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Does anyone actually enjoy playing as the "bad guy"?

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Level 1
Jul 10, 2015
Island Defense, Vampirism, Sheep Tag, Tree Tag, Dracula's Curse and so on.

These maps were really popular but how many people enjoyed playing as the bad guy? Most people usually ended up leaving if there was only one slot left and it was they had to play as the bad guy.

Balance is another issue since most people wanted to play as the "survivors" for a reason.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
The thing about being the "tagger" in most tag games, is that its very much a case of wandering around until you chance upon a base that you can actually hurt. There isn't much of a long term plan/strategy one has to have, and when it comes to the details of combat, there isn't much to do (interesting abilities/tactics).

I also think its a combination of map layout (predictable base positions, limited incentive for survivors to move), tagger abilities (limited in-combat tactics) and the fact that you cant really "inspire fear" and use stealth as the tagger (getting to survivors to worry about where you could be lurking etc.)

Lastly, there is a certain amount of "tense feelings" as the survivor, knowing that this big monster could barrel in and slap you dead very quickly; which I guess is innately more interesting.
Combine that with the "tagger" being not very fun to play, what you have is a "tagger" role that is pretty limited in what you can do. Limited enough that you probably get an AI to perform said role without much difference.
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