Easy One: Flag Model(s) and a Skin/Model Edit

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Level 4
Jan 3, 2005

--- 1) I am currently working on a capture the flag map, but I really need a _good looking_ flag model (2 times, red and blue) which is _small_ enough to be carried by an archer-sized unit without looking weird (see "capture the flag"-skill at the world editor).

Also, the 2 flags should look - except for the banner / banner color the same (simply not as different as the standard flag models). A modified, rescaled version of an existing wc3 standard flag-model is ok, too, but it shouldn´t as I mentioned look weird.

--- 2) I really love the BloodRunner model by PrinceLoth, the only thing which is annoying and doesn´t fit into my map is the "spell", or the magic thing which comes out of its left hand.. I´m in search of a skin or a model modification for it to remove that.
( see: http://www.wc3sear.ch/?p=Models&ID=2039 )

If you are interested in which map I need this for, grab a few players and have a look at: http://www.wc3sear.ch/?p=Maps&ID=3258

thx to anyone who can create one of these things,

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