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Proffessionally-balanced skillful micro-based Player-vs-Player team-optional feature-heavy game.
Even if you don't usually like dodgeball maps, you will love this.
Previous versions have over 1000 combined downloads on &
DodgeBall Extreme is the king of dodgeball maps.
Almost infinitely better than the next best one, due to overwhelming balance and features.
It makes the rest look like boring, feature-lacking, skill-less amateur jokes.
And this is the absolutely final, completely finished version of DodgeBall Extreme.
(Released late 2006 - possibly the final dodgeball map anyone will ever release)
1)Choice of multiple rounds. First team to X wins, wins. (where X = 2, 3, 4 or 5)
2)Anti Spawn-Kill system. (no more noobs thinking they're pro)
3)Team coloured balls. (no more confusion)
4)Delayed BallsPerCourt Equalisation. (can't hog balls indefinately - can for a while)
5)Minimisable Multiboard, recording kills and DODGES!
6)Extremely advanced dodge-detection system, sensing proximity AND where-you-were-1sec-ago dodges.
7)"Multi-kill"'s and "Multi-dodge"'s, including visual flashing effects.
8)Super extensive in-game help screen, including a comprehensive guide on how to be pro, and advanced tips - all from the best.
9)Aptly used PurePwnage sound effects, and others.
10)General pro-gamer & PurePwnage map theme - get lost in the world of pro war3 dodgeballing! (I am)
11)Anti-TimeWaster systems.
(Dodge Flamestrikes after 45 seconds and Flee Peons after 1.5 minutes)
12)Revolutionarily realistic slowing of balls.
13)Partial damage from slow balls. (90% or 51%)
14)Multiple grab-throw hotkey options. (Oldschool "GT", nice'n'easy "ZX", and pro "DE" for shift-chaining)
15)Secret Round (extremely fun) + misc little secrets
16)Loads of camera angles.
17)Small ball-hit-player explosion animations. (size dependant on damage)
18)Perfectly finished map: Checked and re-checked perfect grammar, perfect formatting, logical text-format hierarchy, EFFECTIVE BUT TASTEFUL colour use, accurate trigger/script/text timings, conclusive in-depth version history, and absolutely perfected terrain and doodad placements.
...And lots of other little finishing touches, creating a proffesional look and feel, making the map a pleasure to play. Even the version history is fun to read!
There have been dosens of DodgeBall war3 maps since ~early2005 when STANTO first created it, but none of them have managed to add any significant improvements over that time - till DodgeBall Extreme!
All of the features listed above were invented and pioneered by me, since Late 2005 when I first started the DodgeBall Extreme project; after i got annoyed at spawn-killing and how short the game was in the original.
(with the possible exception of multiple rounds - which someone may have secretly created before me)
To this date (Jan2007), all but the first 2 features remain entirely unique to DodgeBall Extreme, and cannot be found on any other DodgeBall map - perhaps because i am the only one who cares enough about war3 dodgeball. ;D
Lag Note:
The lag can be a bit lame with alot of players, unless the host has specialist uploading broadband. Wouldn't advise more than 4v4 on normal 2MB broadband.
As a host, you won't actually be able to tell if it's lagging, so ask the other players how long their delay is.
Also PC lag can sometimes build up over a game - due to blizzard's crappy war3 memory leaks.
If you are lucky enough to be able to play this at a LAN with 10+ players, send me an email saying how utterly incredible the experience was - i envy you