Fast HeadCrab
by JB_McKnight
Hey guys!
This is the Fast Version of the Classic HeadCrab I made. All of which are based from the Half-Life series.
This is the fast HeadCrab version. Yes, I also made the Poison and Classic HeadCrab Variations, go look for them.
I'm extremely glad to say that I also included it's ATTACHMENT FORM as the Model's Portrait File.
I made the entire model, including it's animations, and as well as the texture.
I don't have anything to ask in return other than to Give credits when used and to ask for my permission before editing(NOT AFTER).
>Deathsound has been added
>Decay Flesh and Decay Bone animations added
>Hand+Left Attachment fixed
>Added Stand Medium and Large Animations to the attachment form of the unit to fit the some of the other War3 models
half-life half life head crab headcrab headhumper head humper headhugger