Easy to make Illidan skin please

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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Which color should the cut have? Pale like a healed scar?
Something like that but considering his skin colour and the location as in the video.

I believe Illidan's model has bilateral symmetry meaning if you put a cut on the right boob of his texture, it'll appear on the left as well, so you might need a simple model edit as well.
Ah crap.
Level 12
Jan 25, 2017
So I love that Cuore is the fairy godmother/self-appointed-moderator/custodian of the request section (depending on how you view the request section) but I love even more when I see him (although could be her?) branch out and view it as either an opportunity to something else, or maybe it's just part of his/her learning process (skins/skinning, like, lol wut?).

Anyways, I think I can help without even ever having seen a pic of Illidan all scarred up.

Let's see:
We know Illidan is a nightelf so he had purple-skin and green blood.
Which meant the scars looked light grey and maybe had a green tint due to blood (or else it would be purpley-blue (forgot the color) if his skin was magenta (NE skin is usually purple in games/3d but magenta when drawn in 2D)).
But because he actually has ashen grey skin, because demon's blood or whatever, his blood now is just really really dark (but not black).
But in Northrend, he would take on a colorscheme similar to your avatar which means his blood is a dark blue and his scars are then either:
1. Light blue(er)
2. Pale pink with dark blueish tint
3. Dark blue scabs on medium grey
Or else 4. - Dark blue blood clots

Which, of course, depends on how you want to depict how long ago it had been since he got the wound.

Unless you wanted to base it off exactly how it is in the video posted above, which would be something else. Although, it's pretty much the same thing just with deep purple blood instead of blue.

EDIT: I think I was basing it off of WoW appearance or of him drawn. I didn't realize that cutscene is wc3. His blood is obviously purple so then, because Deepstraz said 'cauterized' I'd personally probably go for 2. -a pale pink scar that's a little dark purple in the middle (same shade as his tattoos) .

EDIT EDIT: btw if it isn't obvious - I'm totally talking out of my ass here guys xD
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
We know Illidan is a nightelf so he had purple-skin and green blood.
No green blood. Watch the video. Plus, in Warcraft III night elves gush humane blood.
Which, of course, depends on how you want to depict how long ago it had been since he got the wound.
Some hours to a maximum of a day but he is being healed=/=cured by blood elven priests.
Oh, you realized it!
btw if it isn't obvious - I'm totally talking out of my ass here guys xD
Yeah, what's up with that?

Anyways, thanks for the input!
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
My idea is to draw something similar to:
(just more pale)
and put it on:

Good news is Illidan is not symmetrical, you can simply draw the scar on his sternum :)
Level 12
Jan 25, 2017
Yeah, what's up with that?

Hahah, okay, I'll stop trolling the requests section when I'm high af.


well damn. gj

The idea is for it to be as far from the heart as possible. That's my explanation as to why it wasn't a fatal wound amongst others.

I don't know man- I totally thought he was dead after wc3 (started my spiral of teenage angst because I loved him so much) (jk) ... I also don't know a thing about WoW so it wasn't until a few years ago I saw this magazine with Illidan on the cover that I figured otherwise.

Also the video/skin is unmistakably across the center of the sternum so...

edit: also lol @ Blizzard for 'BigAssSky.blp' in that same folder
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I have to remark it's very hard to notice. That's why it's as bright as I was able to make it.
Swell job! Can you make it face the other way since Arthas cuts from right to left and that way it'll be farther from the heart (which is on the left by the way, on the right as you look at the image).
Also the video/skin is unmistakably across the center of the sternum so...
No, it is not exactly on the sternum, it's a bit on the right of it. Look closer.
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