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- Feb 15, 2009
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Effectline System v 1.0.avJass
Hey Guys,
1. Introduction
A. What you are giving us Saia?
I'm proud to present you a system which aids you creating (straight) lines
compared with several effects and mehods you can call on/with/in/at them.
All this runs via a struct ,which is nearly unlimited configurable
B. What can we do with it Saia?
This allows you to create linespells pared with effects more easy e.g you can easily trigger a stunning shockwave or a manaburning line etc. with this system
i would only use if u have at least (2 - indefinite) spells which should behave linear otherwise its not necessary to have this System
2.Facts / Requirements / etc.
-uses vJass
- The Effectline script which you have to include in your map
Here is the (current , more will come in next vers.) list which explains how to use the single methods , how to create a line ...
4.System Code
-More methods will appear when i find some time to add new code , for bugfixes i have always time.
-A guide (comments) in the examples will come 2
1. Arctic Wave
2. Firestorm
-Fixed Images
-Reworked Presentation a bit
Hey Guys,
1. Introduction
A. What you are giving us Saia?
I'm proud to present you a system which aids you creating (straight) lines
compared with several effects and mehods you can call on/with/in/at them.
All this runs via a struct ,which is nearly unlimited configurable
B. What can we do with it Saia?
This allows you to create linespells pared with effects more easy e.g you can easily trigger a stunning shockwave or a manaburning line etc. with this system
i would only use if u have at least (2 - indefinite) spells which should behave linear otherwise its not necessary to have this System
2.Facts / Requirements / etc.
-uses vJass
- The Effectline script which you have to include in your map
Here is the (current , more will come in next vers.) list which explains how to use the single methods , how to create a line ...
So this is a System which aids you creating Lines ( which can be used to create linespells , eyecandy
or just because you like lines )
Also there are following examples ( Just Spells ) included in this Map:( more will come )
- Magical Line
- Firestorm
- Arctic Wave
There are some defaults use by the System which you should change in the Effectline trigger
but i list them up here to explain them :
integer DUMMY_ID = 'u000' //Set this to the Dummypath used by your Map(should be flying and use the dummy model of vexorian (look the import section of this map))
real EFFECT_DISTANCE = 35. // How far a effect is created from the previous one. This is the MIN VALUE which a step could minimal be set to
integer MAX_INSTANCES = 90 // The MAX counter of effects created ,higher values allow longer lines, but a bit less performace
real EFFECTLINE_UNITRANGE = 150. //(default )How far from the Line the Units are catched from the GetUnitsOnLine Method
The first method is just the Create method used like this :
( LINENAME can be what you want it to be [ just to tell you ] )
1st : local Effectline LINENAME (nothing more or it will not work correct if created at beginning )
2nd : set LINENAME = Effectline.Create( player owner , real sourceX , real sourceY , real targetX , real targetY , string look , string attach , real linestep )
player owner The Owner of the Effectline
real sourceX The X Coordinate of the start point
real sourceY The Y Coordinate of the start point
real targetX The X Coordinate of the end point
real targetY The Y Coordinate of the end point
string look The string name of the model which should be used ( e.g. "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Drain\\ManaDrainTarget.mdl" )
string attach The string name of the attachmentpoint ( e.g. "origin" )
real linestep The real value of the distance between each line object ( just use 0. to use the default one or your own like 75. just do what u want here)
so it will look like this then :
local Effectline LINENAME
// DO what u want with your code
set LINENAME = Effectline.Create( Player(0) , 0. , 0. , 500. , 500. , "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Drain\\ManaDrainTarget.mdl" , "origin" , 0. ) // we used a linestep of 0 here to use the default one just experiment which step fits best with which model
The next thing to know is just to know how to destroy the Effectline
You just can do this with
call LINENAME + . + destroy + ( )
so it will look like this then :
call LINENAME.destroy()
the rest will be cleaned by itself
Now your Effectline is there where u created it ( haha ) and you can destroy it , but you want more or not ?
First of all i show you the method model which allows you to change the model of a existing line
method operator model= takes string newPath returns nothing
newPath is the just the string used by the new model
This time we do this with the set LINENAME + . + model = newPath
To take up the last example we have this :
local Effectline LINENAME
set LINENAME = Effectline.Create( Player(0) , 0. , 0. , 500. , 500. , "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Drain\\ManaDrainTarget.mdl" , "origin" , 0. )
Now we just use a wait or a timer to wait the time till we change the model
call PolledWait(1.5) // we wait 1.5 seconds and then :
set LINENAME.model = "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\LiquidFire\\Liquidfire.mdl"
Now we changed the Effectline look-a-like to a burning fire (know it doesn't fit with the drain model )
You can also call this multiple times maybe used for mutating lines etc.
The next method is the :
method GetUnitsOnLine takes real radius ,boolexpr match, unit caster returns nothing
This method just catches the units which are within a changeable radius of the Effectline and adds them
to the struct´s own group STRUCTNAME + . + affect
to do this just call
call STRUCTNAME + . + GetUnitsOnLine ( real radius ,boolexpr match, unit caster )
real radius The MaxDistance from units to the line to be catched ( use 0. if you want the default one )
boolexpr match The Condition for Units to be catched
unit caster The Spellcaster is needed to be not catched himself in the group
Now you can loop through your group like you want ( e.g. ForGroup(group g, code c) , or with FirstOfGroup(group g)
Before you use the .affect group you must have called .GetUnitsOnLine or the group will not exist already
The STRUCTNAME.affect group can also be changed to a local group with following code :
1st : local group g = CreateGroup()
2nd : call STRUCTNAME + . + GetUnitsOnLine( 0. , boolexpr , caster )
3rd : call GroupAddGroup( STRUCTNAME.affect , g )
Now you have the Units in your local group g and can do whatever you want to do with them
The in this version last included method is the Color method ( more methods will come )
method Color takes integer red , integer green , integer blue , integer alpha returns nothing
This method just allows you to change the visual attributes of a line because we change the
Effectline`s base units colors and alphas to which the effects are attached which has visual
changings to the effects attached ( Doesnt work for everything , but for most buffs it will work ( like the Icecube from the Frostwyrms chilling attack) )
You can call this method like this:
call STRUCTNAME + . + Color(integer red , integer green , integer blue , integer alpha) to change its color .
call STRUCTNAME.Color ( 255 , 255, 255 ,0 ) now nothing will be shown coz we reduced the alpha value to min
( or max min this case ) and the models will be invisible so also the effect attached to it
Fine we read us in next version with some new methods and if neccessary some fixes.
Regards Saia_Djinn
4.System Code
// Line System by Saia_Djinn
// v. 1.0
//Credits go to:
//Vexorian, for his work for the Community(and Introducing vJass) and the DummyModel
//SlyRabbit for writing a NewType tutorial , which the Line System is mainly based on
library Effectline
private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'u000' //Set this to the Dummypath used by your Map(should be flying) can also be the one from e.g. xe system etc.
private constant real EFFECT_DISTANCE = 35. // How far a effect is created from the previous One (MIN VALUE) max can be set on the create method
private constant integer MAX_INSTANCES = 60 // The MAX counter of effects created ,higher values allow longer lines, but a bit less performace
private constant real EFFECTLINE_UNITRANGE = 150. //How far from the Line the Units are catched from the UnitsOnLine Method
private struct Data
real sX
real sY
real tX
real tY
real facing
real cX
real cY
struct Effectline
real distance
group effectcounter
effect array fxremove[MAX_INSTANCES]
group affect
static method Create takes player owner ,real sourceX ,real sourceY ,real targetX ,real targetY,string look, string attach , real linestep returns Effectline
local unit dummy
local Data value = Data.create()
local Effectline line = Effectline.create()
local integer count
local integer a = 0
local real step
if ( linestep == 0. ) then
set step = linestep
set value.sX = sourceX
set value.sY = sourceY
set value.tX = targetX
set value.tY = targetY
set value.facing = Atan2( value.tY - value.sY, value.tX - value.sX )
set line.effectcounter = CreateGroup()
set line.distance = SquareRoot( (value.tX - value.sX ) * (value.tX - value.sX ) + (value.tY - value.sY ) * (value.tY - value.sY ) )
set count = R2I( line.distance / step )
set a = a+1
exitwhen a > count
set value.cX = value.sX + I2R(a) * step * Cos(value.facing )
set value.cY = value.sY + I2R(a) * step * Sin(value.facing )
set dummy = CreateUnit(owner ,DUMMY_ID ,value.cX ,value.cY ,0. )
call SetUnitPathing(dummy ,false )
call SetUnitFlyHeight(dummy ,0. ,0 )
set line.fxremove[a] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( look , dummy , attach )
call GroupAddUnit(line.effectcounter,dummy )
set dummy = null
call Data.destroy(value)
return line
method operator model= takes string newPath returns nothing
local integer a = 0
local unit v
local group g = CreateGroup()
call GroupAddGroup(this.effectcounter , g)
set a = a+1
exitwhen a > MAX_INSTANCES
call DestroyEffect( this.fxremove[a] )
set this.fxremove[a] = null
set a = 0
set v = FirstOfGroup(g)
set a = a+1
exitwhen v == null
set this.fxremove[a] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( newPath , v , "origin" )
call GroupRemoveUnit(g, v)
call DestroyGroup(g)
set g= null
method Color takes integer red , integer green , integer blue , integer alpha returns nothing
local group g = CreateGroup()
local unit v
call GroupAddGroup(this.effectcounter , g)
set v = FirstOfGroup(g)
exitwhen v == null
call SetUnitVertexColor(v ,red , green, blue ,alpha )
call GroupRemoveUnit(g, v)
call DestroyGroup(g)
set g = null
method GetUnitsOnLine takes real radius ,boolexpr match, unit caster returns nothing
local group g = CreateGroup()
local real x
local real y
local unit v
local group Temp = CreateGroup()
set this.affect = CreateGroup()
if radius == 0. then
call GroupAddGroup(this.effectcounter, Temp)
set v = FirstOfGroup(Temp)
set x = GetUnitX(v)
set y = GetUnitY(v)
exitwhen v == null
call GroupRemoveUnit(Temp , v )
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g , x, y , radius , match )
set v = FirstOfGroup(g)
exitwhen v == null
if IsUnitInGroup(v , this.affect ) or IsUnit(v , caster ) then
call GroupRemoveUnit(g , v )
call GroupAddUnit(this.affect,v)
call GroupRemoveUnit(g , v )
call GroupClear(g)
call DestroyBoolExpr(match)
call DestroyGroup(Temp)
call DestroyGroup(g)
set match = null
set Temp = null
set g = null
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
local unit d
local integer a = 0
if this.affect != null then
call DestroyGroup(this.affect)
set this.affect = null
set d = FirstOfGroup( this.effectcounter)
exitwhen d == null
call RemoveUnit(d)
call GroupRemoveUnit( this.effectcounter, d)
set d = null
set a = a+1
exitwhen a > MAX_INSTANCES
call DestroyEffect( this.fxremove[a] )
set this.fxremove[a] = null
-More methods will appear when i find some time to add new code , for bugfixes i have always time.
-A guide (comments) in the examples will come 2
1. Arctic Wave
2. Firestorm
-Fixed Images
-Reworked Presentation a bit
Last edited: