{ex-sticky} Rules, Guidelines and Tips - Important thread/map-submission rules, READ!

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Site Director
Level 63
Jan 1, 2006
When creating a thread try add the following information to your first post (see below). Minor variations are allowed, you may use the following list as a guideline. Maps should be attached to your first post. Use the map title as the name of your thread, names such as "my first map" are not allowed to be used as thread titles.

Needed info for creating a thread
  • Map name
  • Name of the creator(s)
  • Current stage of the map (alpha, beta, finished?)
  • Summary of the map gameplay/objectives
  • Map features
  • Miscellaneous Info (credits?)

Friendly tips
  • Categorise your text. Having a wall of text will not get people interested in the project.
  • Use headlines, colors and bold text to make your thread more appealing to the reader.
  • Screenshots! Dont just tell about it, show it!
  • When updating the map, you should update your first post rather than hiding the update in middle of the thread. Especially the new version of your map should be reattached to your first post.

Rules and Guidelines
  • The creator will accept your criticism, but you've got an obligation not to abuse that privilege. Any negative comments must have a clear explanation, or they'll be looked upon as flaming and dealt with harshly. At the same time, explanations aren't required for positive comments, but they're strongly encouraged.
  • All files should be either attached to a post or uploaded in the resource section.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Map Update Requirements


Many map submitters often simply re-upload their maps to The Hive Workshop thinking that it is OK, but it is not. Currently there are nearly 20 maps awaiting approving and we do not need 5 or 6 new versions of already approved maps. Our Resource Moderators’ valuable time is being wasted evaluating duplicate submissions instead of other equally good (or even better) maps that require their attention.

[highlight]Map creators may upload their maps only once and must then update them to release future versions.[/code]

This procedure will ensure that a map’s comments and ratings are retained. It also improves efficiency and allows our Resource Moderators to focus on many other maps while reducing the workload for moderators who are entrusted to perform those tasks.

  • How do I update my maps?
Simple: you click on "Resources" then "Maps" and then browse to "My Maps" at the top left of the screen. A list of all the maps that you have submitted will appear, with update located in square brackets next to the map title; click update. Fill in the changes to your map in the categories displayed and click "update". The map should now be fully updated and only the latest version of your map will be available to download.

  • How do I delete old versions of my map that I have previously uploaded and did not update?
Follow the above steps up to "My Maps" and next to the titles of the maps you submitted will be square brackets. In those brackets is the option "delete" which you must then click, after that a window opens asking "Are you sure?" click "Yes". The map should now be gone and the space will be available for other maps to use.

  • HELP!!! The "update" function is not working!!!
If this ever occurs (highly unlikely), you should PM a moderator asking for permission to update or simply try restarting your computer. If necessary, contact a mod via E-mail or even ask them on THW chat. I’m sure that I and the other resource moderators will help you find a solution.

  • What will happen to me if I do not follow this or if I refuse to reply to a Private Message a moderator sent me about disobeying this?
If you fail to follow this important rule, moderators will PM you again and all future versions of your map will not be approved until you do. If any user fails to reply in some way to the PM, more serious punishments may be brought upon them at the discrition of our moderators or administrators.

[highlight]Negative reputation penalties are sure to be imposed and even banning is possible for multiple repeat offenders.[/code]

This document is subject to future revision and/or amendment.
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