U guys make it seem so simple. This is what i orginally had.
Spawn Ogre Warrior
Time - Every 7.00 seconds of game time
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (((Region centered at ((Picked player) start location) with size (384.00, 384.00)) contains (Random unit from (Units owned by (Picked player) of type Ogre Den))) Equal to True) then do (Unit - Create 1 Ogre Warrior for (Picked player) at ((Picked player) start location) facing Default building facing degrees) else do (Do nothing)
As u can see it only creates at the player start location. With 4 bases per player, and only 1 start location per player im stuck. Ive tried tons of stuff but doesnt seem to work. Ur suggestions were helpful but dont really apply to my situation.