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Emerald Dream

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Level 3
Feb 18, 2010
Hi, this is my second terrain. Please enjoy and give suggestion. Thank you.

Information regarding the terrain

I based this terrain on World of Warcraft Emerald Dream. This is my image of how Emerald Dream is like. Hope you enjoy.

Hi ladies and gentleman, i was away due to school/work. Today i finally have some time to improve my 'Emerald Dream'.

By the way, thanks for giving me feedback so that i can improve. I hope i have made some improvement. Feel free to give me back some feedback :)

*Thank to XDogg for the wonderful yoshi egg, it gave me an idea of bird nest ^^*


  • Emerald-Dream.png
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  • Emerald-Dream(Remade).png
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
The concept isn't bad at all, on the contrary I love it. However, I can see infinite numbers of possible improvements on the execution. I don't know where to start really.
The grass is simply way too spammed. If you insist on keeping all that grass I really suggest you add in some rocks and varied vegetation.
I also suggest you read this through: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/general-mapping-tutorials-278/natural-environments-96825/
I don't know if it's just me, but I can only make out one single tile in this entire terrain. I can see how that wouldn't be an issue if you had covered it all with a grass doodad, but I still see several blank spots.
So, tile variation is definitely needed.
The rock formations are a neat idea, however they are too stretched.
Quite frankly the blizzard rocks used in this manner won't look very good in any means you choose to place them.
Try Steinlord4b's rock found here for example: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/terrain-board-267/discussion-contest-sanctioned-models-115741/
Furthermore, the water is... 'not delightful' to put it delicately. Perhaps it's due to the fact that it's too deep. It doesn't really blend in at all.
Water is reflective, hence it should have a similar color as the sky and the surroundings.
The fog is a bit thick for my taste. Loosen it up to show more of the background.
This concludes my thoughts. *Phew*
Level 15
Oct 16, 2010
Great concept, looks nice so far, a few suggestions:

1. Remove the crystals, their texture doesn't fit the rest and niether does their color scheme

2. The angle on the trees in the background just doesn't work. You can see their trunk and really just see everything bad about the model. Whoever made those trees obviously intended for them to be seen from the third-person perspective. You need to change the angle of the camera OR change the trees used OR change the angle of the trees OR put a structure there instead OR put a hill there instead.

3. You need to do something about the statue. Right now it just seems randomly placed in a small clearing in the middle of a cluster or trees. There's a different between overgrowth and randomness, it's alright to have plants and stuff growing all around you'r statue but you need to make it look like it's actually supposed to be there.

4. Remove the tree trunk to the left of the statue, it's quality is poor and that thing sticking out makes it look even worse. Use a trunk from the UTM or one of those high-res packs at Wc3c.net instead.

5. You use different rocks on the right side of the picture than you do with the waterfall which looks weird. Use the same rocks.

Things I liked:

1. The waterfall is great, love it
2. Good use of foliage and overgrowth
3. I like the use of effects in the background along with the altars
4. The animals go well with you'r concept, good to see you weren't afraid to use something that was animated.

Just some suggestions, keep up the good work :thumbs_up:


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Natural Enviroments
does this type of enviroment have diamond ?
Yes, it does. Emerald Dream is a vast, ever-changing spirit world, that exists outside the boundaries of the physical world, and is the verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. (quoted from: http://www.wowwiki.com/Emerald_dream)
Theoretically they aren't wrong when relating to the concept. I do agree that they are placed poorly however.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
how would i know -.-"
i just look at the terrain and looked at the enviroment
unlike you,checking on what emerald dream mean and everything
I've played World of Warcraft.
And I disagree, I do think the crystals fits the enviroment, I do however say he placed them poorly.
Now stop getting pissy because I stated a different argument you did.
Nuff said.
Also, back on topic, I like the update much more than I did its predecessor. The steinlord rock fits this concept brilliantly.
I still get an end of the world feeling whilst looking at the horizon, however.
Level 3
Feb 18, 2010
Firstly, i would like to thanks all of you for your suggestion. I have made some changes according to your suggestion.

I hope i have solved the feeling of the 'end of the world', the poorly placed of crystals and lastly.. the feeling of more towards 'Emerald Dream' and not just a simple forest.

Note: The portal at the back is a sort of entrance and exit (You can said it is a emerald portal) and those faeries is like wisp, they are the caretaker of the crystals, animal and trees.

Feel free to look and comments.

Thanks to donut3.5 for the wonderful model of faeries


  • Emerald-Dream(Remade-numbertwo).png
    3.6 MB · Views: 145
Very, very good!
The fairies were an awesome addition.

My only comment now is the use of too many grass variations.
Try sticking to Grass: Animated 1, or Grass: Animated 2.

Oh, and those Elveswoods (5)'s are not really the best trees for me.
In my opinion, it's very unnatural to see a tree with leaves growing upward.

Overall, the terrain looks great.
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