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DotA Football v1.3 AI

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Reactions: Rence Kristoff

DotA Football v1.3
Created by Chukees

Map Info:

This map is basically a football game with DotA Heroes. Every hero has kick, goalie jump, sprint and his special ability.


Map Features 15 DotA heroes.
Also Artifical Intelligence (AI) is included, so you can have some fun even in singleplayer.


Special Thanks To:
Vuk2Chainz - For Map Testing

Change Log:

Uploaded Map!

-AI improvements

-Added New Hero : Anti-Mage
-Picking Time Reduced By 5

-Added New Hero : Pudge
-Changed Picking Screen Background

DotA, football, AI, artifical, intelligence, soccer, field, ball, team, xD, idk, lol, tile, chukees, kek,

DotA Football v1.3 AI (Map)

It is working fine, but as you said yourself, the AI is not very strong yet, so there is no real challenge in the game, even though it was quite fun. I think this could have been much greater if it was multiplayer. I don't know much about DotA or...
Level 10
Dec 19, 2015
Fun Game you have here, you should work on the terrain last, and start with the AI, I know that you said it's not much yet, but they don't really try and get a goal, enemy, goes to our goal then goes away, allies do nothing, and add more heroes, GOOD JOB!! :thumbs_up::thumbs_up::mwahaha:
Level 14
Jul 3, 2015
Had a quick playthrough and despite the A.I. still being in beta, had quite a bit of fun testing out the heroes even if the goal tenders were useless.

I like the idea of splicing together DotA and Banjoball, and what you have so far does a noteworthy job at bringing the two together. I enjoyed how you used the original abilities of some heroes, such as Slark, Tiny, and QoP, and made them useful in this game. It makes it feel more like a DotA mini-game than another Banjoball reskin. Some heroes, though, have their abilities taken from the original Banjoball and doesn't make sense for them to have it. Examples are:

- Nightstalker has "Long Shot"

- Zeus with "Curveshot"

- Ogre Magi with "Smash"

You could try using their original abilities from DotA and tweak them a bit to fit in-game like you've done with Io and Earthshaker. I can think of a few ways to do this with Magi or NS. Zeus not so much, but I'm sure you can find something.

And this may just be me but I fancy the idea of having the Heroes having multiple abilities and level-ups they can get as the game progresses.

Another way you can make it feel more like DotA is by tweaking with the terrain. You could make the right side a bit more blighted to make it fit the Scourge theme when you have the time to get to that.

But you should try to focus on the terrain last, much like what Rence said. Focus on the A.I. and try to flesh out the Heroes first. My recommendation is to focus on adding heroes after you finish working on the current ones and their respective A.I.s.

Keep in mind these are just my two cents. If you're planning on taking this map in a different direction by all means follow what you want. This is a very promising map and I hope to see more of it in the future.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
It is working fine, but as you said yourself, the AI is not very strong yet, so there is no real challenge in the game, even though it was quite fun.
I think this could have been much greater if it was multiplayer.

I don't know much about DotA or Banjoball, but this seemed pretty fine.
However, I agree with the previous posters on the things that could be improved. Especially that the terrain could be updated.

Anyway, as the map is working as it is now, this map is Approved.