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[Campaign] Elite Soldier's abilities

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Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
Ok. I never used this in a map, but here goes.

A unit called Siren which just like Blake's Spectral knights had a negative aura

basically it decreased the defense of enemy units by 3 points. Plus the unit had resistant skin, 33% evasion, and an ability to hide at night
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
in each scenario or campaign its different, the usual battle is where your are the liberator on a mission to dethrone the tyrant

this can is basically you getting rid of the king, the traitor, the usurper, your rival, the rogue general, etc.

Usually this is the last mission, if not then its usually not too far from the last one.
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
Well you built it up, you make the hero hate the enemy

you demonize the hell out of the enemy so that the player can't wait to defeat him. you make it personal,

this is NOT just another battle, this is where the score gets settled, this is were the revolution occurs....
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
Long map where you and whatever it is you need to destroy is a long distance apart.

Make sure the mission can't be won by mass producing aerial units alone, this can be done by only allowing the build heaver aerial units (food cost of 6) which cannot be mass produced, or having the enemy have a great counter for anything that's flyiing (like flying machines) or towers that do incredible damage to flying unit, or dragons, or other measures.

Make sure the player has to destroy multiple bases before getting to his final destination
make sure that the strength of enemies that he faces increases as he gets further towards his goal

make sure that when the goal is in reach the enemy (computer) does anything in his power to prevent the goal from being accomplished

you could even have the mission timed, but this is too much as these missions often take about 3 hours to complete
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
well only the specialized ones that guard whatever structure or unit you're trying to destroy as your goal
Yes the enemies forces should be stronger than the players but there should be a trigger that prevents them from rushing the player's base
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
Diffiucult to just give you an answer, either some sort of naga royal guard unit except without the summon and an endurance aura, or a 750 footman with resistant skin and critical strike, lots of other opitions
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
hmmm, the twilight of the gods except you start at the bottom without archimonde would make an excellent final mission

the defense of home from legends of arkain terrain is pretty good

if you seen my maps, "Azure Revolution" that terrain would be perfect

terrain from wos fallen comrades, (this isn't too perfect)

terrain from wos "mechanized terror"

terrain from (don't remember the campaign name) top of the hill mission

basically anywhere where you start at a lower ground and have to fight to a higher ground



Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
Try the revolution map (the one blake made) I think that has epic all over it, not only is it huge,but its super hard to get to the final target



Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
Actually it was mission 18:p I know because I helped with the editor
Level 6
Mar 17, 2017
If u want the map to be an obstacle in the players path u don't need to make everything an uphill climb, just have the player start at a mountain, then battle through a valley up a mountain again

A second obstacle I have taken note of is use of curves and turns in a map. Makes it very difficult for a player to progress

Third is if a map consists of a set of islands and u have to get across them , especially so if u have to defeat bases on these islands. I have encountered this in a campaign, all I can say was it was a lot more challenging than I expected

I can add more things but I think u get the general idea
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