upgrader[2] = Laboratory
Set db_unit_pool[0] = Adept
Set db_unit_pool[1] = Enforcer
Set db_unit_pool[2] = Chemist
Set db_unit_speeds[0] = 8.00
Set db_unit_speeds[1] = 10.00
Set db_unit_speeds[2] = 9.00
-------- bullets --------
Set db_bullet_type[0] = _req_arrow
Set db_bullet_type[1] = _enf_arrow
Set db_bullet_type[2] = _van_arrow
Set db_bullet_speed[0] = 12.00
Set db_bullet_speed[1] = 25.00
Set db_bullet_speed[2] = 15.00
Set db_bullet_range[0] = 400.00
Set db_bullet_range[1] = 1340.00
Set db_bullet_range[2] = 600.00
Set db_bullet_coll_radius[0] = 100.00
Set db_bullet_coll_radius[1] = 80.00
Set db_bullet_coll_radius[2] = 120.00
Set db_bullet_init_parser[0] = /req_arrow
Set db_bullet_init_parser[1] = /enf_arrow
Set db_bullet_init_parser[2] = /van_arrow
-------- level_cap --------
Set level_caps[0] = 0
Set level_caps[1] = 120
Set level_caps[2] = 250
Set level_caps[3] = 380
-------- game_config --------
Game - Set ally color filtering to 0
Game - Set game speed to Fastest
Game - Lock the game speed
Game - Disable ally color button and Disable creep camp button
Game - Disable drag-selection functionality (Disable drag-selection box)
Game - Disable pre-selection functionality (Enable pre-selection circles, life bars, and object info)
Player Group - Make (All players) treat (All players) as an Enemy
Camera - Change camera smoothing factor to 3.00
Set INIT_callplayers = 1
Set active_player_max = 0
Set init_center = (Center of sanctuary <gen>)
Item - Create _aa_checker at init_center
Set AA_path_checker = (Last created item)
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Picked player) controller) Equal to User
Then - Actions
-------- iterator --------
Set active_player_max = (active_player_max + 1)
Set active_players[active_player_max] = (Player number of (Picked player))
Set skill_proc_counter[active_player_max] = 0
Set unit_main_level[(Player number of (Picked player))] = 1
-------- camera --------
Set init_cycle = (init_center offset by 90.00 towards ((Real(active_player_max)) x 30.00) degrees)
Unit - Create 1 Pick for (Picked player) at init_cycle facing Default building facing degrees
Selection - Select (Last created unit) for (Picked player)
Unit - Create 1 _vector for (Picked player) at init_center facing Default building facing degrees
Set vector_cam_unit[(Player number of (Picked player))] = (Last created unit)
Camera - Lock camera target for (Picked player) to (Last created unit), offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Default rotation
-------- addpress --------
Trigger - Add to arrowpressleft <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Left Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowpressright <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Right Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowpressup <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Up Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowpressdown <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Presses the Down Arrow key)
-------- removepress --------
Trigger - Add to arrowreleasedown <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Down Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowreleaseleft <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Left Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowreleaseright <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Right Arrow key)
Trigger - Add to arrowreleaseup <gen> the event (Player - (Picked player) Releases the Up Arrow key)
-------- endcycle --------
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_init_cycle)
Else - Actions
Set menu_tile_offset = 50.00
For each (Integer menu_cycle) from 1 to 8, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set menu_cycle_angle = (45.00 x (Real(menu_cycle)))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 90.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = 0.00
Set menu_y = menu_tile_offset
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 180.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Set menu_y = 0.00
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 270.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = 0.00
Set menu_y = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Equal to 360.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = menu_tile_offset
Set menu_y = 0.00
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 0.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 90.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = menu_tile_offset
Set menu_y = menu_tile_offset
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 90.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 180.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Set menu_y = menu_tile_offset
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 180.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 270.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Set menu_y = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
menu_cycle_angle Greater than 270.00
menu_cycle_angle Less than 360.00
Then - Actions
Set menu_x = menu_tile_offset
Set menu_y = (-1.00 x menu_tile_offset)
Else - Actions
Set menu_cycle_points = (init_center offset by (menu_x, menu_y))
Unit - Create 1 _knight_tile for Neutral Passive at menu_cycle_points facing Default building facing degrees
Set menu_tinle_units[menu_cycle] = (Last created unit)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_menu_cycle_points)
Unit - Create 1 _knight_cycler for Neutral Passive at init_center facing Default building facing degrees
Set menu_critter = (Last created unit)
Unit - Create 1 trash_can for Neutral Passive at init_center facing Default building facing degrees
Set trash_can = (Last created unit)
Set menu_graphics_cycle = 1
Set active_player_min = 1
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_init_center)
Trigger - Remove (This trigger) from the trigger queue
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
[trigger=press trigger]arrowpressright
Game - Display to (All players) the text: pressed_right
Set AAA_player_temp = (Player number of (Triggering player))
-------- setplayer --------
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 0)] = True
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 4)] = True
Set key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] = (key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] + 1)
-------- clear --------
Set AAA_player_temp = 0
Trigger - Turn on moveloop <gen>
Trigger - Run moveloop <gen> (checking conditions)
Game - Display to (All players) the text: pressed_right
Set AAA_player_temp = (Player number of (Triggering player))
-------- setplayer --------
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 0)] = True
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 4)] = True
Set key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] = (key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] + 1)
-------- clear --------
Set AAA_player_temp = 0
Trigger - Turn on moveloop <gen>
Trigger - Run moveloop <gen> (checking conditions)
[trigger=release trigger]arrowreleaseright
Set AAA_player_temp = (Player number of (Triggering player))
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 0)] = False
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 4)] = False
Set key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] = (key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] - 1)
Set AAA_player_temp = 0
Set AAA_player_temp = (Player number of (Triggering player))
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 0)] = False
Set arrows_pressed[((AAA_player_temp x 5) + 4)] = False
Set key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] = (key_pressed[AAA_player_temp] - 1)
Set AAA_player_temp = 0
Time - Every 0.04 seconds of game time
-------- checkallplayers --------
For each (Integer every_players) from active_player_min to active_player_max, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
-------- this if allows death anims --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
unit_has_main[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
-------- this if prevents movement when unit_main isdoing something --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(unit_main[active_players[every_players]] has buff Stunned (Pause)) Equal to False
unit_move_valid[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
-------- this if checks is_moving or pre_moving --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
key_pressed[active_players[every_players]] Not equal to 0
Then - Actions
Set arrow_moving[active_players[every_players]] = True
Set pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] = 0.00
Set pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
-------- find angle --------
Set arrows_move_has_diag = False
For each (Integer arrows_move_cycle_perp) from 0 to 3, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrows_move_has_diag Not equal to True
arrows_pressed[((active_players[every_players] x 5) + arrows_move_cycle_perp)] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] = (90.00 x (Real(arrows_move_cycle_perp)))
-------- if next key is pressed --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrows_pressed[(((active_players[every_players] x 5) + arrows_move_cycle_perp) + 1)] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] = ((90.00 x (Real(arrows_move_cycle_perp))) + 45.00)
Set arrows_move_has_diag = True
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
-------- this if governs premoving rules --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] Less than or equal to pre_move_delay
Then - Actions
Set pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] = (pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] + 0.04)
Set arrow_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
Set pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] = True
Game - Display to (All players) the text: counting premover
Else - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: premover OFF
Set pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
Set pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] = 7.00
-------- this if does the move procedures --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
arrow_moving[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
-------- this bool plays as switch to turn off moveloop --------
Set arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[active_players[every_players]] = True
-------- anim_move_reseter --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Animation - Reset unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s animation
Animation - Play unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s walk animation
Set reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] = False
Else - Actions
Animation - Queue unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s walk animation
-------- set_locfrom --------
Set temp_loc_from = (Position of unit_main[active_players[every_players]])
-------- chkpath --------
Set path_check = (temp_loc_from offset by checkpath_distance towards unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees)
-------- terrain --------
Item - Move AA_path_checker to path_check
Set arrows_path_checker_loc = (Position of AA_path_checker)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(X of arrows_path_checker_loc) Equal to (X of path_check)
(Y of arrows_path_checker_loc) Equal to (Y of path_check)
Then - Actions
Set arrows_path_valid_terra = True
Else - Actions
Set arrows_path_valid_terra = False
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_arrows_path_checker_loc)
Set trash_loc = (Position of trash_can)
Item - Move AA_path_checker to trash_loc
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_trash_loc)
-------- units --------
Set arrow_unit_counter = 0
Set arrow_path_chk_grp = (Units within checkpath_aoe of path_check)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in arrow_path_chk_grp and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set arrow_path_chk_target = (Picked unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(arrow_path_chk_target is alive) Equal to True
arrow_path_chk_target Equal to unit_main[active_players[every_players]]
Then - Actions
Else - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: (invalid unit: + (Name of arrow_path_chk_target))
Set arrow_unit_counter = (arrow_unit_counter + 1)
Custom script: set udg_arrow_path_chk_target = null
Custom script: call DestroyGroup (udg_arrow_path_chk_grp)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_path_check)
-------- move unit if trick is true --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrow_unit_counter Equal to 0
arrows_path_valid_terra Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set temp_loc_to = (temp_loc_from offset by unit_current_speed[active_players[every_players]] towards unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees)
Unit - Move unit_main[active_players[every_players]] instantly to temp_loc_to, facing unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees
Set vector_plotcam = (temp_loc_from offset by 100.00 towards unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees)
Unit - Move vector_cam_unit[active_players[every_players]] instantly to vector_plotcam
Set arrows_move_has_diag = False
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_vector_plotcam)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_temp_loc_to)
Else - Actions
-------- nopathing --------
-------- clearstuff --------
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_temp_loc_from)
Else - Actions
-------- this bool plays as switch to turn off moveloop --------
Set arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
-------- anim_move_reseter --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] Equal to False
Then - Actions
Animation - Reset unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s animation
Animation - Play unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s stand animation
Set reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] = True
Else - Actions
Animation - Queue unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s stand animation
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
-------- sorry about this multiple conditions --------
-------- i've tried to use integers but --------
-------- every periodic time the integer --------
-------- used for stopping this loop still increses/decreases --------
-------- due to periodic event --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[1] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[2] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[3] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[4] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[5] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[6] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[7] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[8] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[9] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[10] Equal to False
Then - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: moveLOOP OFF!!!!!!!...
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Time - Every 0.04 seconds of game time
-------- checkallplayers --------
For each (Integer every_players) from active_player_min to active_player_max, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
-------- this if allows death anims --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
unit_has_main[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
-------- this if prevents movement when unit_main isdoing something --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(unit_main[active_players[every_players]] has buff Stunned (Pause)) Equal to False
unit_move_valid[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
-------- this if checks is_moving or pre_moving --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
key_pressed[active_players[every_players]] Not equal to 0
Then - Actions
Set arrow_moving[active_players[every_players]] = True
Set pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] = 0.00
Set pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
-------- find angle --------
Set arrows_move_has_diag = False
For each (Integer arrows_move_cycle_perp) from 0 to 3, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrows_move_has_diag Not equal to True
arrows_pressed[((active_players[every_players] x 5) + arrows_move_cycle_perp)] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] = (90.00 x (Real(arrows_move_cycle_perp)))
-------- if next key is pressed --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrows_pressed[(((active_players[every_players] x 5) + arrows_move_cycle_perp) + 1)] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] = ((90.00 x (Real(arrows_move_cycle_perp))) + 45.00)
Set arrows_move_has_diag = True
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
-------- this if governs premoving rules --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] Less than or equal to pre_move_delay
Then - Actions
Set pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] = (pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] + 0.04)
Set arrow_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
Set pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] = True
Game - Display to (All players) the text: counting premover
Else - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: premover OFF
Set pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
Set pre_move_timer[active_players[every_players]] = 7.00
-------- this if does the move procedures --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
pre_moving[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
arrow_moving[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
-------- this bool plays as switch to turn off moveloop --------
Set arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[active_players[every_players]] = True
-------- anim_move_reseter --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Animation - Reset unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s animation
Animation - Play unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s walk animation
Set reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] = False
Else - Actions
Animation - Queue unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s walk animation
-------- set_locfrom --------
Set temp_loc_from = (Position of unit_main[active_players[every_players]])
-------- chkpath --------
Set path_check = (temp_loc_from offset by checkpath_distance towards unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees)
-------- terrain --------
Item - Move AA_path_checker to path_check
Set arrows_path_checker_loc = (Position of AA_path_checker)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(X of arrows_path_checker_loc) Equal to (X of path_check)
(Y of arrows_path_checker_loc) Equal to (Y of path_check)
Then - Actions
Set arrows_path_valid_terra = True
Else - Actions
Set arrows_path_valid_terra = False
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_arrows_path_checker_loc)
Set trash_loc = (Position of trash_can)
Item - Move AA_path_checker to trash_loc
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_trash_loc)
-------- units --------
Set arrow_unit_counter = 0
Set arrow_path_chk_grp = (Units within checkpath_aoe of path_check)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in arrow_path_chk_grp and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set arrow_path_chk_target = (Picked unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(arrow_path_chk_target is alive) Equal to True
arrow_path_chk_target Equal to unit_main[active_players[every_players]]
Then - Actions
Else - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: (invalid unit: + (Name of arrow_path_chk_target))
Set arrow_unit_counter = (arrow_unit_counter + 1)
Custom script: set udg_arrow_path_chk_target = null
Custom script: call DestroyGroup (udg_arrow_path_chk_grp)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_path_check)
-------- move unit if trick is true --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrow_unit_counter Equal to 0
arrows_path_valid_terra Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set temp_loc_to = (temp_loc_from offset by unit_current_speed[active_players[every_players]] towards unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees)
Unit - Move unit_main[active_players[every_players]] instantly to temp_loc_to, facing unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees
Set vector_plotcam = (temp_loc_from offset by 100.00 towards unit_main_angle[active_players[every_players]] degrees)
Unit - Move vector_cam_unit[active_players[every_players]] instantly to vector_plotcam
Set arrows_move_has_diag = False
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_vector_plotcam)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_temp_loc_to)
Else - Actions
-------- nopathing --------
-------- clearstuff --------
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_temp_loc_from)
Else - Actions
-------- this bool plays as switch to turn off moveloop --------
Set arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[active_players[every_players]] = False
-------- anim_move_reseter --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] Equal to False
Then - Actions
Animation - Reset unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s animation
Animation - Play unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s stand animation
Set reset_anim[active_players[every_players]] = True
Else - Actions
Animation - Queue unit_main[active_players[every_players]]'s stand animation
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
-------- sorry about this multiple conditions --------
-------- i've tried to use integers but --------
-------- every periodic time the integer --------
-------- used for stopping this loop still increses/decreases --------
-------- due to periodic event --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[1] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[2] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[3] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[4] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[5] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[6] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[7] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[8] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[9] Equal to False
arrows_PLAYERS_done_moving[10] Equal to False
Then - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: moveLOOP OFF!!!!!!!...
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
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