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Do parallel universes exist?

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IS there another place in time where there are people just like us but slightly different but what creates a parallel universe? and is it possible we could travel to another parallel universe or is it just 1 inch away from us
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
there are alot of theorys about parallel universes. my favorite is string theory and M theory, which is actually an extention of string theory. in this the idea is that there are an infinate number of parallel universes, all in the 11th dimention. remembering dimention is just an area for things to move/exist in. in that dimention the universes are different sizes and theoretically can be any shape too. however size and shape does not determin what the universe is like. as large object may host a universe a trillion times smaller than the universe of a small object. each universe is has its own physical properties, this would make it hard for inter-dimentional travel because you might end up in a universe without atoms or a universe where everything is radioactive! but because there is an infinate number of dimentions there is an infinate number of universes with properties like our own, and possibly an infinate number of clones of our universe. how inter-dimentional travel is possible i dont know, perhaps physicists should prove everything i just said first.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
*Comes backing up Dan*

Aye, string theory has recently been changed to super-string theory, which is basically what Dan was saying about dimensions being contained in other objects. To clear up a few misconceptions; it is not really the eleventh dimension that 'holds' the other universes, it just acts as a sort of hub from which the einstienian bridge can be crossed.

M theory is, to put it simply, that every decision must be made in some universe and thus "creates" universes in order to accomplish this. I, for one, do not really think this is all too possible nor likely, but there is currently no proof one way or the other so really anyone could be right or wrong.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
Yes, there are a couple of different ones; Each dimension holds its own set of laws of physics, so in each universe a seperate type of existance is created. This means there could easily be stuff that we would call elemental planes, or places where all things are microcosms.

Then there is the popular notion put forth by comic books, wherein each seperate universe has completely new and different history. This is most easily seen in the forementioned comic books as well as the show Sliders.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
lol malufa u have leet posts! 1337! w00t!

i have heard of the slow sliders but never seen it.

as for dimentions, well chances are there are other dimentions, but we dont really know, its all mathematics atm. as for travel between them, well its going to be a thing of debate. it means having to travel through or across dimentions which is already in debate. like if you can travel "through" time. its all a bit complex for me... still to answer you questions

xdI77IHdx said:
IS there another place in time where there are people just like us but slightly different but what creates a parallel universe?


xdI77IHdx said:
is it possible we could travel to another parallel universe

Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
Crossing the einsteinian bridge is the current belief, which oddly enough was in Sliders. Could be something different, for now, it is, as you say, academic.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
True, Eistenian bridges have been proven, what happens when they have been crossed has not. However, we have really good reason to believe that doing so goes into an alternate 'dimension' as in an alternate reality.

If you wanted to be anal you can also talk about how we have not proved blackholes to exist, or that the universe even exists. I mean hell, if we wanted to we could debate for months over whether or not anyone is even real. Ask Dan, we have done exactly that before. It cannot be done, so why bother worrying about sucvh trivial details?
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