nope, you are interpretating, bigtime - I did say paintings, I did say wallpapers, obviously pictures of sculptures and such should be considered allowable in the art section too, I think many would agree.
AND I did say that Models, skins and the like is art, but those really should be posted in thier respective forum
There is alot to look at, when analysing the drawings under the art section, and you would be amazed of the shear varaity in style. You can go difficult on yourself and paint some sort of abstract painting, even related to wc3 or just the warcraft universe, but it would be hard to recognize it as good, if it aint really, really good - if you can paint, as an example, please use your abillities to add some more elements to the section, but it figures, that if no one is able to see what you were trying to express, then it would most likely be dismissed as a flop from certain art critics
I think that flash art is allowed to, anyway it should, as should any gif or whatever else could be characterized as digital art. Its quite much, actually that is acknowledged as art, and the only real hatred there is in the section, is against plagurism - you don't see any "hatred" against people who really can't draw, but its a sad thing to see people constantly submitting something they cannot even recognize themselves as "good art", thus thier submission is often requested deleted, and they should really take critisism serious and improve on some level, or maybe try expressing them selves in another way, before submitting again.
That was a little long, but I'm not quite sure as to what you mean, and what answers you seek - anyways, I guess Sopho, being the moderator of the art section, should be able to decide and respond in a more justifying and fullfilling way, BUT HE IS NO WERE TO BE SEEN LATELY :evil: