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Druid cat form, (without a timer, like a druid bear form % Storm crow form.) help?

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Level 8
Oct 23, 2010
So. I have a Tauren druid, (Lorekeeper by Lorekeeper [apaka]) and a Cat form (Tauren Druid Cat Form by Dan van Ohllus & Cavman [Dan van Ohllus]) And i am making his morph into the cat, (the bear and bird too, but i will work on that later...)

Now, so far, its works FLAWLESSLY! Except for the fact that there is a timer on how long he is morphed... How do i make it so its unlimited? (if i did 999999 seconds or whatever, it still has the bar, and i can morph out of it...) Any ideas?
Level 8
Oct 23, 2010
I tried just changing the models, The NE to a Tauren, and the bear form into a cat form, the problem is, he doesn't change. I mean, the spells change, the model doesn't... And He gets a new spell... He can RE-learn Bear form and storm crow form... endless loop... There was no out of bear form Button. only bear form again, in DNBNT (or whatever it is in Icon language that means a darker shade...) so i have a Tauren druid who just freezes up every moment or two, and can get into an endless loop of trying to be a cat and failing.

any ideas? :(
ok then,
try triggering it
create a copy of your unit, but make the model into the form you want to be in
then when an ability starts effect, add a spell called "Chaos" to it, which will automatically change the unit into a different one (I.E. your cat form) and just give that secondary model another ability that will do the same thing, but make the chaos autochange back into normal form
Level 8
Oct 23, 2010
ok then,
try triggering it
create a copy of your unit, but make the model into the form you want to be in
then when an ability starts effect, add a spell called "Chaos" to it, which will automatically change the unit into a different one (I.E. your cat form) and just give that secondary model another ability that will do the same thing, but make the chaos autochange back into normal form

Would i still have the same level? I need a Hero to do it.

(if theres a way to just do the 99999 timer, but a spell to cancel the effect short, That would work wondrously.)
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