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Elves vs. Skeletons v.1.12a

-Zaldazzor Presents-

Elves v.s. Skeletons
Created by Zaldazzor

"Map Info"

By selecting a hero in a tavern you will face the war between the Elves and the Skeletons.

"Change Log"

  1. New Command ESC
  2. New mode -ms
  3. Add some neutral units
  4. Items
    • Dagger of Escape
    • Searing Blade
    • Acid Hammer
  5. Hero
    1. Ranger
    2. Elven Owlbear
    3. Engineer
    4. Blood Titan
    5. Tauren Slaughter
  6. Recipe
    • Boots of Health
    • Boots of Mana
    • Staff of Concentration
    • Nature's Sword
  1. Change Keeper of the Grove's missile
  2. Increase Knight Crush's stun duration from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
  3. Change Knight Strike's chance to bash from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30
  4. Change Rage Mode to Markmanship
  5. Remake Fury Power
  6. Change Blood Mage's icon, model, and missile
  7. Change all range heroes projectile speed to 1200
  8. Remake Pulverize
  9. Change Treant Warrior to Sword Maiden
  10. Change all heroes base attack time from 1.7 to 2.0
  11. Change Grunt's model and icon
  12. Change all heroes aquisition range to 700
  13. Change all merchants hit points to 0
  14. Change Olympian Sword's icon
  15. Change Earth Poison's icon
  16. Change Pulverize to Poison Sting
  17. Change the all taverns' model
  18. Change Skeleton Warrior, Archer, and Mage's model
  19. Change Elements Dragon's missile
  20. Change Speel Breaker's missile
  21. Remake Breath of Fire
  22. Change the icon of the command buttons
  23. Change Element's Intelligence to Dragon Staff
  24. Change Element Dragon to Enchanted Dragon
  25. Decrease Mana Leak's mana cost by 50
  26. Decrease Napalm Strike's mana cost and cooldown from 75/15 to 65/5
  27. Change Blood Mage's missile
  28. Change Blood Mage to Flamecaster
  29. Change Bladestorm, Cunning Attack, and Endurance Aura's icon
  30. Remake Endurance Aura
  31. Change Bladestorm's mana cost from 80/80/80/80 to 60/70/80/90
  1. Magic Wand's buff

  • Remake Bloody Mouth
  • Remake Unholy Frenzy
  • Remake Claw of Accuracy
  • Change Ring of Health to Ring of Regeneration
  • Remove Ring of Defense from the game
  • Remake Claw of Accuracy
  • Change Ring of Mentality to Sobi Mask
  • Remake Staff of Resistance
  • Decrease Leather Armor's bonus armor from 5 to 4
  • Decrease Chain Armor's bonus armor from 9 to 8
  • Decrease Steel Armor's bonus armor from 14 to 12
  • Remake Old Armor
  • Remake War Armor
  • Decrease Knife's bonus damage from 7 to 5
  • Decrease Sword's bonus damage from 14 to 10
  • Decrease Samurai Sword's bonus damage from 21 to 15
  • Decrease Steel Sword's bonus damage from 28 to 20
  • Decrease Butcher's Knife's bonus damage from 20 to 13
  • Decrease War Sword's bonus damage from 50 to 30
  • Better Item Description
  • Change Horse Power to Charge
  • Better Hero Description
  • Change Mort Thunder's Model file
  • Change Mort Thunder's Icon file
  • Increase the number of Neutral Units
  • Change Napalm Strike's Cast Range from 600 to Global
  • When a merchant is selected it plays an animation
  • Change the title set to Lordaeron Winter
  • Decrease Riffleman's hit points from 402 to 300
  • Change Item combiner
  • Decrease Old Armor recipe cost from 1000 to 500
  • Change Flame Body to Heat Wave
  • Decrease Blademaster's Movement Speed from 320 to 280
  • Change Blademaster's starting attributes from 19/23/16 to 20/20/14
  • Change Blademaster's attribute gain per level from 2/1.75/2.25 to 1.9/2.85/1.4
  • Change Global Silence to Spell Book
  • Change Damage Leak to Mana Leak - Increase all Merchants' selection scale from 1.00 to 1.11
  • Decrease Arc Light's Cooldown from 45/40/35/30 to 30/25/20/15
  • Change Ancient of Battle's Missile
  • Change Loading Screen
  • Added manacost description
  • New hero
    1. Necromancer
    2. Avenger
  • New recipe
    1. Mask of Berserk
    2. Weapon of Might Wand of Thunder
  • New command -damages
  • New items
    1. Human Sword
    2. Orc Axe
    3. Undead Claw
    4. Human Glove
    5. Orc Armlet
    6. Undead Gauntlets
    7. Skeleton Mask
    8. Wooden Shield
    9. Scroll of Teleportation
  • Remove the 2 Infernals fro the game
  • Remove 1 Ancient of Destruction and 1 Succorbenoth
  • Remove all Element Orb items from the game
  • Remove Element Warrior from the game

  • Change Firelord's model
  • Decrease Firelord's range from 580 to 500
  • Change Blademaster's icon and model
  • Increase Fire Ignitation's mana cost from 10 to 100
  • Remake Fire Ignitation
  • Change Flame Boy's AoE from 220 to 600
  • Change Firelord's all starting stats from 19/17/19 to 15/20/18
  • Change Firelord's all stats per level from 1.8/1.7/2 to 2/2.4/2
  • Change Firelord's Primary Attribute from Intelligence to Agility
  • Remake Flame Body
  • Change Rock Throw to Rock Armor
  • Change Fire Ignitation 's AoE from 500 to 800
  • Increase Sorceress' Scaling Value and Selection Scale by 10
  • Change Flame Spheres to Volcano
  • Remake Element Mage to Element Dragon
  • Mana Regeneration per Intelligence from .1 to .2
  • Change Element Dragon's strength stat per level from 1.8 to 1.5
  • Change Element Dragon's starting intelligence stat from 18 to 26
  • Increase Breath of Water's duration from 5 to 15
  • Decrease Breath of Water's mana cost from 70 to 50
  • Increase Breath of Water's cast range from 550 to 800
  • Decrease Rock Armor's damage from 15/25/35/45 to 5/10/15/20
  • Decrease all tower's damage by 15
  • Decrease all tower's armor by 5
  • Remake rock armor
  • Change Frost Impale to Frost Nova
  • Change Frost Nova to Frost Shatter
  • Decrease Breath of Fire's cast range from 700 to 500
  • Decrease Rock Armor's cooldown from 30 to 20
  • Increase Earth Poison's mana cost from 65 to 100/115/130

  1. Hero
    1. Mountain King
    2. Fire Lord
  2. Item
    1. Magic Wand
  3. Give Wonders' Rock Arm ability
  • Change Loading Screen
  • Change Blood Mage's primary attribute from strength to intelligence
  • Change Blood Mage's strength per level from 3.2 to 1.7
  • Change Blood Mage's starting strength from 23 to 16
  • Change Blood Mage's starting intelligence from 17 to 22
  • Change all unit and heroes sight range (am 1000) (pm 700)
  • Change Titleset
  • Upgrade the multiboard
  • Change Grunt Torment to Warcry
  • Remake Outer Blight
  • Increase Unholy Frenzy duration from 7 to 20
  • Change Demon Hunter's starting intelligence stat to 20
  • Change Demon Hunter's starting strength stat to 18
  • Increase Demon Hunter's intelligence per level from 1.2 to 2.0
  • Decrease Keeper of the Grove selection scale and scaling value by 10
  • Decrease towers armors from 8/28/48/68 to 5/10/15/20
  • Increase Ancient of Wonders damage from 15/20/25/30 to 20/25/30/35
  1. Moding

  • Added sounds when players left the game
  • Decrease Skeleton Overlord's range from 180 to 150
  • Change terrain heights
  • Change Demon Hunter's model file
  • Change Demon Hunter's icon hero
  • Change Demon Hunter MS from 290 to 320
  • Change Blood Steal to Blink
  • Change Blink Shot icon ability
  • Change Mana Destruction to Global Silence
  • Change Illusions to Mana Destruction
  • Remake Fan of Knives
  • Remake Blink Shot
  • Decrease Acid Aura's duration and damage
  • Starfall
  • Moon Shadow

  • Item
    1. Ironwood Branch
    2. Circlet of Nobility
    3. Magician's Necklace
  • Increase Horse Power duration from 3.5 to 4.5
  • Change Double Bash to Knight Strike
  • Change Moon Tiger to Starfall
  • Change Searing Arrows to Whistle of the Moon
  • Change Hypnotise to Elune's Arrow
  • Change Moon Light to Moon Shadow
  • Change Razor Leaf to Sweet Scent
  • Remake Force of Nature
  • Decrease Spell Breaker's starting intelligence attribute points from 23 to 20
  • Change Poisonous Vines to Nature's Power
  • Increase Fountain's AS
  • Remake Howl of Terror
  • Increase Mirror Images's illusions by 5%
  • Improves Raistrike's duration[*} Creeps upgrade
  • Remake Pulverize

  • Hero
    1. Element Warrior
  • Spheres from the Blood Mage
  • Meat Wagons
  • Glaive Throwers
  • Replace the current doodad to a Village Tree doodad
  • Increase Horse Power magic damage from 5/10/15/20 to 10/25/40/55
  • Change Bone Digger's range from 175 to 150
  • Increase Outer Blight's magic resistance
  • Increase the damage of all creeps by 5
  • Change Ancient of Battle's missile
  • Change some terrain textures
  • Change Mana Burn to Finger of Death
  • Decrease Sorcerres' range from 625 to 475
  • Change Fireblast to Napalm Strike
  • Remake Ember
  • Change Element Warrior to Element Mage
  • Change Blood Mage's range from 600 to 500
  • Decrease Overlord's starting strength attribute from 28 to 24
  • Remake Wind Walk
  • Change Chain Lightning to Thunder Rage
  • Change Monsoon to Random Lightning
  • Remake Claw Drag
  • Decrease Fan of Knives' cooldown from 15 to 10
  • Increase Fan of Knives' damage from 25/50/75/100 to 35/70/105/140
  • Decrease Fan of Knives' mana cost from 45 to 30
  • Blink Shot
  • Primal Rage
  • Searing Arrows

  • Drop Items
  • Remake Spell Break
  • Remake Axe Slam
  • Increase Grunt's Range from 350 to 375
  • Decrease Skeleton Overlord's Scaling Value
  • Decrease Skeleton Overlord's Range from 200 to 180
  • Change Vampiric Aura to Bloody Mouth

  • Hero
    1. Element Warrior
    2. Spell Breaker
    3. Grunt
  • Item
    1. Pendant of Life
    2. Pendant of Mana
  • Remake Claw Drag
  • Increase Acid Aura AoE to 300
  • Increase Ghoul's scaling value by 10
  • Decrease all towers' armors by 10
  • Remake Windslash
  • Decrease Wind Slash's mana cost by 15
  • Decrease Bladestorm's mana cost by 10
  • Increase all heroes' mana start regeneration by 2%
  • Butcher Knife

  • Change Quill Spray to Rage Mode
  • Increase all heroes base armor by 2.5
  • Earth Poison

  • Hero (Warden)
  • Cast range description
  • Magic Portals
  • Decrease Bladestorm damage
  • Decrease Axe Slam mana cost from 80 to 55
  • Decrease Forked Lightning damage
  • Decrease Chain Lightning damage by 20
  • Decrease Frost Nova damage
  • Decrease Frost Impale damage by 20
  • Increase Bone Digger intelligence per level from 1.80 to 1.90
  • Decrease Bone Digger Agility per level from 2.10 to 2.00
  • Change Charge to Horse Power
  • Decrease Forked Lightning cast range from 600 to 400
  • Decrease Frost Impale cast range by 500
  • Decrease Frost Nova cast range from 800 to 300
  • Decrease Rock Throw cast range from 800 to 500
  • Decrease Moon Light cast range by 100
  • Decrease Horse Power mana cost by 20
  • Decrease Knight Crush mana cost by 5
  • Decrease Illusion mana cost by 25
  • Increase Demon Hunter intelligence per level from 1.00 to 1.20
  • Decrease all heroes damage by 5
  • Decrease Rock Throw damage by 20
  • Decrease Burrow Strike damage
  • Decrease Pulverize damage
  • Increase Earth Poison mana cost
  • Change Burrow Strike mana cost to 75
  • Rock Throw

  • Boos Infernal
  • Increase Angel Burst's cooldown by 5
  • Decrease Angel Burst's damage by 20
  • Change Meteor Smash to Arc Light
  • Decrease all items cooldown when buying

  • Area of Effect description
  • Hero (Ghoul)
  • Items
    1. Axe of Power
    2. Claw of Accuracy
    3. Staff of Resistance
  • Change Soul Shot to Searing Arrows
  • Decrease Poisonous Vines mana cost from 10 to 5
  • Decrease Force of Nature mana cost from 120 to 100
  • Decrease Meteor Smash AoE from 400 to 300
  • Decrease Meteor Smash mana cost by 25
  • Decrease Meteor Smash mana cost by 5
  • Decrease Dark Knight's range from 128 to 100
  • Decrease Ghoul's range from 128 to 100
  • Increase Ghoul's scaling value from 1.2 to 1.3
  • Outer Blight

  • Hero (Bone Digger)
  • Items
    1. Element Orb - Earth
    2. Element Orb - Fire
    3. Element Orb - Water
    4. Element Orb - Air
  • Ground Volcano to Meteor Smash
  • Bugs

  • Area of Effect description
  • Hero (Ghoul)
  • Items
    1. Wand of Unknown Sight
    2. Tome of Retaining
    3. Vampiric Potion
  • Attribute effects
  • Mana Costs
  • Bugs

  • Loading Screen
  • Blood Mages's spheres
  • The skill Air Spheres to Flame Spheres
  • Skill icons

  • Hero
  • Item
  • Upgraded Units
  • Plays sounds when casting a special skill
  • Bugs

  • Loading Screen
  • Bugs


  1. Dark Knight
  2. Demon Hunter
  3. Elven Owlbear
  4. Enchanted Dragon
  5. Engineer
  6. Flamecaster
  7. Keeper of the Grove
  8. Mountain King
  9. Priestess of the Moon
  10. Ranger
  11. Sorceress
  12. Spell Breaker
  13. Warden
  1. Avenger
  2. Blademaster
  3. Bone Diggger
  4. Firelord
  5. Ghoul
  6. Grunt
  7. Lich
  8. Mort Thunder
  9. Necromancer
  10. Raider
  11. Skeleton Overlord
  12. Tauren Slaughter

  1. -Bert-
  3. MiniMage
  4. JoelS
  5. Kobas
  6. Bluebay
  7. Aneszej
  8. 88WarCraFT3
  9. Matej
  10. crilleproRoboHippo
  11. shamanyouranus
  12. familla
  13. RaeVanMorlock
  14. Stanakin Skywalker
  15. RMX
  16. -Berzerker-
  17. Muotech
  18. NFwar
  19. Big Dub
  20. afro knigth26
  21. x-omg-x
  22. Zack1996
  23. HappyTauren
  24. Cloud Wolf
  25. Mobilize
  26. D4RK G4ND4LF
  27. Gwen Stefani
  28. 0123456789
  29. Elainiel
  30. dizzt
  31. FrIky
  32. 67chrome
  33. PalaSlayer
  34. Blaxor

Rate the map as well

Elves, Skeletons, War, Battle, Dota, George, Rymon, Zaldazzor, Night, Chaos, Orc, Elf, Undead, Scourge, Sentinel

Elves vs. Skeletons v.1.12a (Map)

11:57, 10th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved You must improve trigger skills. Gameplay is basic and much "any other AOS map" like, we want unique systems :)




11:57, 10th Jun 2011
Status: Approved
You must improve trigger skills. Gameplay is basic and much "any other AOS map" like, we want unique systems :)
The map preview seems like a waste of file size to me. All you did was squish a random wallpaper made by blizzard. Considering the fact that this game is called Elves vs. Skeletons, I don't think a wallpaper of a mountain king fighting a blademaster is appropriate. You quite literally used the opposite; the game consists of elves and undead, while the preview consists of a human and an orc.
Try to keep in mind that the point of a custom preview is to represent your map, not simply to increase the file size of your map by showing your favorite wallpaper.
Also, I suggest you use numbers for the listing, rather than letters. Just in case you end up adding more.
As for the map itself, I'll download it when I go home tomorrow evening and test it. From what I've read in your description, it looks like it might be a fun map.
Level 6
Apr 16, 2011
The map preview seems like a waste of file size to me. All you did was squish a random wallpaper made by blizzard. Considering the fact that this game is called Elves vs. Skeletons, I don't think a wallpaper of a mountain king fighting a blademaster is appropriate. You quite literally used the opposite; the game consists of elves and undead, while the preview consists of a human and an orc.
Try to keep in mind that the point of a custom preview is to represent your map, not simply to increase the file size of your map by showing your favorite wallpaper.
Also, I suggest you use numbers for the listing, rather than letters. Just in case you end up adding more.
As for the map itself, I'll download it when I go home tomorrow evening and test it. From what I've read in your description, it looks like it might be a fun map.

what are you talking about? the wallpaper is appropriate and don't judge my map cause you never played it. You didn't even know that there's a blademaster and mountain king in the map. play the map first than making nonescence.
what are you talking about? the wallpaper is appropriate and don't judge my map cause you never played it. You didn't even know that there's a blademaster and mountain king in the map. play the map first than making nonescence.

You might learn to take criticism. I already said specifically in my comment that I was not judging your map. I already said specifically in my comment that I could not test your map yet, and that I would test it when I got home the next night. I also said that, based on the description, your map did look like it would be fun. The only thing I said that wasn't praising your map was that an orc and dwarf in the preview didn't quite seem appropriate for an elves vs skeletons map. And that comment was not intended to insult you, only to point out something for you to possibly change. If you are so easily offended, then I suppose I shouldn't waste time trying to help you improve anything in the first place. But I'll still waste time anyway. I'd rather see an Arthas vs Illidan, as this would better fit your map.

I know that a mountain king and blademaster are in the game, as these were listed on the heroes list. What I was pointing out was that they did not belong in the game. If you wish to keep them in your map, then I suggest you change the name to Horde vs Alliance, because that's what it really is currently; another clash of horde vs alliance heroes.

Just a quick tip, though, you should learn to better respond to criticism. If you don't like someone's suggestion, simply say that you prefer to keep it the way it is; don't respond aggressively. Criticism is intended to help you improve your work. Ask anyone who is successful, and they will tell you that they learned when they found out they were wrong, instead of being angry when it was pointed out.
Level 6
Apr 16, 2011
You might learn to take criticism. I already said specifically in my comment that I was not judging your map. I already said specifically in my comment that I could not test your map yet, and that I would test it when I got home the next night. I also said that, based on the description, your map did look like it would be fun. The only thing I said that wasn't praising your map was that an orc and dwarf in the preview didn't quite seem appropriate for an elves vs skeletons map. And that comment was not intended to insult you, only to point out something for you to possibly change. If you are so easily offended, then I suppose I shouldn't waste time trying to help you improve anything in the first place. But I'll still waste time anyway. I'd rather see an Arthas vs Illidan, as this would better fit your map.

I know that a mountain king and blademaster are in the game, as these were listed on the heroes list. What I was pointing out was that they did not belong in the game. If you wish to keep them in your map, then I suggest you change the name to Horde vs Alliance, because that's what it really is currently; another clash of horde vs alliance heroes.

Just a quick tip, though, you should learn to better respond to criticism. If you don't like someone's suggestion, simply say that you prefer to keep it the way it is; don't respond aggressively. Criticism is intended to help you improve your work. Ask anyone who is successful, and they will tell you that they learned when they found out they were wrong, instead of being angry when it was pointed out.

I know that the Mountain King is not an elf and the Blademaster is not a skeleton, but the loading screen features two of my maps' heroes,and this is not a problem nor an error. I have difficulty on finding and creating a loading screen
Well how about this: remove the mountain king and blademaster heroes from the game, because they don't fit.
There are plenty of arthas (undead) vs illidan (night elf) wallpapers that you could use instead. I really think the game would make more sense that way. If you want, I'm sure I can find you some Arthas vs Illidan wallpapers. I'll even make you a loading screen myself if you want, because the map does look promising.
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
Elves vs. Skeletons v.1.12a
The lanes looks a little bit empty.
There is a decent variation of tiles but you could add some doodads.

I played the "bone digger".
In my opinion he is too weak, you should raise his hit points or you give him a range attack.

Have the different attacktypes any function?
You imported a lot of undead building which does not realy fit the skeleton theme. They look more like demon buildings.
The imported undead skins are a good choice.
The missle of the "ancient battle" tower is realy disturbing.
The imported command buttons does not fit the theme. There are many diffrent sets which could fit better.

You made good tooltips which makes items and abilities easier to understand.
The filename is too long. This map is not playable for many people.
I suggest you name it "EvS1.12a".
Level 4
Jul 20, 2011
this game is good at first but somethings that annoy me.

-creeps need less health or armor, its hard to last hit them
-creeps need to deal less damage and then scale into lategame
-heros need more health but not too much more
-change engineer to make him fit more. he has "air attack" which does less damage to structures wich basicly negates his "C". his "Z" also dosnt do very much damage early game and barly enough late game.
-blademasters sping thingy lasts too long
-filesize is huge and theres only less then 25 heros