Any Game, is more fun played privately with friends Hands down,
Anyways, None of you can really make a good argument on Dota being "Good".
No one has played Aeon of Strife. I Think it should be remade for Warcraft 3, that would be cool.
Also, would not be empty, theres tons of games being hosted, but most of them don't make it too the Pick game screen. Because theres simply too much Dota.
As a Tip that it says in World of Warcraft on a Loading Screen with a minor tweak.
"Take everything in Moderation, Even DotA"
Every player should be told that, than maybe we would have less Elitest bastards.
Side Note [I don't play WoW too often, so I don't pay for it, Private Server, *Cough*]
Back on Topic,
Anyways, If you want to make a Campaign, Go with Zeuz, I've read it the first time [and only] time I played, it was very interesting.
Good Luck,