District 99 v1.13

District 99
by Skeedish
Post apocalyptic asskickery
Current stage of the map: Late beta
Map is protected


Summary of the map/gameplay objectives
Pick a class, kill prawns, destroy Ziggurats, fight the other team to kill ANC Bosses, fight the other team to score points with a Rugby Ball at Hillbrow.


First team to 350 points wins. The gameplay cycle goes as follows:

1. Destroy a Ziggurat - an ANC will spawn
2. Kill the ANC - it will drop a Rugby Ball
3. Take the Rugby Ball to the centre of the map (at the Hillbrow Tower) and hold position to score points
4. Repeat

Each ANC (Boss) they kill gives +15 points. Each Rugby Ball has 35 charges - while at the centre of the map (The "Hillbrow Tower") the balls will convert one charge into +1 points every 2 seconds until that Rugby Ball is used up. Players can be killed while holding a ball, and then the other team can pick it up and use it to score points.

* Map features:
-AoS style creep spawn paths with a difference: There are two types of "lane creeps" which spawn: Type 1 are allied to the bosses and are hostile to ALL human players. Type 2 are allied to ALL human players. Line of sight is shared by NEITHER of these types with human players. Line of sight is given to EVERY player of BOTH Type 1 AND Type 2's Towers - Ziggurats and Police Stations respectively.

The creep paths are Type 1 (Prawns) vs Type 2 (Metro Police). Whenever a creep spawning tower is destroyed, the tower will relocated to a random point within 7500 of the centre of the map, thus dynamically changing the creep paths as the game progresses.

-The map contains three types of Runes: MOERSA DAMAGE, POES-GROOT ARMOUR and BLIKSEM VINNIG Runes. These runes give bonuses to the carrying player, but when the carrier dies they will drop the rune (if it has remaining charges) and other players may pick it up.

-Players can buy items like in normal AoS maps (Recipes etc) but the map has a new class of item: "Ammo". Each player can buy one different ammo at a time to compliment their playing style. Ammo is used up with attacks.

-Bosses and Type 1 creeps (Enemy) spawn with one of 9 random creep abilities - things like from extra fast, increased damage/armour, a cleaving attack etc. These are made known to players via a colour change in the unit's team colour.

Bots/AI/Computer Players are supported and are great for learning how to play.

Bots are programmed (in order of preference) to
A. Score points
B. Try survive
C. Take Rugby Balls to the Hillbrow Tower
D. Kill ANC
E. Kill towers

Bots also buy Gloves of the Rainbow Nation, and upgrade them to Cosatu's Equality.
A HUGE thank you to General Frank for his Space Orcs of the 5th Generation model pack, Pheonix-IV for his Goblin Pack model pack, Mc ! for his Fel Goblin and Goblin Flying Chair models, abriko for his Zergicid model, Pyramidhe@d for his Ripper, Iron Knight and Sentient Gold Pot models, Thrikodius for his Ammo Box model, WILLTHEALMIGHTY for his Ground Explosion and Rocket models, Bon_Jovi for his Artillery Round model, infrenus for his Reborn model, Ampharos_222 for his Infernal Knight, Calcium Behemoth, Hominicle, Fel Orc Brutelord, Kubilla, Dullahan and Razor Armed Automaton models, Tarrasque for his Inferno Knight model, sPy for his Venemous Aura, shiik for his Mountain Legend skin, Dioniist for his Astherotian Disciple model and shiik for the skin, Paladon for his Jump, Knockback and Shockwave code, and RMX For his Imbody code. Awesome stuff.
v1.13 Changelog:

- New Pub, and the pubs are now split up into INT/STR/AGI. Various hotkeys have also been reassigned for picking heroes.
- The Nigerian Beetle Pimp's Pimp Hand ability now deals AOE damage equal to the hit points gained.
- Groot Ouen's Vinnig Skieter now only gives +30% attack speed per level.
- The North Korean's Railgun now costs 150 mana and has a mana increase of +15 per level, as opposed to 100/+10.
- Increased the damage bonus from the Beer Tankard from +25% to +30%.
- The Champion Braai Knight's Burnt at the Stake's Stake is now invulnerable.
- The Rocketeer's Meltabomb now gives a -2 armour penalty at all levels.
- Trees will no longer respawn if a Hero or ANC member is within 250 of the tree.
- Heroes can no longer pawn the Gem of True Sight, Orb of the "Greater Good", or Orb of the Fascist Communist.
- Fixed the Hero Damage tooltip on Beerfest.

Thanks to Ampharos_222 for his Kubilla and Dullahan models, sPy for his Venemous Aura, shiiK for his Mountain Legend skin, Mc ! for his Burning One model, Dionesiist for his Astherotian Disciple and shiik for the skin.

Download the District 99 v1.13 Map Pack, featuring Beerfest, Christmas, District and Easter:

District 99 Map Pack v1.13 Download Links:

Have fun! :D


africa, anc, awesome, badass, beer, boer, bull, bulls, bunny, christmas, corruption, district 9, easter, egg, greed, malema, manto, marine, poverty, r

District 99 v1.13 (Map)

10:28, 7th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: A really neat type of map, not quite the AOS everyone knows, it features AI players and it can get very interesting with multiple people. Some more polishing (tooltips) and maybe a few custom abilities will earn...




10:28, 7th Sep 2011
A really neat type of map, not quite the AOS everyone knows, it features AI players and it can get very interesting with multiple people.
Some more polishing (tooltips) and maybe a few custom abilities will earn you 5/5.
Mention in the description if the map is protected or not.



This is not like any AOS at all, There's no fixed base for a team, the creeps spawn at random locations across the whole map and the ziggurats you're supposed to destroy also move and are not at a fixed location.
The map's idea is really awesome and kinda original, the humor is just a sweet bonus ^_^
The bots are just an awesome feature, you will never be alone again <3
Although the abilities aren't that custom, there's also no ultimate for a hero :<
Oh and 'Groot Ammo' is supposed to increase your dmg, but you can only target enemy units and it damages them.
There are also super-duper runes on the map, which really help you against enemy heroes.
The skill hotkeys are also bound to QWER, which is always nice.


The environment is really neat, there's a lot of terrain tile variation, not empty at all, a lot of palms, very deserty like environment.
The rivers are also smoothly done.


There's a tip command, which is nice, however it just tells you the objective.
It would be nice if there were actual tips shown on the screen overtime with really helpful hints.
The loading screen looks nice and is helpful.

*Vinnig Skieter's tooltip isn't exactly understandable
*Not a lot model/icon imports

Rating: 4/5
Level 5
Oct 20, 2010
Awesome, thanks for the good review. Glad you liked the humor and the bot support :D

Some tooltips have some Afrikaans in them for a few laughs - that why "Vinnig Skieter" isn't completely comprehensible unless you are from South Africa. Perhaps I should make it a bit clearer for those who don't speak the language...

Shot for all the comments - they will be worked on :)

About the "AOS" classification of it... it not an AOS, granted, but its also not any other type of map. It does have many similarities to an AOS though, and saying "Misc/Other" isn't a very helpful description. :)
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Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
this looks good, gonna play it soon...
also why did you release 4 vers so fast? xD
it would be better if you release 1 each month...

i tried it in single player and this was quite good...ANC Bosses were too hard..or is it cause of single player?
when the game starts why do we have to w8 15 sec to pick a hero...? it's boring to w8...or atleast lower it to 5-6 seconds...
another think that i don't like is the item recipe system-.-
especially when playing a new map and don't know which shop has them item i need to combine them...
i sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hate it *_* (but it's just me)
Beer Tankard
"Also causes the hero to believe he is the sexiest thing alive."
hahaha that was hillarious xD

i was always so bad at reviewing a map so don't blame me xD

good luck and happy map editing ;)

zOMG this is my 700th post!! xD

i liked your map so i tried it with other heroes too :D
as it looks like the hero i got the first time was pretty weak...
Riflemanne is pretty good against ANC...
Ancient Djembe Drum of Endurance
+10% attack speed
IMO you should include a "does not stack" or "stacks" ;D
Last edited:
Level 5
Oct 20, 2010
this looks good, gonna play it soon...
also why did you release 4 vers so fast? xD
it would be better if you release 1 each month...

i tried it in single player and this was quite good...ANC Bosses were too hard..or is it cause of single player?
when the game starts why do we have to w8 15 sec to pick a hero...? it's boring to w8...or atleast lower it to 5-6 seconds...
another think that i don't like is the item recipe system-.-
especially when playing a new map and don't know which shop has them item i need to combine them...
i sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hate it *_* (but it's just me)

hahaha that was hillarious xD

i was always so bad at reviewing a map so don't blame me xD

good luck and happy map editing ;)

zOMG this is my 700th post!! xD

i liked your map so i tried it with other heroes too :D
as it looks like the hero i got the first time was pretty weak...
Riflemanne is pretty good against ANC...

IMO you should include a "does not stack" or "stacks" ;D
Thanks! Glad you like the map :D

The four different versions are different maps, all with the same heroes, items, modes and mechanics. Think of it as similar to a FPS like Unreal Tournament where you play the same game every time, just on different maps. Each map has a unique flavour and layout, supplying different playing experiences. Easter and Beerfest are also smaller, so can be played comfortably with fewer people.

Did you play single player with bots added? Try different techniques for taking down ANC members: don't try to take them on 1v1 - get your team or wait for the Metro Police to join the assault. Maybe try the "Easy Mode" by having Player 1 type "-em" during the first 15 seconds. Easy mode isn't as well balanced, but offers a good introduction to the game's systems.

The 15 seconds wait is so that players can have a bit of time to asses the layout of the Ziggurats (as they change each game) and adapt a team strategy to take them down most efficiently. Also Player 1 can set the game mode during this time, similar to Dota.

The recipes aren't too complicated, you should get the hang of them after a few games. :)

What was the first hero you tried? I'll have a look at it.

Thanks for the suggestions - always welcome! :)