A quick question about ExecuteFunc(), I don't have a computer with WC3 to test this
Does ExecuteFunction() start a new thread?
If I call it in a loop, will the loop continue as the function continues?
(If you know the answer, skip the example and just answer yes or no)
I hope to god it does not start a new thread, because this would cause all kinds of chaos and problems
This example is obviously a nonsensical example, but it is pretty clear I won't get the effects I am looking for if there is a new thread, and the x variable gets changed to numbers that it is not supposed to be
Does ExecuteFunction() start a new thread?
If I call it in a loop, will the loop continue as the function continues?
(If you know the answer, skip the example and just answer yes or no)
integer GlobalX
function ExampleFunction takes nothing returns nothing
set GlobalX = 8
function Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer x = 0
exitwhen i == 25 //Loops end doesn't really matter
call ExcuteFunc("ExampleFunction")
set x = GlobalX
if x == 8 then
set i = 25
set x = x + 1
set i = i + 1
I hope to god it does not start a new thread, because this would cause all kinds of chaos and problems
This example is obviously a nonsensical example, but it is pretty clear I won't get the effects I am looking for if there is a new thread, and the x variable gets changed to numbers that it is not supposed to be