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Editor Quests

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Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
any chance someone can explain to me how 2 acuatlly set up a quest and make the requests 4 it work!!!, turt me i tried (and failed(miserably)) confusing at times, i need 2 know otherwise my custom campaign shall fall!!!, help me out peps...
Level 8
May 27, 2007
To set up a quest do something along the lines of the following.

  • Start a quest
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 1 (Red) Acquires an item
    • Conditions
      • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Sturdy War Axe
    • Actions
      • Sound - Play QuestNew <gen>
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: New Quest: (Quest d...
      • Quest - Flash the quest dialog button
      • Quest - Create a Required quest titled Return Bob's Axe with the description Return the axe you ..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp
      • Set BobsAxeQuest = (Last created quest)
      • Trigger - Turn on Complete a quest <gen>
BobsAxeQuest is a quest variable, but if you have more than one quest in your map which is quite probable, you can create just one quest array variable and give your quests numbers instead of names, so instead of set BobsAxeQuest=LastCreatedQuest, you might have set Quest[1]=LastCreatedQuest. Obviously you can replace events and conditions with a lot of things, i.e. a unit enters region, a unit begins an ability such as a custom talk ability and so on.

This is what you would basically use to end your quest.

  • Complete a quest
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 2 (Blue) Acquires an item
    • Conditions
      • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Sturdy War Axe
    • Actions
      • Sound - Play QuestCompleted <gen>
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: Quest Complete: (Qu...
      • Quest - Mark BobsAxeQuest as Completed
      • Player - Add 1000 to Player 1 (Red) Current gold
You would add a condition to check that the unit aquiring the axe is Bob, the one who the quest wanted you to return the axe to, and add any rewards and so on to the bottom, here I just gave the player 1000 gold as a reward but it can be anything i.e. item, stat boost etc.

This is a very basic example of the most basic things you need to do to set up a quest. If I remember correctly there is a good tut on quests on wc3campaigns so you should check it out once there site has finished moving, I haven't checked for a good one on TheHive.

EDIT: OK I just looked at TheHive's tuts, here's a good looking quest tut for you to take a look at, http://hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6175&highlight=quest

Good luck, if you would like me to try and explain a few more things feel free to PM me...

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