Hey all, I am trying to make a few levels relating to the Farseer trilogy and the Red ship Wars. it'll mainly centre a round the defence of the Costal Duchies
I need some human models (not too flashy) and a few ships if any ones interested and wants to help.
Also, I was wondering if there is a way to have two models for the one unit.
EG. click to make a footman and you will either get a footman with a sword, axe or mace
EDIT: If anyone has made up a few tent-like or crude buildings they would like to lend I would be very grateful.
Thanks to any one who helps.
I need some human models (not too flashy) and a few ships if any ones interested and wants to help.
Also, I was wondering if there is a way to have two models for the one unit.
EG. click to make a footman and you will either get a footman with a sword, axe or mace
EDIT: If anyone has made up a few tent-like or crude buildings they would like to lend I would be very grateful.
Thanks to any one who helps.