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Dreadlord Demon Hunter

Some Demon Hunters have battled the Burning Legion, specifically Dreadlords and other Nathrezim, so hard and long, that they have become what they have hated. The intense evil and hate given off by the Nathrezim's magics has now warped and twisted these staunch defenders. Now transformed into the Nathrezim these Demon Hunters become their most feared generals, the Undertakers. Using their vampiric blades forged by demons in hellfire forges, these Undertakers kill and maim any adversary on the battlefield.

A remake of a skin I did awhile ago for a contest at WC3Campaigns.

Enjoy, and give creds

Nathrezim, Purple stuff, Dreadlord, Burning Legion

Illidan.blp (Texture)

12:53, 10th May 2009 Hawkwing: The shading is particularly poor in the hair and breastplate. I recommend you fix that. I personally am against the pink, but if you insist on keeping it then go ahead. That wont stop me from approving it.
Lols I checked the dreadlord skin to see what u were talking about w/ all the purple, and only the cloth elements between their armor is purple. Their actual chestplates are black, and the Tichondrius skin has entirally black and gold with no...
Others have pointed out some of the issues with the look of the hair, the blandness of the blade and the gauntlets also look really flat and could use improvement. Some stronger shadowing would also help to make parts of the texture pop but the...




12:53, 10th May 2009
Hawkwing: The shading is particularly poor in the hair and breastplate. I recommend you fix that. I personally am against the pink, but if you insist on keeping it then go ahead. That wont stop me from approving it.
Level 9
Aug 17, 2008
- Too pink
- Too much brightness (if you know hat I mean)
- Too reggae
- Gayish colors
Here is my advice, you need to darken the skin cause it doesn't look like it's an undertaker. Change the pink colors. It's not Demon Hunterish. You can make a more plain hair. Remove that dreadlocks. It's not awesome. Too reggae. A gay dreadord I say.
Level 26
Nov 19, 2007
I personally like the colour scheme. Cliched red demons are boring as hell, and his skin looks epic with the purple hero glow. The hair does look kinda odd on the wrap, but no one who'll use the skin gives a shit because it's only the wrap that matters. Still looks a bit odd from the screeny, though. Kinda like an extruded ... brain? The hand armour is kinda meh.
Level 1
Feb 3, 2009
hay can u halp me i have downloaded some stuff off of here like uints but i dont Know where to put them to git to them in WC3 world editor plzz help
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009

I checked the dreadlord skin to see what u were talking about w/ all the purple, and only the cloth elements between their armor is purple. Their actual chestplates are black, and the Tichondrius skin has entirally black and gold with no purple, so at least change some of the armor to black.

The dreadlocks look pretty bad, see if you can isolate each one one by one and add better highlights and shadows on them, right now they look a little flat. And if they are supposed to be made of flesh, make them the same color as his face - they look like a bad attempt at periwinkle hair.

The way the model wraps the eyes is a little akward, you should rotate the eyes down a little so on the wrap they look more natural, a 45 degree offset is a little much. Besides, it's not like u have to put up with blinking animations or anything, that used to be a blindfold.

If you want to make his armor look more epic, isolate all the golden bits in a selection or put them on a new layer, then go crazy with the burn and doge tools (or whatever you have avalible on the program you are using). The more contrast you put on there the more shiny the golden bits will look, which adds a new layer of epicness

If your going to say the blades were forged from hellfire at least make them look more baddass, add runes or make them look like they just came out of the forge with white-hot ends and such, or a whole bunch of little serrated edges. Now they look sort of meh

Add a little more shaddows to his pants, the dread lord skins go to black shaddows with their cloth elements.

The ears are still elvishly large - dreadlord's arn't that big. Just a minor thing though, if you can alpha out the tips of them to make them dread- lord pointy ear stile go for it. If not it's just a minor issue.

Lols - Lavendar demon :xxd:
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Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
- Too pink
  • Too much brightness (if you know hat I mean)
  • Too reggae
  • Gayish colors
Here is my advice, you need to darken the skin cause it doesn't look like it's an undertaker. Change the pink colors. It's not Demon Hunterish. You can make a more plain hair. Remove that dreadlocks. It's not awesome. Too reggae. A gay dreadord I say.

And here is my advice, learn to read, I'm made him into a Dreadlord, based off of the ingame skin

And let me double post to show everyone how it's supposed to be, matching Dreadlords
Last edited by a moderator:
And here is my advice, learn to read, I'm made him into a Dreadlord, based off of the ingame skin

And let me double post to show everyone how it's supposed to be, matching Dreadlords

Omg THE_END doubleposted :D

and Chrome, it seems that he was goin for the dreadlord beta look, which IS pink =?

well only thing that bothers me is that the ....tendrils? on his head are pink, they should be better off white, and make some spave between 'em Via alpha.

Level 16
Jan 1, 2009
Seriously. Close this thread. It's useless.
Heres the entire thread for you.
Countless Noobs: Omg it lookz gaye becoz it pink and dreadlords are demons so they r lik red and black and emo and goth and satanic. Whyd you mak somthng to mach ingam unitz?

Hawkwing/The_End: *Owns noobs*

Seriously, CLOSE IT.

By the way 5/5, love it. SO SEXY
Seriously. Close this thread. It's useless.
Heres the entire thread for you.
Countless Noobs: Omg it lookz gaye becoz it pink and dreadlords are demons so they r lik red and black and emo and goth and satanic. Whyd you mak somthng to mach ingam unitz?

Hawkwing/The_End: *Owns noobs*

Seriously, CLOSE IT.

By the way 5/5, love it. SO SEXY

That hardly made any sense at all.

I don't think a model's/skin's comments can be closed...

They can. I've done it before, when I was a moderator.

Owned by a noob with <100 posts.

Err. What?
Others have pointed out some of the issues with the look of the hair, the blandness of the blade and the gauntlets also look really flat and could use improvement. Some stronger shadowing would also help to make parts of the texture pop but the highlighting isn't bad.

I really like the wings, they look phenomenal with the fleshy, skin veins on them. The colour choice whilst others complained, I think is fine, there's nothing wrong with pink. The face I also think looks good and has a lot of effort put into making it look Dreadlord-y. It's also all freehand which we love to see! Set to recommended.