Enemy doesn't care about priority

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Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
I have several towers on my survival map with different priorities (Stats - Priority) and also heroes with the highest priority but the enemies rather attack the nearest target or rather the target which currently attacks them. I want them to always focusthe heroes first..even if towers keep attacking them. Is this doable?
Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
No it does not, the linked topic is offtopic. Priority goes like this:

Highest to Lowest
1. Hero (it has a on/off switch)
2. Lowest Armor
3. Closer Unit
4. Fortified armor

why is the linked topic offtopic? o_O it's about the priority value in the editor which is what we are talking about..hmm.
And if your list is correct when why do the monsters on my map focus the towers instead of nearby heroes?
Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
hm, i have an idea..i give the heroes a hidden ability (phoenix fire) which attacks monsters in a 5000 range (invisible missile, dealing 0-1 dmg)..maybe this will do the job.
Or is it possible to make units ignore certain units ?

/e: idea 1 doesnt work.phoenix fire doesnt make units attack them
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Level 8
Jul 10, 2008
If you want your heroes prioritized all you have to do is switch on the "Focus on heroes" option in the AI.

Give your towers fortified armor and they will be focused last.
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Level 4
May 19, 2020
Despite the post being very old, I'll leave some ideas.

Only Computer enemies with a running AI will intelligently (vaguely...) select targets to attack. Otherwise they will just attack whatever is nearest.
This makes sense, but I don't totally agree. There are a series of interferences to identify a priority, disregarding the approximation.
The "Stats-Priority" field doesn't really interfere in almost anything (I believe), only in very detailed micro-combat issues, maybe it only works for breaking values within countless variants that predate this poor O.E. specification, in the end from the accounts this function is almost useless, after all, in fact all units tend to attack closer objects, but despite that, there are significant priorities, capable of making an attacker stop attacking a unit and quickly change target.
No it does not, the linked topic is offtopic. Priority goes like this: Highest to Lowest... 1. Hero (it has an on/off switch) 2. Lowest Armor 3. Closer Unit 4. Fortified armor
What puffdragon claims, i believe, is the closest to what is actually available.
Heroes are "constant" targets of the AI, this is indisputable. But of course there are factors that go beyond approximation, even if they are not commonly occurring or so noticeable. In many cases, even if they are on the same line of aproximation, I have noticed some melee units are prioritized over some types long ranged units. Units with Fortified armor are always repelled by the AI, becoming the last targets (but for siege attackers I think maybe they are the main targets). Divine units also tend to be the last target (i think), everything seems to vary according to the type of attacker also, the attack source appears to have preferred target types.. some higher lvl Creeps try to attack low HP units first, others prefer lighter armor units or they seek to prioritize units that have the type of armor in which their attack is the most brutal.
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