Dummy Casting Spells Problem

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Level 8
Feb 17, 2007
So I have preplaced dummies on the map who cast spells for the bosses, but the problem is the dummies are casting there abilities at the location of the heroes who use the same order string for there abilities are. So for example, one of my heroes abilities uses the order string breath of fire, and so does the dummies spell, so whenever the hero casts that ability the dummy also casts his ability at the point where the hero clicks. How do I fix this?... I don't understand why it's happening if the abilities are on completely different units.
Level 8
Feb 17, 2007
Yes the dummy is ordered to cast the abilities but only when the boss fight starts, and the timer for there skill expires, not before that. Before that the timers and the triggers which are related to there skills are not turned on. And I want to have the dummies owned by the Boss, which is player 12 brown, an enemy for players 1-8. But I can't have it owned by the Boss if the dummies casts the abilities every time the heroes use abilities with the same order strings. And a lot of these spells are configured to work for the enemy of the player who is casting them, so that's a lot of reconfiguring to do and I've got a lot of these spells in Jass which I don't know how to change like that. I could send you the map if you really need it, just trying to explain it to you better.
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