Fail (gui)

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Reactions: Thrikodius

Coding: GUI
Current Version: 1.03

Ability Description

Create a word "FAIL" that would fall from the sky. Each word deal 50 damage to any enemy within 300 range and higher level reduce the mana and cooldown.

Level 1 - 45 seconds cooldown, 90 mana cost.
Level 2 - 30 seconds cooldown, 75 mana cost.
Level 3 - 15 seconds cooldown, 60 mana cost.

Version 1.03 Update

Fix documentation.

Version 1.02

Fix documentation error.
Further optimize the code.

Version 1.01

Reconstruct the entire spell, more efficient and have additional effect (Full credit for reconstruct goes to Rmx).
Add RED BARON to credit list.
Change tooltips description.
Change the falling angle of the word.
Enable user to adjust the falling speed at much easier way.
Custom values no longer been use.

Paladon - For optimize coding.
Kingz - Mention a hidden leak.
Rmx - Fully reconstruct the entire spells.
RED BARON - Author of the model.

  • FAIL On
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to FAIL
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • FAIL_Skip Equal to 0
        • Then - Actions
          • Trigger - Turn on FAIL Loop <gen>
        • Else - Actions
      • Set FAIL = 1
      • Set F_Point[1] = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • For each (Integer F_Spawn) from 1 to 4, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Set FAIL_Times = (FAIL_Times + 1)
          • Set FAIL_Skip = (FAIL_Skip + 1)
          • Set FAIL_Off[FAIL_Times] = True
          • Set Sheep_Off[FAIL_Times] = False
          • Set F_Hero[FAIL_Times] = (Casting unit)
          • Set F_Speed[FAIL_Times] = 2.00
          • Set F_Distance[FAIL_Times] = (800.00 - ((Real(FAIL)) x 100.00))
          • Set F_Distance[FAIL_Times] = (F_Distance[FAIL_Times] + 265.00)
          • Set F_Point[2] = (F_Point[1] offset by F_Distance[FAIL_Times] towards 180.00 degrees)
          • Set F_Height[FAIL_Times] = 800.00
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • FAIL Equal to 1
            • Then - Actions
              • Unit - Create 1 F for (Owner of F_Hero[FAIL_Times]) at F_Point[2] facing 0.00 degrees
              • Set F_Unit[FAIL_Times] = (Last created unit)
              • Animation - Change F_Unit[FAIL_Times] flying height to F_Height[FAIL_Times] at 0.00
              • Unit - Turn collision for F_Unit[FAIL_Times] Off
            • Else - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • FAIL Equal to 2
                • Then - Actions
                  • Unit - Create 1 A for (Owner of F_Hero[FAIL_Times]) at F_Point[2] facing 0.00 degrees
                  • Set F_Unit[FAIL_Times] = (Last created unit)
                  • Animation - Change F_Unit[FAIL_Times] flying height to F_Height[FAIL_Times] at 0.00
                  • Unit - Turn collision for F_Unit[FAIL_Times] Off
                • Else - Actions
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • If - Conditions
                      • FAIL Equal to 3
                    • Then - Actions
                      • Unit - Create 1 I for (Owner of F_Hero[FAIL_Times]) at F_Point[2] facing 270.00 degrees
                      • Set F_Unit[FAIL_Times] = (Last created unit)
                      • Animation - Change F_Unit[FAIL_Times] flying height to F_Height[FAIL_Times] at 0.00
                      • Unit - Turn collision for F_Unit[FAIL_Times] Off
                    • Else - Actions
                      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                        • If - Conditions
                          • FAIL Equal to 4
                        • Then - Actions
                          • Unit - Create 1 L for (Owner of F_Hero[FAIL_Times]) at F_Point[2] facing 270.00 degrees
                          • Set F_Unit[FAIL_Times] = (Last created unit)
                          • Animation - Change F_Unit[FAIL_Times] flying height to F_Height[FAIL_Times] at 0.00
                          • Unit - Turn collision for F_Unit[FAIL_Times] Off
                        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Point[2])
          • Set FAIL = (FAIL + 1)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Point[1])
      • Set FAIL = 0
  • FAIL Loop
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.02 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer F) from 1 to FAIL_Times, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • FAIL_Off[F] Equal to True
            • Then - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • F_Height[F] Less than or equal to 15.00
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set FAIL_Off[F] = False
                  • Set FAIL_Skip = (FAIL_Skip - 1)
                  • Set F_Targ[1] = (Position of F_Unit[F])
                  • Special Effect - Create a special effect at F_Targ[1] using Objects\Spawnmodels\Human\HCancelDeath\HCancelDeath.mdl
                  • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                  • Set F_Group[F] = (Units within 300.00 of F_Targ[1] matching (((Owner of (Matching unit)) Not equal to (Owner of F_Hero[F])) and (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True)))
                  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in F_Group[F] and do (Actions)
                    • Loop - Actions
                      • Unit - Cause F_Hero[F] to damage (Picked unit), dealing 50.00 damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
                  • Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_F_Group[udg_F])
                  • Unit - Remove F_Unit[F] from the game
                  • Set F_Unit[F] = No unit
                  • Set F_Hero[F] = No unit
                  • For each (Integer Sheep_Integer) from 1 to 8, do (Actions)
                    • Loop - Actions
                      • Set FAIL_Times = (FAIL_Times + 1)
                      • Set FAIL_Skip = (FAIL_Skip + 1)
                      • Set FAIL_Off[FAIL_Times] = False
                      • Set Sheep_Off[FAIL_Times] = True
                      • Set F_Speed[FAIL_Times] = 10.00
                      • Set F_Distance[FAIL_Times] = (Random real number between 300.00 and 500.00)
                      • Set F_Angle[FAIL_Times] = (Random angle)
                      • Unit - Create 1 Sheep for Neutral Passive at F_Targ[1] facing F_Angle[FAIL_Times] degrees
                      • Set F_Unit[FAIL_Times] = (Last created unit)
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Targ[1])
                  • Set F_Speed[F] = 0.00
                  • Set F_Distance[F] = 0.00
                  • Set F_Height[F] = 0.00
                • Else - Actions
                  • Set F_Distance[F] = (F_Distance[F] - F_Speed[F])
                  • Set F_Point[3] = (Position of F_Unit[F])
                  • Set F_Point[4] = (F_Point[3] offset by F_Speed[F] towards 360.00 degrees)
                  • Unit - Move F_Unit[F] instantly to F_Point[4]
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Point[3])
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Point[4])
                  • Set F_Height[F] = (F_Height[F] - F_Speed[F])
                  • Animation - Change F_Unit[F] flying height to F_Height[F] at 0.00
            • Else - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • Sheep_Off[F] Equal to True
                • Then - Actions
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • If - Conditions
                      • F_Distance[F] Less than or equal to 0.00
                    • Then - Actions
                      • Set Sheep_Off[F] = False
                      • Set FAIL_Skip = (FAIL_Skip - 1)
                      • Set F_Targ[1] = (Position of F_Unit[F])
                      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at F_Targ[1] using Objects\Spawnmodels\Other\ToonBoom\ToonBoom.mdl
                      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Targ[1])
                      • Unit - Remove F_Unit[F] from the game
                      • Set F_Unit[F] = No unit
                      • Set F_Speed[F] = 0.00
                      • Set F_Distance[F] = 0.00
                      • Set F_Angle[F] = 0.00
                      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                        • If - Conditions
                          • FAIL_Skip Equal to 0
                        • Then - Actions
                          • Set FAIL_Times = 0
                          • Trigger - Turn off FAIL Loop <gen>
                        • Else - Actions
                    • Else - Actions
                  • Set F_Distance[F] = (F_Distance[F] - F_Speed[F])
                  • Set F_Point[3] = (Position of F_Unit[F])
                  • Set F_Point[4] = (F_Point[3] offset by F_Speed[F] towards F_Angle[F] degrees)
                  • Unit - Move F_Unit[F] instantly to F_Point[4]
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Point[3])
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_F_Point[4])
                • Else - Actions
FAIL, Fall, Sky, Sheep, Joke, Funny, AOE, Lol, Rofl, Lmao, Wtf, Omg, Dumb, Retarded, Nonsense

FAIL Spell (Map)

14:57, 2nd May 2009 Dr Super Good: Highly Recommended This spell fails. . . after all that is what it was made to do! I never thought seeing a gient fail word falling from the sky could be so funny and cool at the same time, thus this...
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14:57, 2nd May 2009
Dr Super Good:


Highly Recommended
Rating Comment

This spell fails. . . after all that is what it was made to do! I never thought seeing a gient fail word falling from the sky could be so funny and cool at the same time, thus this spell certainly is unique. Atleast the triggering is a no joke mater, with it seeming leakless and and bug free. Sadly effiency is lacking (although it is still reasonably efficent), but then again that is a trade off for using GUI to make a spell over JASS. Overall, a quite respectable and usable spell, although the imports may make it quite pricy file size wise compaired to other spells and they are an important part of this spell. There is also quite a bit of customizability available for people to use so many beginners will find using this spell quite easy. On top of that there appears to be reasonable documentation to help people import and modify this spell so generally everybody should find no problems using it in their maps. Thus I can reccomend this spell highly for any kind of non serious hero or joke map, however the concept probably will seem out of place in other types of map.

Suggestions . . .
- Efficency could possiably be improved, especially by using JASS however it is not vital that this spell be too efficent as it is not that demanding in the first place.
- The test map could be improved to allow for easier testing and by demonstrating how it may look when used on real map like terrain.
Advice: If you do not understand why this spell was given the rating it received or if you would like to ask questions about how to improve this spell. Feel free to send a private message to spell moderator Dr Super Good.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Thanks to Paladon for optimize the code and Kingz for mention a slight leak.

The spell was currently MUI (I think) based on the current scripting and the test I conduct.

Right now the word isn't display properly due to the offset (My maths ><), hope somebody can show the solution to adjust a proper offset for it.

The spell currently might seems to be simple, I was thinking of adding a buff to unit that are hit by this spell. I do not have any idea about it yet, so feel free to post a buff idea for this spell or any interesting effect for it.

This spell was created for a map that are develop under the generic of lulz such as Are You A Retard genre and mini game.
Level 28
Jun 4, 2007
OMG IT'S THE FAIL. :cgrin::cgrin::cgrin::cgrin::cgrin:
I'll test it before I rate it though. :crazz:

EDIT: I tested it.
Well to be honest there wasn't much too it and imo it dropped way too slow.
I'm kind off dissapointed. A fail spell should win. Read the quote in my sig.
And then there's the usefullness...
I'd give 2/5 if it wasn't for the fail part wich beats it up to 3/5, Usefull, even if it really isn't.

And for this buff stuff. :D
Do something really stupid. Like the chicken model on the overhead.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Letters could drop faster and have sounds.

I did not add sound because I want my submission to follow the spell guidelines.

Custom sounds are prohibited (mainly due to possible copyright problems).

dropped way too slow.

The reason why I set the speed at slow pace because it was a FAIL spell. Only a fail would fail to dodge.

Currently thinking what type of further future could be implement to make it more lulz

Ok, I didnt like it, its not a cool spell, but i give 2/5.

It was currently safe to be use at this moment, that is why I upload it. The current need for it right now is to think what kind of special feature to make it even better, which I currently deadlock about it right now.

Spell should be rated base on coding, not how cool it was.
Last edited:
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
Haven't tested yet, will do soon... But anyway i have a (simple) idea for a buff:
when the a unit with the FAIL buff attacks it has a 30% of missing(and if it misses, the word FAIL! is created as floating text =D). I know it's not creative but it's atleast an idea...

EDIT: Okay, i've tested it now, so just a quick review:
-The FAIL just falls too slow, make it faster.
-Not exactly extremely creative
-You could add more things to the spell, like a buff, sounds n such.


I think you have misunderstood the THW rule about sounds. You are allowed to use the sounds that exist in the WE, but not any sounds which you have imported.

And Please try to make a decent test map.

Right now it's 2/5, and that's just because it's a FAIL spell.

Level 31
May 3, 2008
-The FAIL just falls too slow, make it faster.

You obviously doesn't read what I wrote above your post. XD

-You could add more things to the spell, like a buff, sounds n such.

Yes, I trying to add buff and more fancy effect. The problem is, I deadlock about the right idea for this moment. I do not want to add a effect that doesn't create any lulz feeling in it.

I think you have misunderstood the THW rule about sounds. You are allowed to use the sounds that exist in the WE, but not any sounds which you have imported.

The problem is, there is no sound at WC3 suit this spell.

And Please try to make a decent test map.

It was a spells, not a template or neither map. By adding useless stuff such as destructible/doodad in small quantity like 20-30, it could even add 2-3kb of size to the map.

The purpose of the map is to store the spell, let user test it and import it into their map. Having a fancy template for spells is way too useless and increase the file size. When I do my job, I only care for efficiency and organize resources.

Right now it's 2/5, and that's just because it's a FAIL spell.

What a lulz way to vote.... :=P
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
What a lulz way to vote.... :=P

I mean that the FAIL increases the rating^^ If it wasn't for the theme, it would be 1/5. @ the speed. Even if it's suppoed to be a fail speed, it still needs to fall faster o_O

@ The test map. Oh noez, KB's Õ.õ They will kill us all! (Spoken with a hint of sarcasm)

Level 31
May 3, 2008
it would be 1/5.

1/5 for? The spell submission not focus for a spell with cool effect only, but for a spell with decent or excellent coding.

If a spell have awesome effect, but have defective coding. It was completely useless compare to a spell with excellent coding but decent or lacking effect; go view some spell available at database and see how many of it have cool effect, but laggy and contain heavy leaking.

Just view Paladon Jump and Charge spell, do you give a 1/5 because of the simple effect? It been approve with a good rating from the spells moderation team.

At here, coding is the main priority and not the effect. Effect are just a bonus.

If we vote a resources (Especially spells) based on how awesome the effect is and not how effective it been coded. Do you know how many useless spells would be approve?

@ The test map. Oh noez, KB's Õ.õ They will kill us all! (Spoken with a hint of sarcasm)

Go ahead with your sarcasm, do you know why spells submission does not allowed model (Unless it was necessary for spell) and custom icon? To reduce the file size as low as possible and for spell only, not for showing off a terrain.

If people want to show off their terrain, they can go to terrain board. Not here. Also, people who visit here want to find a spell suitable for their map and import it to their map. They don't give a damn about how awesome the terrain is.

When I import some spells from this section to my map, I do not even view the terrain at all.

With the recent amount of visitor and hive member visit this site now a days, do you have any idea how long a download time could took even for a 500kb files?

This is qft, not trying to harass you or whatever it was. Hope you understand that we want a organize and efficient spell section, not a crap.
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
1/5 for? The spell submission not focus for a spell with cool effect only, but for a spell with decent or excellent coding.

Not just coding, also creativity. Yay, falling letters that explode. How hard could that be to code? Anyways, i'm not saying that your coding is bad, just that the idea is kinda lacking. The letters might as well have been rocks.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
How hard could that be to code?

Don't bet on it. Even a simple spell such as charge and jump could be very difficult to be code.

Sure, you can make a spell that work the exact way it does. But the question lies over here "Is it clean and effective?".

Just ask kingz and a few excellent spell coder. How many newbies need to be told regarding about leak even if their spells was a simple spells?

just that the idea is kinda lacking.

The idea was make for lulz.

The letters might as well have been rocks.

Ok, create a model of a rock that spell "FAIL". This are the only model I found for the spell.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Well i would change a few thing if i were you, i mean the coding is good but something is missing :p
And you have point Septimus not everything is as easy as it looks...
Btw i have a suggestion for a new fail spell much better than this version but if you want here are the suggestion i meant for this version:
Polymorphing all units in range upon a letter fall
And maybe spawning sheeps/animals on the place of the letters would give it a more lulz look :p
If you want the suggestions for a FAIL 2 spell pm me...
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
just that the idea is kinda lacking.

The idea was make for lulz.
I'm talking about the base effect of the spell. Stuff falling. Yay. If you add some Lulz buffs to the spell, i will agree that this is not just another meteor spell. Right now, this spell is just a FAIL spell because of the letters, nothing else makes it a fail spell. That's what i mean with "the letters might as well have been rocks". I didn't mean that you should spell FAIL in rocks >.< THAT is hard xD
Anyway, right now this is just a meteor spell with custom models.



Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
I don't like it. I rate it 2/5 I don't think that will be usefull. Why AI are so close and L is so distand?
Level 9
Apr 7, 2008
They don't give a **** about how awesome the terrain is..

Please watch the language, we have kids that come here too.
I put stars in, because what would be the point of me saying to watch the language when I just repost the same words? ROFL

Anyways I give a (1/5). I can't think of a map where I would want it to be used. I gave a 1/5 because I don't think I can give a 0/5 can I? That would mean there is nothing there, wouldn't it?
Anyways, Words fall waay TOO SLOW. It's extremely boring. I sit here waiting and waiting for these boring little letters to fall and FINALLY do somthing. And when they finally do, it's nothing spectacular.
This spell is FAIL.

Also improve the test map. Create a visibility mod to let the player see the whole map. Maybe make the creeps not sleep. If your going to use it in a real map, the creeps aren't just going to be sitting there waiting to be pummeled by some letters.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Please watch the language, we have kids that come here too.
I put stars in, because what would be the point of me saying to watch the language when I just repost the same words? ROFL

The word "Damn" isn't offensive. It was usually use for expression such as "I don't give a damn about it". If it was indeed offensive, the staff would have it remove by now because there is surely 1 of the member would report it.

Do not believe me? Report it to the staff. I know and I follow the inner and outer rules of this sites and I know perfectly well what I am doing. Do not worry about me, worried about yourself first.

You break more rules than other people does and you do not adhere people advice, so who are the one who need more lesson in following rules? You or me? I guess I have prove my point.

Anyways I give a (1/5). I can't think of a map where I would want it to be used. I gave a 1/5 because I don't think I can give a 0/5 can I? That would mean there is nothing there, wouldn't it?

You obviously just thinking that "Hey, this spell must have some specific theme" only it would be acceptable. It could be useful for some generic map such as mini-games, giving it 1/5 just because you do not have the idea on how to use this spell instead of the spell coding was more to sarcasm.

Look at how many spells with awesome effect and theme we have here, how many of it was useless due to defective coding? You just look at your spells to know exactly what I mean.

Rating should based on the coding, not at the effect and theme.

If rating is based on how awesome the effect is, you can bet that we have tons of approve spells that are way too useless to be used due to leak and sfx abuse.

That is also the main reason why we have a lot of pending spells that are not approve.

Anyways, Words fall waay TOO SLOW. It's extremely boring. I sit here waiting and waiting for these boring little letters to fall and FINALLY do somthing. And when they finally do, it's nothing spectacular.
This spell is FAIL.

Ever read what I wrote back at the other post? I am thinking of adding much better effect and interesting effect without the need to abuse it.

At spells section, we do not need a spells with sfx abuse and defective coding. Most important is the coding is effective and it could serve the purpose of some map generic.

The word falls slowly because it was a FAIL spells, only a fail would fail to dodge it. In generic term, it was following the theme of "FAIL".

Sure, I can make it fast; then it beat the purpose of the theme. This spells was also follow the term of "lulz" and could be use for a map with funny theme on it.

Also improve the test map. Create a visibility mod to let the player see the whole map.

First of all, why should I add a useless trigger into it when a player could make the entire map visible before the map test? The map purpose is to store the spells and test the spells, not for adding a useless trigger that are not for spells purpose.


I do my job at the term of efficiency, not defective. Get it?

Maybe make the creeps not sleep. If your going to use it in a real map, the creeps aren't just going to be sitting there waiting to be pummeled by some letters.

Those creep are set over there for you to test the spells, not for you to have a real fight with it.



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007

Idea/Creativity : 6/10
Trigering/Scripting : 8/10
Balance/In game Balance : 8/10
Description/Originality : 10/10
Efficiency : 8/10
User Friendly : 7.5/10

Is Multi Instanceable : [√]

Final Rating : 47.5
Status : Recommended

Rating System
0 - 15 = SHIT
16 - 25 = Unacceptable
26 - 35 = Lacking
36 - 45 = Useful
46 - 55 = Recommended - Highly Recommended
56 - 60 = EPIC *Highly Recommended *

My View of the spell.
The spell itself is unique i never anything saw like that, i liked how it goes slow and drop on the ground and only FAILURE can be hit with it haha, it made me laugh actually.

How to improve : You could add in the triger speed adjustment to the falling of the spell so nobody annoys u again *just a Reminder* , you could have created it with more Beatifull special effects , increase the damage so it deal more than just 50 for every word make it 100 it will better :p and try not to lesson to all the Nooby questions and don't even reply to them ur making ur hand tired :p

EDIT : after deep thinking u could have made this spell AWESOME and deserves and EPIC !! rating .... just make the special effects better and offset ext.....

Last edited:
people are always thinking to complicated.....

imho you could
-create some units
-make them move down
-calc the duration until when they are on the ground
-add an expiration timer
-make another trigger which spawns sheep and deals damage
-add aoe dmg on death skill to them

same with much less trigger

there might be some aspect with can't be controlled that way but there is no reason to reinvent the wheel...

however this proofes you are able to trigger like badass :thumbs_up:
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Found a bug with this angled fall. If you cast it at the west end of the map the letters are squished and you can't see the word. Just a bunch of red stuff.
Appart from that it's awesome now

Because the unit cannot spawn at the boundary area.

make them move down

Of course they move down =.=

calc the duration until when they are on the ground

Of course we have such a trigger =.=

add an expiration timer

Expiration timer? what do you mean? You mean the unit life expired time? we have it remove once it touch the ground.

make another trigger which spawns sheep

It spawn sheep, it sound like you are using v1.00 and not 1.01
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
make them move down

Of course they move down =.=

He means that you should use the Animation - Change unit flying height trigger

add an expiration timer

Expiration timer? what do you mean? You mean the unit life expired time? we have it remove once it touch the ground.

Unit - Add (chosen time) General Expiration timer to (Unit)
ah damn me xD sry my english isn't that good

what I tryed to say was:
imho it is possible to create the same spell much easier using what I've written before

if expiration timers arent accurate enough you could use -liferegeneration and set the hp to some value.....
might be more accurate but I'm not sure
and it might inflict with units using health auras



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Well expiration Timer for the words F.A.I.L it will malfunction i tryed it the words will still be there and in blue form not red.

But u are right with one thing Expiration time 0.01 second for killing unit is the best way :p

About the flying height well it acts with the speed of falling down so when the speed is faster the flying height will go down faster ext.....
Level 3
Jul 13, 2008
1- It does what it should.
2- No leaks.
3- It is a smooth flow nothing seems awkward.
4- casting more then once doesn’t cause a noticeable problem.
5- It is some what complex in the trigger.
I don’t see why people don’t like it. 5/5 simply because of what I stated and I have never seen anything like it before so good job you broke ground :thumbs_up:
Level 6
Apr 24, 2008
I think the spell was quite epic =)
Really good, maby didnt fall very fast and could have more effects, but as you
said, its about the coding... Good idea.

My tip:
You should make the letters drop from the sky, not fall like that...

Like first, the F falls down, stunning and dealing damage to the target, then
all the units nearby will Fail if they stay, cus then the A drops, wait a short
time, the I drops and then the L. When all leathers are down, they should explode
in an about 500 AoE and deal damage to all units nearby...
That would be FAIL!

Level 22
Nov 14, 2008

Fuckin awsome

dr. super goody said:
hus this spell certainly is unique.
hell yeah it is, never seen this before and couldnt agreed more, just sept you need to learn your maths soon :)

the idea over flows the math problems so hard that this is for sure a 5/5 spell!

Good job, keep it up ^^

edit: who said anything isnt possible in GUI now eh? ;) just kidd

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