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easy model request...

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Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Hi all... I need some help because I have quite a big problem

I'm creating a double kill system where you can see a picture underneath a player who made the double kill...

The problem is I tryed using images but they gave me a lot of problems for example: the enemy can see where the player who made the double kill is walking...

Also sometimes the pictures weren't destroyed....

So I want to change this image into a model that I can attach to the origin or feet of a players unit...

The only thing I'm asking from you is the following:

create a few models that looks like a circle (depending on what skin is used) with the following 9 skins:


the skins are already in targa format so I hope this won't be much of a problem to you...

+rep for the one who does this job, maybe a few more reps from a friend of mine which the system is made for :)
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
I think the links are broken...
At least I couldn't open them here.

So, you want just a flat circle-ish model, fitting the images? I can do that for you.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
I think the links are broken...
At least I couldn't open them here.

So, you want just a flat circle-ish model, fitting the images? I can do that for you.

yes that would be exactly the thing we need :)

are you sure the links are broken :O? I'll upload them again if I must

EDIT: correct the links are broken, I'll upload them as soon as I can

new links:

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8MI8GV09 killionaire.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B6CYS2MY killtacular.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DERN4UX8 overkill.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FGJZ48FZ double kill.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H458DVUF killinmanjaro.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KBF8UXXJ triple kill.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LBUXMRV9 killtastrophe.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NFMPG2F7 killpocalypse.tga
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WJJMPKUF killtrocity.tga

EDIT: sry for megauploads stupid waiting time -_-" I hate that ><
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009


  • double kill.tga
    16 KB · Views: 74
  • triple kill.tga
    16 KB · Views: 85
  • overkill.tga
    16 KB · Views: 58
  • killionaire.tga
    16 KB · Views: 54
  • killinmanjaro.tga
    16 KB · Views: 61
  • killtrocity.tga
    16 KB · Views: 89
  • killtastrophe.tga
    16 KB · Views: 55
  • killtacular.tga
    16 KB · Views: 77
  • killpocalypse.tga
    16 KB · Views: 99
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
ok that's better :D
before I start working...
You want these models to work like, for example, the auras in warcraft 3? If so, I can base them on the auras and this way they will be already in the size you want and all...

yes that would be nice :) Sorry for the late respond b.t.w...

I'm going to some friends and I'll be back around 12 o clock, I hope to see the models soon, I really appreciate what your doing for me... :)
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
Here you go...
I'm not sure if you can attach it directly to the feet. If you have to attach it to origin, there may be some problems (like the circle staying in the waist of the character instead of its feet).. Anyway, test it and if needed I'll try to fix it.

All circles use the same texture. You provided some small pictures so the resolution is not *that* great (aka it strecthes quite a bit)


  • Circles.rar
    196.3 KB · Views: 43
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Here you go...
I'm not sure if you can attach it directly to the feet. If you have to attach it to origin, there may be some problems (like the circle staying in the waist of the character instead of its feet).. Anyway, test it and if needed I'll try to fix it.

All circles use the same texture. You provided some small pictures so the resolution is not *that* great (aka it strecthes quite a bit)

I'll check em out as soon as I can now and you will be rewarded when it works thanks mate :thumbs_up:

edit: the only things I have to do is import the models + the texture right :)?
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
I'll check em out as soon as I can now and you will be rewarded when it works thanks mate :thumbs_up:

edit: the only things I have to do is import the models + the texture right :)?

yea, and give the texture a custom path in the import editor in WE. just change the "wc3impored" part (wich comes before the slash) with "Textures"
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
they are good, but the size is too big :) I want it to have almost the same size as the targa files had :) I know it is small, but maybe a tiny bit bigger would make it look cool :cool:

these aura's are ment to be some sort of small indicator that someone has a double kill... So maybe if it has like the same size as the targa files had (I think 64x64 then it fits the circle underneath the character. A tiny bit bigger would make it look good... If that's not possible then I can live with 64x64)

EDIT: also... this looks a bit bad :(

Do you have any idea how to fix that problem :(?

and yes it can't be attached to the feet but to the origin... But that's not much of a big deal because it looks like it is attached to its feet..
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
oh ok i got what you wanted now.
but I don't see what looks bad in the screenshot. is it the circle going below the ground? if it's that i dont know if it's possible to fix =x
that shouldn't be a problem if I reduce the size as you want, though
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
oh ok i got what you wanted now.
but I don't see what looks bad in the screenshot. is it the circle going below the ground? if it's that i dont know if it's possible to fix =x
that shouldn't be a problem if I reduce the size as you want, though

yes It's going below the ground :(
hopefully it won't else I'll have to stick with how it is :)
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
to try to fix that I could make the model stay a bit higher from the ground, but that could cover the feet/bottom of your unit; but then I could make the model be a bit transparent.

What do you think?
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
to try to fix that I could make the model stay a bit higher from the ground, but that could cover the feet/bottom of your unit; but then I could make the model be a bit transparent.

What do you think?

I don't think people would bother if the model is that small :)
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
great job man :)

b.t.w. maybe we are not going to use it anymore, but we are not sure about it because of bungies policys... But if we do, we will credit you for them :)
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