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Level 5
Jun 26, 2008

If you have looked at my other story called Order (what I have finished so far) you will see connections between the two from the very beginning because I made obvious but even if you haven't looked at Order you will still completely understand this when its done without every having to look at Order. but enough of my babbling enjoy the story as I write it and tell me what you think.

Prologue: Fire in the sky

He watched the explosions lace across the sky while he sat on a park bench, it was the very same park bench he had sat on years and years ago to tell his story... back when he thought he had finished his job. But he had come to realize something since then...Humanity would never learn its lessons, where their was a difference their would always be a conflict for them.

Victor... Victor Augustus had once been his name, he had discarded it after years of shame and emotional agony and now wore a new name... Sun Storm. He had shed his old life and he had shed the pain from it, this new name allowed him to forget, to pretend it had never happened...

He stood and pulled his black fur coat tight around him and threw the top hat he wore off his head and let the soft wind caress his hairless scalp. He touched his right cheek with his left hand it was a black tattoo of spade with tendrils that spiraled out from any point or corner on it he touched it so he could always remember who he had been... It was one of the last remaining signs of who he had been. It was the one thing he refused to remove from his body.

Sun Storm carried a ancient revolver in his right hand it looked like it belonged in a museum not as a useable weapon. He didn't care what people thought of his gun It was part of him, it was a fleeting memory of better times and the wars of a just time. He strode down the streets his ancient metal soled boots clanking on the historically preserved cobblestone streets that were now covered in ash and various debris. People cowered in half collapsed houses at the edge of the street starring at him through broken windows with looks of awe, they didn't know who he was and Sun Storm knew that... he didn't purposefully inspire them and hated them for being inspired, he was no hero... he had been once... but it had brought nothing except pain and heart wrenching agony.

The Night sky flared into light and he watched as fire spread across the black night, dissipated in seconds... just as quick as it came. Sun storm stopped to watch it...

The world was in flames... and now the sky was as well, he thought with a smirk before he continued walking. He would not help them like he had in the past... no they had made him sacrifice everything and they had just forgotten him, they had tried to push him away like a bad memory... They would burn for their mistakes and he would watch...
Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
I really didn't want to write part two but because I misplaced Part 1, I can't continue it. I will probably try to go between the two and half write the other one.

and Victor isn't a villian hes just a little fucked up in the head. (this story doesn't give away the ending of the last one, the reason he is so fucked up is because of the period of time between him telling his story in Part 1 and him living his life in Part 2) What has happened to him will be all be explained, I'm trying to keep the allusion to Part 1 at a minimun so its just enough that people will want to read Order.
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