Do need some save/load code experts

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Level 2
Mar 23, 2010
I'm designing an RPG type map and I know how to do most of the things i need to make it interesting, except one minor thing.....

I don't know how to put save/load codes into my map like the other RPG maps.

Does anyone here know how to do that?
Level 2
Nov 16, 2008
A save-load code basically is an string which stores data for later use. Usually they have an encryption which changes the value of for examples sake "a" by positive 3, so it would then be "d" this is done by converting each character into an array the changng the current array instance so that it would be 3 extra.

Character[1] ="a"

then if you add 3 you would get

Character[4] ="d"

Once the code goes through encryption it is then retyped by the player to load, i'd suggest using the substring function to decode it using the oppisite value to the encryption(if the encryption value is 3 then decryption is -3).

Or you could go with one of the premade codes out there such as:
Save/Load 1
Save/Load 2
Save/Load 3
Save/Load 4
Save/Load 5
Save/Load 6
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